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NGSS PE HS-PS2-1 Analyze data to support the claim that Newtons
second law of motion describes the mathematical
relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its
mass, and its acceleration
Analyzing Data
PS2.A Forces and Motion

5.1 Science Practices: All students will understand that science is
both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building
enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge.
The four Science Practices strands encompass the knowledge and
reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in
5.2 Physical Science: All students will understand that physical
science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter,
energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense
of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science.

Learning Objectives:
1. Define a coordinate plane as a frame of reference used for motion
2. Identify velocity and acceleration as vector quantities
3. Acceleration is the change in velocity
4. Discriminating between negative and positive acceleration
5. Examine causes for acceleration (ie forces)
6. Examining a faulty idea: wrong students work

Visualizing Motion

1. Draw a vector arrow:

2. What is the difference between
negative and positive velocity?

3. What is the difference between
negative and positive

4. That is a coordinate plane for
horizontal and vertical motion:

5. When an object increases its
velocity (thus, speeding up) in the
positive direction, what is the
direction of acceleration?

6. When an object decreases its

velocity (thus, slowing down) in
the positive direction, what is the
direction of acceleration?

7. Fill in the chart:

velocity acceleration







8. What causes changes in motion?
In other words, what causes an
object to speed up or slow down?

Motion Mapping

Motion Mapping Activity Directions

1. Coordinate Plane:
a. Read each narrative, describing the objects motion.
b. Determine the appropriate coordinate plane (will it be horizontal or
vertical), make the - and + directions on the graph paper segment of
your vector drawing.
2. Vector Drawings:
a. Decide the scale you will be using for your vectors (ie 1m/s = 1
square). and write this on your graph.
b. Draw the velocity vector in blue. Label velocity v, as well as indicate
the velocity changes.
c. Draw the acceleration vector in red, and indicate the numeric


Anton was driving his car north, accelerating at 3m/s each second for 4 seconds.

1m/s = 1 square

a= 3 m/s2 a= 3 m/s2 a= 3 m/s2

v = 3 m/s v = 6 m/s
v = 9 m/s
v = 12m/s

Post Graphing Questions:

1. What is the cars speed after 13s?

2. How did you get your answer to the above question, what was your process?

Practice Problem Set 1

Goal: Draw relative arrow length and direction
correct for scenario.

1. Show an object increasing velocity in the
positive direction

2. Show an object increasing velocity in the
negative direction

3. Show an object decreasing velocity in the
positive direction

4. Show an object decrease velocity in the
negative direction

5. Show and object moving downward
(negative direction), increasing velocity

6. Show an object moving upward (positive
direction), decreasing velocity

Motion Mapping

Practice Problem Set 2
Goal: Draw motion maps t hat describe velocity in
the correct coordinate plane.
Indicate correct
direction and quantity of a cceleration.

7. Show an object increasing velocity in the
positive direction by 2m/s each second.

Direction of velocity:

Direction of acceleration:

8. Show an object increasing velocity in the
negative direction by 4 m/s2.

Direction of velocity:

Direction of acceleration:

9. Show an object moving at 10 m/s, decreasing
velocity in the positive direction by 2m/s/s.

Direction of velocity:

Direction of acceleration:

10. Show an object starting from rest, increasing
velocity in the negative direction by 4 m/s2.

Direction of velocity:

Direction of acceleration:
11. Show and object moving downward
(negative direction), increasing velocity at a
rate of 10 m/s each second.

Direction of velocity:
Direction of acceleration:

12. Show an object moving upward at 40m/s

(positive direction), decreasing velocity at a
rate of 10 m/s/s.

Direction of velocity:
Direction of acceleration:

Graph 1: Ashley is late for work, so she increases her speed at a rate of 2m/s2 from rest
for 4s.
3. What direction is Ashley traveling?
4. What is the direction of the velocity?
5. What are the changes in Ashleys
velocity each second?
6. What is the direction of acceleration?
7. Is the acceleration constant or
changing? Why?
8. What causes Ashleys velocity to
increase (ie whats physically happening
to cause her speed to change)?

Graph 2: Antonito is visiting Las Vegas, and decides to join the parachuting Elvis jumpers.
When he jumps out of the plane, he accelerates at 10m/s2.

9. What are the changes in Antonios

velocity each second?
10. What is the direction of acceleration?
11. Is the acceleration constant or
changing? Why?
12. What causes Antonios velocity to
increase (ie whats causes his speed to

Graph 3: Avery is traveling in a negative direction at 12 m/s and she sees a stop sign, she
immediately begins to slow down her car at a rate of 3m/s each second.

13. What are the changes in Averys

velocity each second?
14. What is the direction of acceleration?
15. What is the direction of velocity?
16. Is the acceleration constant or
changing? Why?
17. What causes Averys velocity to
increase (ie whats causes his speed to

Motion Mapping

Name ___________________________________________ Period _____________ Date ___________________
Motion Mapping Learning Self Assessment
Write a real life short scenario to describe the technical mapping information.
Map the motion of the object using the directions used in the practice.

1. Technical Information: object moving the
positive direction, increases its velocity at 1
m/s each second. (2pts)
2. Technical Information: object moving the
negative direction, increases its velocity at 1
m/s each second. (2pts)

3. Technical Information: object moving at 5m/s
in the positive direction, decreases its velocity
at 1 m/s each second. (2pts)

4. Technical Information: object dropped at rest,
accelerates at 10m/s2. (2pts)

5. There are three errors in this students motion map. Circle them, and indicate what
is incorrect and how to correct it.

Technical Information:
A student throws a ball upward; the
ball leaves his hand at 30m/s. It
travels for 3s upward to rest,
accelerating downward at 10m/s2.

10m/s = 1 box
a = 10m/s2
a = 10m/s2
a = 10m/s2

6. If gravity is a force, if the strength of
this force stays the same (because gravity doesnt change how string it is), how
does this affect the acceleration of a falling object? (2 pt)

7. Fill in the table. (3pts)

Increasing Velocity
Decreasing Velocity
Increasing Velocity
Decreasing Velocity
Constant Velocity
Constant Velocity





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