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PO1, CO3, C6
From lab to production plant: Biotechnology industry, production systems, scale-up
considerations, downstream processing
1. Group is pair of 2 students.
2. Students may chose any topics related to the above given question.
3. Students MUST email progress on week 4. 10% marks are gone without the
submission of progress by Friday 8am, on week 4.
4. On week 10 students MUST upload their assignment in the TURNITIN to check for
plagiarism. Details will be provided later.
5. Dateline of submission in week 11, Friday 10am or 40% marks are gone.
6. Random sport check on the progress will be done from time to time.
7. Students MUST answer survey given in order to complete this assignments
instruction. Survey will be given later.
8. Marks of the survey will be 5% contributing to final assignment marks.


The World Health Organization [WHO] suppositions (of a number) that 884 million
individuals worldwide don't have admittance to clean drinking water. Over portion of these
individuals live in creating African nations where the aftereffects of drinking unclean water
represent a huge number of passings every year. Kids, 5 years or more youthful, are the most
equipped for being harmed. Previously, drinking unclean water ordinarily implied high
hazard to diarrheal disorders brought about by microorganisms or infections. Today, drinking
unclean water can mean much, considerably more.(Rowell, 2012)
With the constantly progressing and expanding mechanical exercises in creating
countries over the globe, water quality in the most bankrupted ranges has turned out to be
progressively more awful. Natural contamination by poisonous overwhelming metal sullying
because of quick industrialization is a testing issue for keeping up the quality and cleanliness
of water. The releases of mechanical effluents into oceanic environment cause a potential risk
to the amphibian life and in addition human wellbeing, which is a matter of extraordinary
worry because of their harmful nature and unfriendly impact. (Aakanksha Darge, 2015) The
dirtied water does not stay reasonable for drinking reason and causes infections in individual
alongside influencing the widely flora and fauna unfavorably. (Shivprasad H. Majumdar,
Mercury, lead, copper, iron, and other normally happening metals discover their way
into our water sources by both characteristic and man-made means, for example, farming and
mechanical waste and overflow. They are deadly to us and the disastrous part is that they
develop in our bodies gradually after some time. Lead and mercury specifically develop and
can harm the sensory system and, particularly, our cerebrum. (Crouse, 2014) Thus, water of
high caliber is crucial to sound human life. In this way, manageable evacuation of these
undesirable contaminants and overwhelming metals has turned into a noteworthy test for

Figure 1: Causes of water pollution (Annonymous, 2010)

Water sanitization is one of the most ideal approaches to help the eras out to conquer
the issue. Various systems are accessible to decontaminate water yet treatment office for all
dirtying sources is troublesome furthermore costly. The routine techniques for metal
expulsion from water is incorporate lessening, precipitation, particle trade, electrochemical
diminishment, and opposite osmosis. The vast majority of them include high capital expenses
with repeating costs, which are not reasonable for little scale commercial ventures.
(Shivprasad H. Majumdar, 2016) Normally, designs use aluminum oxide, silica, cellulose or
different intends to concentrate overwhelming metals however these are costly and not
promptly accessible. They additionally have reactions of their own. For instance, charcoal
channels out debasements yet fundamentally it can just get greater pieces, so it's not that
powerful. Adsorption with initiated carbon is broadly connected for expulsion of
overwhelming metals at follow levels. (Huang and Blankenship, 1984). Despite the
versatility of carbon adsorbents in water treatment, it remains costly.
In bio method might be potential hotspots for delivering bio adsorbents. The
procedure of bio adsorbents is exceptionally basic. Furthermore, it is shabby, promptly
accessible and easy to utilize. Distinctive bio adsorbents have been produced utilized for

evacuation of overwhelming metals. Some of them incorporate rice straw, ocean weed, bark
and wood, tea waste maize corn cob, jatropha oil cake, saw dust, rice husk, sunflower stem
and so on. Peels of a few vegetables and organic products can likewise be utilized as bio
adsorbents. In natural product peel banana peels indicates high adsorption limit. It is found
that the most extreme productivity of expulsion of substantial metal is 60% and 70%
separately. (Singhal et al 2014 and Annadurai et al 2002).
This work reports the capability of banana peel as adsorbents for expulsion of
contaminations including substantial metals from water and to make it consumable. The
deposits of banana peel can be handled and changed over to be adsorbent since they have
huge surface ranges, high swelling limits, superb mechanical qualities, and are helpful to
utilize and can possibly adsorb.

Biotechnology Industry
While the banana peel has a notoriety of quite recently being a dangerous peril, it is
really valuable for some things - Ranging from use as manure to curing warts and
notwithstanding, cleaning shoes and silver. Presently for reasons unknown, it can even expel
overwhelming metals from water.
The revelation was made by Brazilian ecological researcher and banana sweetheart
Gustavo Castro. Castro said that, despite the fact that the peels were tried just on copper and
lead, the material could likewise deal with cadmium, nickel and zinc. However, he cautioned
that this kind of channel is more qualified to modern purposes and can't be utilized for water
purging at home as the extraction limit of banana skins relies on upon the molecule size of the
overwhelming metals and this is hard to quantify. (Annonymous, 2011)
The Sao Paulo University specialist had heard that the most nutritious part of the
banana was not within, but rather the apparently futile skin, and chose to research if that was
without a doubt genuine. His tests uncovered the nearness of nitrogen, sulfur and above all,
natural mixes like carboxylic acids that have the ability of authoritative with metals that they
interact with. (Dolasia, 2011)
It is likewise found that 97% of lead was expelled from 9 liters of water with 90ml
lead concentrate (100:1) and remained clung to the banana peels. The aftereffects of the
study relates to different studies in Brazil, Taiwan and Thailand, where in banana peels have
been utilized for ingestion and filtration of overwhelming metal tainted water. (Anonymous,
2014) The utilization of banana skins is seen as extremely appealing for water cleansing in
light of minimal effort and the way that no substance change is fundamental for the
procedure to work. (Ridden, 2011)
Banana peel which consider as natural product waste has been tried for the expulsion
of aggregate sulfide from spring water in Heet region, Iraq. The synthetic organization of
peels was explored. The outcomes demonstrate that the piece comprises of Sodium,
Potassium, Calcium, Manganese and Phosphate and centralizations of this substance were
18.2mg/g, 62mg/g, 15.4mg/g , 48mg/g and 0.37 mg/g , separately. The alkalinity of peels was
5.2 mg/g and the dampness substance was 5.8 %. The treatment effectiveness was
contemplated as an element of the maintenance time and centralization of sulfide particle.

The greatest sorption for sulfide was observed to be 97% and it was about powerful as
actuated carbon. As an aftereffect of the expulsion procedure, the groupings of some regular
anions, cations and substantial metals (Mg+2,Ca+2,Na+,So4-2,cl-Po4-2, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu and
Zn) diminished ,the centralizations of K+ and Mn expanded . Expanding of centralizations of
K+ and Mn is ascribed to their high substance in the banana peels. (Tahseen Zaidan, 2013)
Banana peels additionally contain nitrogen, sulfur, and carboxylic acids; the acids are
in charge of the peels' capacity to tie the lethal metals and expel them from the water. On
account of the high number of these acids in the peels, can banana peels expel the
contaminants, as well as they can do it pretty much also, and at times better, than more costly
innovative choices and it's simple. With no specialized planning, dried banana peels
effectively evacuate metals. (Pandharipande and Deshpande 2013)
In regions in South America and sub-Saharan Africa where bananas are a typical asset
and sullied water is a typical issue, banana peels offer a maintainable and handy approach to
expel dangerous metals from drinking water. By utilizing the same banana peels up to 11
times without substitution, families can effectively minimize their danger of introduction.
Peels can sanitize water if inundated in it for 24 hour and making it drinkable.
Banana peels don't slaughter parasites or microbes, and they aren't going to shield
kids from infections. In any case, banana peels may offer a huge number of families around
the globe the chance to drink water free of substantial metals.

Figure 2: Banana peels that have ability to bind heavy metals


Downstream processing
Banana peels contain nitrogen, sulfur, and carboxylic acids; the acids are in charge of
the peels' capacity to tie the poisonous metals and expel them from the water. As a result of
the high number of these acids in the peels, can banana peels evacuate the contaminants, as
well as they can do it pretty much also, and now and again better, than more costly
innovative choices. Also, it's simple. With no specialized readiness, dried banana peels
effectively evacuate metals. (Ridden, 2011)
Examines demonstrate that the greatest results were accomplished at ten minutes so
there truly isn't any motivation to give it a chance to sit any more. An astonishing point that
was found amid examination is the banana peels can be utilized as water channels up to 11
times and still be compelling in restricting substantial metals. Be that as it may, banana peels
don't execute parasites or microscopic organisms, and they aren't going to shield youngsters
from infections. Banana peels just may offer a large number of families around the globe the
chance to drink water free of overwhelming metals. (Dolasia, 2011)
So in order to kill the parasites or bacteria, we can use UV water purification. UV
frameworks can pulverize 99.99% of unsafe microorganisms without including chemicals or
changing the water's taste or smell. It is one of the four techniques for purification affirmed by
the United States FDA. UV has turned out to be a fast, solid and financially savvy technique for
sanitizing water for both purpose of utilization and purpose of passage.
Bright (UV) is a sheltered, spotless, simple to-keep up strategy for guaranteeing that
water is free of microscopic organisms. UV Water Purification utilizes Ultraviolet light, much
the same as daylight, to kill miniaturized scale living beings that might be in the water. It is a
demonstrated innovation that has no critical disadvantages. In a few applications, its underlying
expense is more than chlorination, but since of its low working cost, it rapidly pays for itself. It
is naturally agreeable and basically inconvenience free. Most bright water treatment
frameworks require just a yearly change of light as straightforward as changing a light and
an occasional change of the channel cartridge.
Ultraviolet or UV is a type of energy found in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying
between x-rays and visible light. Although we cannot see UV light or rays, we are exposed to
them every time we step out into the sun. In fact, UV light is responsible for causing sunburns.

Ultraviolet systems use special lamps or bulbs that emit UV light of a particular wavelength.
The Ultraviolet energy attacks the genetic core of the microorganism and rearranges the
DNA /RNA eliminating the microorganism's ability to function and reproduce. If the
microorganism can no longer reproduce, it cannot replicate, therefore it cannot infect other
organisms with which has contact. The process is simple but effective, destroying 99.99 percent
of harmful microorganisms without adding chemicals to the water.
The quality or appropriateness of both the UV light and of the 'contact ', are crucial to
accomplish disinfection. It is important to properly 'size' the UV based upon the application. It
is equally important to use a good pre-filter to remove any dirt or debris that may be present in
the raw water supply. This dirt and debris can interfere with the effectiveness of the UV rays
virtually giving the microorganism a shield to protect them when passing the UV rays. The
keyword here is quality. System manufacturers strongly recommend that any pre and post
filters be replaced at specified periods and that the UV lamp is replaced on an annual basis or
after 9,000 hours of use -- whichever comes first. (Labs, 2016)
There are some very important reasons why both homeowners and industry are choosing
UV technology to treat their water. This is because it highly effective. For over 25 years, UV
technology has been trusted as a safe, cost-effective way to purify water and eliminate harmful
microorganisms. It is a proven EPA endorsed technology that is currently being used by
thousands of cities, bottled water manufacturers, industries and homeowners around the world.

Chemical free: UV provides water purification without the addition of harmful

chemicals such as chlorine. It also avoids the potential of generating harmful chemical
disinfection by products. Recent EPA guidelines are forcing cities across the United States
to reduce or eliminate the use of chlorine for exactly this reason.

Taste & odour free: UV does not change the taste, odour or colour of the water.

More effective than chlorine: Unlike chlorine, UV systems are effective against both
Cryptosporidium and Giardia.

Compact and easy to maintain: UV systems are capable of treating a single faucet
or an entire home in a minimal amount of space with the only maintenance being an
annual lamp and filter replacements.

Successful disinfection depends upon exposing water to a sufficient intensity of UV light

for a sufficient amount of time. Water failing to meet certain general water quality guidelines
may reduce the effectiveness of a system. For a UV system to work effectively the water must
be pre-filtered to exclude any particles larger than 5 microns (nominal) in size. This prefiltration assures that particles large enough to block the UV light do not pass through the
system. If they do the particles can act as a shield between the microorganism and the UV light
protecting the microorganism and allowing it to pass into the product water unharmed and
So as a conclusion, we can purify our water that have contaminated by using 2 things
banana peels that binds the heavy metals and UV water purification that kills bacteria and

Figure 3: UV water purification (Crouse, 2014)

1. Aakanksha Darge, S. J. (2015, July 7). Treatment of Industrial Wastewater by using.




2. Annonymous. (2010, April 21). Causes of water pillution. Retrieved May 12, 2016, from
3. Annonymous. (2011). Banana peel can purify water, say scientist. Retrieved May 16,
2016, from
4. Anonymous. (2014). Banana peels can help in water purification, study affirms.




5. Crouse, T. (2014, May 5). The Bizarre Use of Banana Peels for Your Survival Water.




6. Dolasia, M. (2011, November 27). Banana Peels - The New Water Purifier? Retrieved



7. Labs,










8. Ridden, P. (2011, March 14). Banana peels can be used to purify water. Retrieved May
12, 2016, from
9. Rowell, C. (2012, March 19). Using banana peels to remove metals from polluted water:
an aPEELING option. Retrieved May 12, 2016, from
10. Shivprasad H. Majumdar, N. V. (2016, April 22). Devising an economical water










11. Tahseen Zaidan, E. S. (2013). Banana Peel as Removal Agent for Sulfide from Sulfur









12. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, W. (2012, August 27). Structures of
chlorophyll catabolites in bananas (Musa acuminata) reveal a split path of chlorophyll










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