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Hotel Rwanda

Movie Review

Author: Willie Rogers

This book is about the

Rwanda genocide, and the
Hutus thought that the
Tutsis killed there president, and they were going
to make them pay for it.
There was a couple that
was Hutu and Tutsi the
guy was the Hutu and the
women was a Tutsi. Once
the Hutus found out his
wife and kids were Tutsi
he tried to kill them and
the husband Paul had to
bribe them with money
not to kill his family. After he bribed them he took
his family to a hotel that
he was the manager of,
once he took his family
there almost every day
more and more people
kept coming. The UN officers offered to help

I think that this book

was a good book. The
part I really liked was
when he would do everything to save the people.

them. some Hutus helped

them as well but they had
to be bribed. Once the
hotel was filled the water
had been cut off and they
had to use the water from
there pool to cook there
food. The un officers tried
to help the escape the first
time and pauls wife and
family/friends were almost killed by the hutus.
Then a week later they
were taken to camps and
they were looking for his
wifes brothers kids and
they looked didn't find
them and they got on the
bus but someone found
them for them and told
them so they got off the
bus and took the kids with

A connection between
the movie and the book
is they deal with the
same thing. Theres a guy
trying to save people.

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