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By: Kyle Beal

What is
immigration- The action of coming to live in a foreign country, some
people find no problem with that but other people have a problem with
that because an increase in population effects things like taxes, and if
taxes increase the more the citizens will have to pay.

Against Immigration
According to Christina Silva many People are against immigration
because native born people lose opportunities at jobs because
immigrants are taking them. Many people agree that native born comes
first not the immigrants.

Against Immigration
According to Jens Krogstad people also dont like immigration because it
would change the U.S. demographic structure. People from the nation
will have way different beliefs and different ways of living. They believe
those born from those immigrants will have a different view on life than
a U.S. born child.

in favor of immigration
There is also people who have no problem with immigration. They have
no problem with it because immigrants that come here come to better
themselves so why take that opportunity from them it wouldn't be fair.
They also believe they help because those who are hired are
contributing to the U.S. income.

In favor of immigration
According to Morris. M people favor immigration because they make our
nation stronger by adding to the population, and it cost money to police
immigration when money could be spent somewhere else.

interest groups for

American Justice center
Justice for Immigrants
National Immigration Forum
Americas Voice
Fair Immigration reform Movement
Service Employees International Union

interest groups against

California Coalition Immigration Reforms
American Immigration Control Foundation
Voices Of Citizens Together
National Immigration For European American Rights

My opinion on immigration
I think immigration should not become illegal because its only making
our nation stronger as generations of immigrants grow our beliefs
become theirs. They start to have similar values and morals as
americans. They bring in money for the U.S. as well because they work
just like Americans. Only reason why most people say no to immigration
because they stereotype everyone of the same race or same beliefs
when that's not the case everyone is different, people of a certain
ethnicity should not be discriminated against based on a stereotype.

my opinion continued
Not everyone doesn't agree with it for the reason but its one of the
bigger ones. Yea immigrants may be taking native jobs but Americans
forced the real native americans out so least we can do is share what
we acquired. I feel like America should allow immigration because
people leave their own nation to come to ours, that's really
complimenting the U.S..

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