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Origins of

By: Andrew Lopez

Magna Carta
Hundreds of years before American colonists were against the crown,
rebel nobles in England enlisted the Magna Carta to limit the power
of their own tyrannical monarchKing John. While the Magna Carta,
signed in 1215, primarily secured liberties for Englands elite classes,
its language protecting due process and without absolute monarchy
has guided the important principles of common law in constitutions
around the world for the last 800 years.

1685: Succession of James II

On 6 February Charles II died and was succeeded by his
brother, the Catholic James II.

1686: Repeal of the Test Acts

1687: Declaration of Indulgence

1688: The Glorious Revolution

The Glorious Revolution ultimately established the

supremacy of parliament over the British monarchy.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 replaced the
reigning king, James II, with the joint monarchy of his
protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, William
of Orange.
It was the keystone of the Whig opposed to a Catholic
history of Britain.

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