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Connie Gilbert

Internship Plan
Standard 1: Visionary Leadership
Goal: To increase my knowledge of planning, implementing, and revising the school
improvement process.
Activity: (Leadership) I will lead the building Steering Committee meetings in aligning all
goals, activities, and professional development to the building and district improvement
Activity: (Participation) I will participate on the school improvement team and be involved
in helping implement school improvement goals.
Activity: (Observation) I will sit in on meetings involving Central Office delegating tasks on
the school improvement process to building administrators and teaching them how to write
school improvement goals.
Timeline: These activities/meetings will take place periodically throughout the next year
and a half.
Support Needed: The ability to attend administrative meetings on the school improvement

Standard 2: Cultural and Instructional Leadership

Goal: Develop my ability to lead instructional improvement in the building and district.
Activity: (Leadership) I will lead the building Steering Committee in planning Professional
Learning Days.
Activity: (Participation) I will participate in the PLC which will be aligning the district math
curriculum to the Common Core Standards, creating common assessments for the district,
and uploading them to Rubicon Atlas for stakeholders to access.
Activity: (Participation) I will participate in the building PLC focusing on instructional
rounds. I will observe other teaching staff with the purpose of improving my own teaching
practice and sharing best practices with other staff members.
Activity: (Observation) I will sit in on interviews where administration is hiring new
Timeline: These activities will take place over the next two years.
Support Needed: Release time will be needed to complete the curriculum work.
Administration will need to invite me to sit in on interviews.

Standard 3: Management

Goal: To increase my knowledge of managing a school as well as developing my

instructional leadership skills.
Activity: (Leadership/Participation) I will participate in the district BRIDGE pilot group
(the group piloting the new teacher evaluation system). I will pilot ways to showcase student
growth in my classroom and share results with the rest of the district cohort and building
teaching staff.
Activity: (Leadership) I will lead the building Steering Committee in planning Professional
Learning Days, ensuring they are focused on instruction.
Activity: (Observation) I will sit in on administrative meetings focusing on organizational
safety and fiscal matters.
Timeline: These activities will occur over the next two years.
Support Needed: Invitation to attend administrative meetings/release time if necessary.

Standard 4: Collaboration with Stakeholders

Goal: To gain an understanding of community involvement and communication in the
school district and individual schools.
Activity: (Observation) I will attend a parent council meeting.
Activity: (Observation) I will attend a district town hall meeting where the community will
be updated on facilities.
Activity: (Participation) I will participate in gathering data from stakeholders when
necessary for our building via surveys, etc.
Timeline: I will attend the meetings as they occur and help with gathering data when
Support Needed: Administration will need to keep me informed of what help is needed.

Standard 5: Ethical Behavior

Goal: To increase my knowledge of ethical leadership behaviors in schools.
Activity: (Observation) I will shadow the Dean of Students (who deals with attendance and
behavior issues) for a day.
Activity: (Participation) I will meet with building principals to discuss ways in which they
model self-awareness of ethical behavior.
Activity: (Participation) I will become involved in a social justice committee within the
Timeline: Schedule dates sometime in the next year.
Support Needed: Release time to shadow administration.

Standard 6: Advocating for Student Success

Goal: Become aware of avenues in which to stay informed of changes in education and
increase my knowledge of ways to advocate for student success.
Activity: (Participation) I will attend/advocate for students at school building BEST
intervention meetings; become involved in committees which are revamping to look at best
interventions for students.
Activity: (Observation/Participation) I will attend an Oakland Schools Teaching and
Learning Council Meeting to gain knowledge of upcoming issues and trends from Michigan
Department of Ed.
Activity: (Observation) I will attend school board meetings to stay informed of upcoming
Activity: (Observation/Participation) I will attend district principals meetings to stay
informed of upcoming changes.
Activity: (Participation) I will become more informed of political changes happening at the
state and federal level through current media avenues.
Timeline: Attend meetings throughout the next two years and immediately start to read
more about trends in education.
Support Needed: Release time to attend meetings that occur during the teaching day.

Standard 7: Application of Knowledge/Internship Experience

Goal: To gain as much experience from my mentor and other administrators as possible
about leading a building and school district.
Activity: (Participation) I will meet/have contact with my mentor on a regular basis to
discuss the activities in the internship experience.
Timeline: The activities will occur over a two year span.
Support Needed: My mentor will need to meet with me periodically and help me gain
release time when necessary as well as provide opportunities for me to be in leadership
positions where I can practice applying what I have learned.

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