Iltagenda 02112016

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ILT Agenda

Skyline High School
Meeting Notes Template
Cohort Name: ILT

Location: Ms. Litwins Room (21)

Time: 3:20 - 4:20pm

Attendance and Roles

Facilitator: Seaberg/Sifuentes
Process Checker:
Administrator: Seaberg, Sifuentes
Collaborative Norms and Agreements:

Report back to departments what we discussed

Report from departments what needs to be discussed/shared (and tied to specific goals/data)
Measurable goals to report on (something that is expected to happen by the next time we meet)
Staying present and engaged
Open to cross-curricular ideas
Equal participation (all voices heard)
Agenda needs to be set before meeting

These agreements create a frame to help us build our habit of working well together building a sense of trust, mutual respect,
and shared purpose. These qualities are essential for any organization to reach the goals we have before us to get all of our
students well prepared for a productive and healthy life after high school.
Collaborative Group Vision
The Instructional Leadership Teams primary role at Skyline is to help lead the schools effort at supporting
the improvement of teaching and learning with an explicit goal of raising student achievement for all
students and narrowing achievement gaps.
The ILT makes recommendations about the schools instructional program to the schools Administrative
Team, and then leads the implementation of a sound instructional focus through effective use of professional
development and collaboration time.




Meeting Notes
Record discussion, decisions, and questions.

I. Check-in

Admin or

(5 minutes)

whip around - introduction

What are you doing for yourself this weekend?
Anya: plan on sleeping
Patrick: hiking
Heather: IB training in chicago/ working
Nikki: sleep & hiking
Jane: see a film (part of film club) in the city
Toniesha: Valentines day - have pizza &
watch Straight out of Compton
Vanessa: let her husband surprise her with
something nice
Lauren: Valentines - Deadpool movie & then
to Tahoe for the weekend
Carlisa: running a race
Shane: Carmel for the weekend
Megan: see friends
Amanda: going to Chicago for IB/ working/
doing at least one fun thing
Anna: Meeting with 2nd cousin

II. Roles,


(2 minutes)

III. Survey


(8 minutes)

(Intro and Move to the end of the meeting)

Please bring your laptop/tablet
complete by no later than Monday afternoon

IV. Upcoming


(5 minutes)

February 17 Department Meetings

Please share your agenda with the
admin team by Monday, Feb. 15 (No
school that day)
Please share notes with the admin
team by Thursday, February 18.

Next Steps
If applicable
Do those nice things

V. Ongoing



WASC Self-Study Jigsaw

If you get a chance before our meeting on
Thursday, please look over the following
chapter of the WASC Self Study Report:
Chapter IV: Self-Study Findings (Page 48)
A: Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance,
Leadership and Staff, and Resources (English)
B: Standards-based Student Learning: Curriculum (History)
C: Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction (Science)
D: Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and
Accountability (Visual Performing Arts)
E: School Culture and Support for Student Personal and
Academic Growth (World Language)
Prioritized Areas of Growth Needs from Categories A
through E (SPED)

What are some of the salient points

from the portion you reviewed?
What will be important for your
students and departments to know?
What comments/questions do you

it would help if admin walk department
through with possible questions their
department & students would face.
If your department needs any edits to
their section - let Ms. Seaberg know
It would be helpful to have all acronyms
spelled out and explained to students/
teachers - are they mandatory? What
are they for?

VI. Parking
lot, process
check, &


From prior WASC experience

a list of questions were typed
and provided.
FC was interviewed. WASC
expects evidence available - last
time, staff members struggled to
provide evidence.
The data that is gathered is pulled from
the focus groups
It takes time to go through all of this
Anya recommends hit Ctrl F to
filter for your specific
Is evidence present already?
focus leads will scan in/ have
hard evidence gathered.
Dr. Salle is currently gathering
evidence; it will also be helpful
for teachers to review during
department meetings to confirm
they have evidence or plan to
attain evidence.

[Whip-around format please, so we can

ensure equity of voice and be timely]
ILT document: before next meeting,
make comments/questions. How we
plan on spending our time from now to
the end of the year - also providing a
resource for planning next years goals.
Measure N: Sat 2/27 - retreat on SPSA
planning/ spending of over $1 million.
Highly encourages all of Admin to be
present to be on the same page &
provide feedback.

Parking Lot:
- ILT meeting scope and sequence:
please read before next ILT
meeting; add your
questions/clarifications to the
- Measure N/design team updates
- IB and AVID updates
Process check:

Performing Arts rep for ILT is needed.

Avid: Representative will coming to
answer questions on 2/15 from the
district. Carla Henderson.
Avid showcase March 9th in Stockton at
a school that uses Avid fluently.
Available for those interested - subs will
be provided.
Which other schools will be
implementing it?
Oakland High
McClymonds High
a few middle schools
Avid will just be with 9th graders next
year. There will be one elective Avid
teacher. The other teachers in the
pathway will be trained on the
techniques/ skill building
IB: ready after Chicago visit
Parking Lot? Items for upcoming meetings?
Process check: How did we do today with
our norms?
minor delay in WASC report format to
all seemed open and receptive to next steps.
Appreciations: Someone you want to give a
shout out or kudos to?
VS: Thank you Ms. Robinson for giving your
time in the hall today
J: Thanks to the entire group for your

MR: Appreciate the avid support & wasc
SD: Thank you Ms. Johnson for also
representing the math department.

VII. Adjourn



Have a fabulous evening!

Skyline High School Meeting Agreements 15-16

Process Note Taking Sheet
The purpose of this practice is to help the group use its norms more and more effectively to get to our collective work for
Our work together is most effective when every member takes responsibility for the effective work of the whole, so we look for
opportunities to ask, What can I do to support each of the norms?
We do not call out specific people, as shaming folks rarely leads them to bring their best selves to our collective work.
How did we do?
Starting and ending on time
Percent of attendees who were on time in the room (not
naming people)?
Did the meeting start on time?
How did we do with moving through our agenda?

Being fully present

Were there opportunities for everyone to contribute and
What ways were people invited to participate (talking, writing,
acting, etc.)?

Having a sense of humor

Did we maintain a sense of levity and good humor?

Practicing our core values of Respect, Integrity, and Excellence

Showing 100% commitment
Were there any/many side-bar conversations?
Did it appear that folks were using electronic devices in ways that
took them away from full participation in the group and activity?
Did it appear that folks were grading papers or doing other work
that took them away from full participation in the group and

Active Listening
What did you notice about how we listened to one
Body language?
What did our words say?

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