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RSU 16 Student Learning Goal Form

The Student Learning Goal setting process has several purposes. First, it encourages teachers to
develop strong assessment skills. By creating assessments that align with standards and appropriately
measure student achievement, teachers build their knowledge of assessment literacy and standardsbased education. Second, it encourages professional collaboration for the benefit of students. The
collaborative process of creating and scoring assessments ensure that students benefit from the
professional conversations that evolve from the process. Finally, it allows teachers to share their
achievement of a variety of professional practice standards in a concrete way.

Part I: Pre-Assessment
How many students are in this goal?
There are nineteen students involved in this goal.

When does this goal begin and end (Beginning of instructional time and approximate end)?
The time frame of this goal runs from February 1st to May 18th.
What is the current level of student performance on the pre-assessment?
(Attach list of students with current score)

3 of 19 (16%) students do not meet the standard.

14 of 19 (74%) students partially meet the standard.
2 of 19 (10%) students meet the standard.
0 of 19 (0%) students exceed the standard.

My student learning goal is (put goal achievement for each student on the attached list and
explain here your choices for goal setting).
80% of my students will improve their ability to support their opinion through writing by
explaining their thoughts using relevant details.

What course/grade level standard(s) does this learning goal focus on?
4.W.1.b: Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details
(I can use facts and details to support reasons.)

How will I measure student learning (name of assessment, attached copy of assessment and
Cats vs. Dogs pre-assessment and School Uniforms post-assessment
Use of Elk Grove Grade 4 Opinion Writing rubric

Describe the methods / strategies / activities that will be used to accomplish my goal? Consider
interventions for students who did not meet the standard and interventions for those who
exceeded the standard.
What makes something a fact?, Do facts create opinions or do opinions create facts?, Read a
variety opinion pieces at their levels of instruction, Read last years pre-assessments as
examples, opportunities to reflect upon other resources (ie., Storyworks, Scholastic News,
Time for Kids), use of graphic organizers to teach the structure of an opinion writing piece,
use of picture books (I Wanna Iguana, Spoon, Mo Willems books, Plantzilla, Hey Little Ant,
Earrings, Red is Best, A Fine, Fine School, The Best Town in the World, The Great Kapok
Tree) use of videos (Breanna Jennings), read texts to students.

What resources or support will be needed to reach my goal?

Time with grade level colleagues, see above

Teacher _____________________________________ Date _________________

Signature of colleague who normed/scored pre-assessment with you:

____________________________________________ Date _________________

Part II: Post-assessment

Did your student's meet the target (attached list of students with pre- and post-assessment scores)?

If no, reflect on the instructional materials/assessment used. Reflect on the instructional practices/
strategies used. What should be revised or changed?

If yes, what materials/strategies were used that were successful?

Teacher _____________________________________ Date _________________

Signature of colleague who normed/scored post-assessment with you:

____________________________________________ Date _________________

Administrator _________________________________ Date _________________

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