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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 07, 2016

Why do we see the best of devotees being put to the toughest troubles?
Bhagawan lovingly explains why.
Acquire the competence to understand the kind of love
and tenderness that God showers on His devotees.
Pleasure arises from pain and pain results in pleasure.
Because the Pandavas were in the jungle for twelve
years and hid themselves unrecognised for the
thirteenth year, people now appreciate their noble
qualities. Because of the many obstacles and troubles
that Prahlada encountered, and the punishments
meted out to him, the rest of the world now knows how
great his devotion was. Prahlada never had tears in his
eyes and never exhibited any pain when the demons
were harming him. He was simply uttering the name of
the Lord and requested the Lords presence. His
devotion and equanimity in pain and pleasure is a
living example even today of what real faith and
devotion can do. On the other hand, had Prahlada
lived with his father in luxury with care and tenderness,
how would his faith be known?
- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 3.

Why fear when I am here? Place your faith in Me. I shall guide you and guard you forever. Baba

07 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: AsIN,aus Bgq dI A`iCAweI v`l ikauN vyKdy hW ijs Bgq nUM,s`Kq-qoN
s`Kq qklIPW id`qIAW geIAW hox? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy
au`qr:ies gl nUM smJ`x dI muhwrq(pUrxqw) hwisl kro ik Bgvwn
ikvyN,Awpxy BgqW au`qy komlqw Aqy ipAwr dI bOCwr krdy hn[du`KW iv`coN,KuSI

dw Awgwz huMdw hY Aqy du`KW dw is`tw,KuSIAW iv`c bdl jWdw hY[pWfv,12 swl
qweIN ,jMglW iv`c rhy Aqy qyhrvyN swl iv`c auh,AigAwq Av`sQw iv`c
rhy[aunHW dy ieh sdguxW dI lok,A`j vI pRSMSw krdy hn[pRhlwd ny,ijhVIAW
rukwvtW Aqy ijhVIAW musIbqW dw f`t ky mukwblw kIqw Aqy aus nUM id`qI szw
nUM sihn kIqw,aus nUM jwx ky,A`j dy lokW nUM pqw l`g igAw hY ik pRhlwd,iek
mhwn Bgq sI[jd rwkiSS lok,pRhlwd nUM nukswn phuMcwauNdy sn,pRhlwd dI
A`KW iv`c kdy vI AMJU nhIN Awey sn Aqy nw hI aus ny Awpxy du`KW dw kdy,
prgtwvw kIqw sI[auh hmySw,Bgvwn dw nW ismrx krdw sI Aqy Bgvwn
nUM,pRgt hox dI pRwrQnw krdw rihMdw sI[aus dI BgqI Aqy aus dw,du`KW Aqy
su`KW nUM,iek ijhw smJxw,A`j vI lokW leI iek izMdw audwhrx hY ik Bgvwn
au`qy s`cw ivSvwS Aqy BgqI,swrw ku`J kr skdI hY[ies dy ault,jy
pRhlwd,Awpxy ipqw nwl rih ky AYSo-Awrwm dI Aqy komlp`n vwlI izMdgI
bsr krdw qW lokW nUM,aus dy Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS dw pqw, ikvyN lgdw?(smr
roizz Awn blU mwaUntynz, 1976 A`iDAwey iq`n)[
jd mYN,quhwfy nwl hW qW qusIN ikauN frdy ho?myry au`qy,pUrw ivSvwS r`Ko[mYN
quhwfw mwrg drSn vI krW gw Aqy quhwfI r`iKAw vI krW gw[(bwbw)[

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