Professional Goal Form 15-16

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Sean Galipeau-Eldridge

RSU 16 Professional Goal Setting Form

Part 1
My professional growth goal is to improve math instruction through learning
and implementing problem solving strategies at least twice per week.

What core proposition and standard does this goal align with?
Core Proposition 2:
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
2.2 Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The teacher creates learning experiences that
make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to ensure mastery of the

How will attainment of my goal be measured?

Lesson plans will reflect the use of a variety of problem solving strategies at least two
times per week. Student work examples to determine which taught strategies are
being used.

Describe the methods / strategies / activities that will be used to

accomplish my goal?
Methods, check-list of a variety of strategies, mathematical practice 1 from Common
Core Sense by Christine Moynihan, General course of action-refer to GOLD method
in Common Core Sense.
Teaching I Can Statements and posting them in math area of room.

What resources or support will be needed to reach my goal?

I Can Statements from Common Core Sense (Mathematical practice one) by Christine
Moynihan, time with grade-level colleagues

Part 2
Evidence of Progress: Ongoing (mid year)

Describe evidence you have gathered to support progress towards

your professional growth goal.
My students have begun using flip books with ten different strategies to work with when
working with problem solving situations. Here are the strategies we work with:
Act it Out!
Guess and Check
Making a table or chart
Look for a pattern
Logical reasoning
Draw a picture
Work backwards
Make an organized list
Make it simpler
Students still rely predominantly on the strategies they have used in the past. They are most
comfortable with brainstorming, guess and check, an look for a pattern. Students are still
most successful through teacher direction. I do notice they are improving on mathematical
reflection, but we still have a ways to go.
It has been difficult to fit these opportunities in twice per week with our schedule - especially
with days off from school with holidays, vacations, and in-service days.
I will be working to fit them better within my normal Everyday Mathematics lessons, rather
than make them an add-on to the normal math instruction block.
My intent is to maintain a progression of student work to show how our careful explicit
teaching of strategies shows how the students have progressed from when we started earlier
in the fall.

Professional Growth Goal Reflection and Summary: Due May - June

Reflect upon your progress within your professional growth goal. Did you meet your goal? If
so, what led to your success within this goal? If not, describe the barriers/challenges that led
to your inability to meet your goal.

What methods/strategies/activities or resources and support did you find to be most helpful
towards achieving your goal? If your goal was not met, what methods/strategies/activities or
resources and support could potentially have better helped you meet your goal?

How will your progress within this goal, influence your professional growth-setting goal for
next year?





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