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Zach Ness College Costs Synthesis Essay

In the modern age, with inflation, the increased demand for going to college, and
competition with other students in the state or nation, high school students face a serious decision
when choosing whether to go to college or develop a skill and join the workforce. They are faced
by challenges such as grades, SAT scores, grants, scholarships, and potential student loan debt.
Despite all of these frustrations, college is worth the cost and can lead to much greater things in
life for the people who get the education. Not only is there the criticized economic benefit with a
college degree but also the increased opportunity of intellectual growth and a far-reaching impact
on society.
The common agreement among young adults and parents is that a college education will
enable a person to get a job that will pay better than a right out of high schools on-hands job. It is
a fact that graduates coming from a four-year college are making on average $20,000 more a
year than someone who did not attend college (Source F). It is also impressive that collegegraduates are far less likely to be unemployed than non-graduates and that a college tuition
delivers an annual return of more than 15%, which is better than the stock markets 7% (Source
D). Still in disbelief, critics argue that manual will always be around and provide an option for
making a living and doing work that is straightforwardly useful (Source A). While this is
completely true and many people can make a good living off of manual trades, such as plumbing,
electrical work, and car repair, gaining a college education can help people also to get a job in
those fields even if its not necessary and give them big benefits with these jobs (Source A and
D). This debate will continue to rage on as college becomes more expensive, but the economics
are clearly evident and compressing these benefits to just money is ignorant and diminishing.
The benefits of an in-depths college education reach past our economy and bank accounts
and extends to the world around us and the lives that we touch. At liberal arts colleges, they
focus on diversifying the learning curriculum to expose their students to well-rounded
educational opportunities that will be vastly practical in the future (Source B). These colleges
give their students the capability to be leaders in politics and culture, a difference in the world,
and agents of change (Source B). No longer bound to their local communities, they can now
spread their ideas to new peoples, across nations, and possibly throughout the world. Big-named
companies look for college graduates who have dedicated their time and energy to prove a point
that they capable of thinking and acting critically when the risks are high (Source B). As they
continue to grow in their profession in these companies or even the government, they can move
up the ranks and make more important decisions that will affect a wider population.
To the young adults who go to college and make the effort to achieve their goal, it has a
resonating impact on the personal growth and maturity of the graduates for the rest of their lives.
Many parents say that college was the best time of their lives and continually say that no one can
take away your education after going to college. This can have a psychological effect on
graduates and help them stay positive throughout their careers. Studies have shown that
education seems to make people happier and healthier (Source D). A survey of college
graduates showed that 79% said their education was very useful in helping them grow
intellectually and 69% said it was useful in helping them grow and mature as a person (Source

F). Colleges, and especially liberal arts colleges, should help students to discover what they
love to do (Source B). This emphasis on freedom and experimentation enables students to
grow intellectually and not fall into the rigid curriculums that stunt the passion for learning and
free thinking (Source B). This cannot be overlooked when deciding on going to college or not
because the mind and emotional health of young adults is very instrumental in how they live the
rest of their lives.
The economic benefits are no doubt there for almost everyone who goes to college and
though it is criticized at times, it is still worth it to students. Along with economic rewards comes
the growth of intellectual and personal capacity and the ability to make a serious change in
society and the world.

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