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River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

Minutes of the Executive Committee for Saturday, April 16, 2016

Starting at 9:05 a.m., at the McVay/McCarville Residence
i. Officers: Noah McVay (President), Rose Ellen Schneider (Secretary)
ii. Other Members: None
i. Officers: Sheryl McCarville (Treasurer)
ii. Other Members: None
Quorum present?


Schneider made the motion to establish a quorum. McVay seconded. Motion carried, with those present
votingfor the motion: two votes; against the motion: none; and abstaining: none.
Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. by McVay.
Being this was our first Executive Committee meeting, there were not any minutes to approve.
1. Notification on filings for Internal Revenue Service.

McVay said that SS4 form has been completed for the identification number. He reported that Form 1023,
Application for tax exemption status is half completed.
2. Executive Committee composition.
McVay noted that there may be a need for a vice-president.
3. Community garden site update.
Wes Kraemer was able to borrow equipment from Jewell to mark lot boundaries.
Financial Report.
Financial report was given by McVay due to McCarvilles absence. Balance on hand is $160.00.
Plot fee will be $30 for 400 square feet / $15.00 for 100 square feet.
A Brat Stand fund raiser is scheduled for Saturday, June 25 at Prems Meats.
Schneider made the motion to accept the Financial Report as presented by McVay on behalf of McCarville.
McVay seconded. Motion carried, with those present votingfor the motion: two votes; against the
motion: none; and abstaining: none.
Old Business.
There was no old business.

New Business.
1. Second reading of Policy Handbook on behalf of the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee reviewed the clauses within the Handbook. Suggestions for changes were
discussed, questions clarified, and recommendations made. Third reading scheduled for May Executive
Committee meeting.
2. Consideration and approval of purchase of food crops for the 2016 growing season, and, inclusion of list of said
food crops on the RVACG website.
McVay presented the food crop list for the demonstration plot.

Schneider made the motion to approve the list of food crops and purchase of seeds/plants for the
demonstration garden. McVay seconded. Motion carried, with those present votingfor the motion: two
votes; against the motion: none; and abstaining: none.
3. Consideration and approval of new community garden site plan.
McVay presented the proposed plan for the Gardens. Plowing was scheduled for Saturday, April 23. Water tank is to
be moved Saturday, April 30.

Schneider made the motion to approve the general concept of the RVACG Site Plan. McVay seconded.
Motion carried, with those present votingfor the motion: two votes; against the motion: none; and
abstaining: none.
4. Consideration and approval on date to have group photograph for the Home News.
Schneider made the motion to contact the Home News for a group picture. McVay second. Motion carried, with

those present votingfor the motion: two votes; against the motion: none; and abstaining: none.
Open Forum
1. Discussion of fundamental changes in the corporate structure in the event that more directors cannot be
It was discussed if the number of directors serving should be reduced in the long-term and just have the
three officers functioning as the Board. No action was taken.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
With no further business, Schneider made the motion to adjourn the Executive Committee until the next
monthly meeting on Friday, May 13, 2016 at 5:00 pm at the McCarville/McVay residence. McVay
seconded. Motion carried, with those present votingfor the motion: two votes; against the motion:
none; and abstaining: none.

Respectfully submitted,

Rose Ellen Schneider, Secretary of River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

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