Cape Pure Math 2005 Unit2 Paper2

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test cope 02234020 FORM TP 2005256 MAYIUNE 2005 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PURE MATHEMATICS UNIT 2 — PAPER 02 2 hours 01 JUNE 2005 (p.m.) ‘This examination paper consists of THREE sections: Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3 Each section consists of 2 questions. ‘The maximum mark for each section is 40. ‘The maximum mark for this examination is 120. This examination consists of 5 pages. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1, DO NOT open this exarnination paper until instructed to do so. 2. Answer AILL questions from the THREE sections 3. Unless otherwise stated im the question, any numerical answer that is not exact MUST be written correct to three significant figures ‘Examination Materials “Mathematical formulae and tables Electronic calculator ‘Graph paper ‘Copyright © 2004 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 02234020/CAPE 2005 L @ on (© Section A (Module 1) Answer BOTH questions, ‘The diagram below, not drawn to seale, shows two points, P( p..368) and & (3.5.1), on fa) = er fore R Aix) <8" (@ Copy the diagram above and on the same axes, sketch the graph of g(x) = in x. { 3marks) (ii) Describe clearly the relationship between fia) = ¢* and g(x) = Inx. { 3marks} Gif) Using a calculator, find the value of a or [ 1mark} boop { 2marks] Given thac log, (he) =. log{ab)=z and arbre, show that a'B'e = | 3marks] Find the values of « € R for which e + Se" [ & marks] ‘Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02234020/CAPE 2005 2 @ a) ob) | 2 @ & tb) to ~ A curves given parumerrically by x= (3 ~ 2 28. Find @ 2 intermote [ 4marks} (ii> the gradient of he normal to the curve at the point | 2marks} (i) xpress 2°*1 in the form * + B+ © whore A, B and C are-con- stants, | Tmarks} (iy lence, evaluate J Fy ae [ Tmarks} ‘Total 20 marks Section B (Module 2) Answer BOTH questions. (i) Use the fact that : + f0 show that rat ~r(r+i) | Smarks| on yon, 8, 91 (1 mark] The common ratio, r, of ageomeisic series is given by ¢ = °* 5. Find ALL the values : aaa of x for which the series converges 110 marks] By substituting suitable values of x on both sides of the expansion of in (eared "Cx r=0 show that Sc (em wy SF "Cerne | 2 marks} r=0 Total 20: marks GO ON TO'THE NEXT PAC 02234020/CAPE 2005 4, The function, fis given by fix) = 6 = de — a8 (a) Show that 4) f is everywhere strictly decreasing [4 marks} Gi) the equation jx) = 0 has a real root, cy in the closed interval (1, 2) [ 4 marks} (iii) is the only real reot of the equation fix) = 6. [ 4 marks] (b) If, is the nt approximation to ct, use the Mewton-Raphson method to show that the (n+ 1)" approximation x, , , is given by 2+ 6 Gees [ 8 marks] Total 20 marks Section C (Module 3) Answer BOTH questions. 5. (a) Onuparticular day, acertain fuel service station offered 100 customers who purchased ‘premium or regular gasoline, a free check of the engine oil or brake fluid in their ‘Vehicles. The services required by these customers were as follows: 159% of the customers purchased premium gasoline, the others purchased regular gasoline, 20% of the customers who purchased premium gasoline requested acheck for brake fluid, the others requested a check for engine oil 51. of the customers who purchased regular gasoline requested acheck for engine oil, the ‘others requested a cheek for brake fluid. (@® Copy and complete the diagram below to represent the cvent space. Brake Quid Engine ofl pe Premium ‘asoline Regular @ $1 |) ensoline ee = { S:amarks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02234020/CAPE 2005 Ne (by @ (by as = (Find the probability that a customer chosen at random 2) Who ad purchased premium gasoline requested a check tor engine oil b) who had requested acheck of the brake fluid purchased regular gasoline ©) who had requested a check of the engine oil purchased regular gasoline. [ @marks] ‘A bag contains |2 red balls, 8 blue balls and 4 white balls. Three balls are drawn from ‘the bag at random without replacement. Calculate 4} _ the total number of ways of choosing the three balls { 3 marks] (i) the probability that ONE ball of EACH colour is drawn [ 3 marks] Gil) the probability that ALL THREE balls drawn are of the SAME. colour. [ S marks} ‘Total 20 marks Find the values of x for which x 1 2 ate 2 ot, [10 marks} Twelve hundred people visited an exhibition on its opening day. Thereafter, the attendance fell each day by 4% of the number on the previous day. @) —Oblain an expression for the number of Visitors on the wt day. | 2 marks] (ii) Find the total number of visitors for the first n days. [ 3 marks} (iii) ‘The exhibition closed after 10 days. Determine how many people visited during the period for which it was opened. [3 marks] (iv) [f the exhibition had been kept opened indefinitely, what would be the maximum: nomber of visitors? [ 2 marks} Total 20 marks END OF TEST 02234020/CAPE 2005

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