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Steel Plant Process.....................................................................................................

Introduction:............................................................................................................ 2

Production Process in Plant.....................................................................................2

Iron Making Process ...........................................................................................2

Steel Making Process ..........................................................................................2

Rolling.................................................................................................................. 2

Basic Oxygen Furnace.............................................................................................2

Steel Plant Process


What is steel?

An alloy of iron with small amount of carbon; widely use in construction industry.
Iron is the major component of steel, with carbon being a distant second, at
between 0.2% and 2.14%, depending on the grade.

The Steel product was divided into three major categories on the basis of chemical
composition; these are carbon steels, low-alloy steels, and high-alloy steels

Production Process in Plant

The steel plant process is subdivided into Three Process

Iron Making Process

a. Iron is melted by hot air blown into blast furnace with coke as a
reducing agent, to produce hot metal.

Steel Making Process

b. For steel making process, hot metal will pour into BOF (Basic Oxygen
Furnace) for reducing carbon and other impurities. Once the process
for hot metal impurities will complete, the alloy metal will be poured to
make steel product more non-brittle molten steel, which is then cast.

c. In rolling process, intermediate Cast product will refine into various
furnished steel product like heavy plates, thin plates, steel pipes etc.

Basic Oxygen Furnace

In basic oxygen steelmaking, molten iron from a blast furnace is charged
into a refractory-lined steelmaking furnace, and then oxygen is injected into
molten iron at high speeds resulting in oxidation of carbon and

Reference Document:

Sub Process of the plant

(Currently working)

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