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(Advertising Set

Q1) Answer the following. (Any 2)


1. What are the services offered by advertising agencies?

2. What are the factors affecting the choice of advertising agency?
3. Write a detailed note on freelancing options for career in advertising?
Q2) Answer the following. (Any 2)


1. Evaluate newspaper as medium of advertising.

2. Explain briefly the forms of out-of-home advertising.
3. Discuss the impact of digital media.
Q3) Answer the following. (Any 2)


1. Explain the process of setting communication objectives for the ad

2. Explain any three methods if setting advertising budgets?
3. Write note on: Media buying and planning.
Q4) Answer the following. (Any 2)


1. Discuss the role of creativity in advertising.

2. Write a detailed note on copywriting for television ads.
3. What are the objectives of testing advertise effectiveness.
Q5) A) Fill 9in the blanks:
1. _________ agency is owned and operated by the advertiser.
(In-house, Full service, Creative boutique , Specialist)
2. _________ ads have audio visual impact.
(News paper, Radio, Television, Magazine)
3. The first step in DAGMAR is ________ .
(Unawareness, Awareness, Conviction, Comprehension )
4. ________ is the central idea of an advertising campaign.
(Advertising Theme, USP, Advertising Appeal, Creativity)
5. ________ is a specific features that makes a product stand out from it
(USP, Advertising Theme, Hard Selling, Soft Selling)


B) State weather following statements are true of false.


The creative service department is the heart and soul of advertising agency.
Television advertising lacks reference value.
DAGMAR model was developed by Philip Kotler.
Advertising theme is the certral idea of an advertising campaign.
USP is a specific feature that makes one product stand out from its competitors.

C) Match the following


Group A
a) Full-service agency
b) Television advertising
c) Media Scheduling
d) Advertising theme
e) USP

Group B
Programming of media insertions.
Central idea of advertising campaign.
All services under one roof.
Specific characteristic that makes a
product standout from its competitors.
Audio Visual impact.

*All the best*

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