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Asena® Syringe Pumps Technical Service Manual 1000SM00001 Issue 7 ALARIS’ MEDICAL SYSTEMS. Medication Safety at the Point of Carew This manual has been prepared for use by qualified service personnel only. ALARIS Medical UK Ltd cannot accept any liability for any breakdown or deterioration in performance of parts or equipment resulting from unauthorised repair or modification. ALARIS Medical UK Ltd., The Crescent, Jays Close, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 4BS, United Kingdom c€ 0086 ALARIS®, Guardralls® and Asena® are registered trademarks of ALARIS Medical Systems, Inc. Al other trademarks belong to their respective owners. (© 2002-2005, ALARIS Medical UK Ltd. Al rights reserved. ‘sone Syroge Pompe 23 0005600008 sue 7 ‘Asena Syringe Pumps Contents Chapter 1. Initiation 2. Configuration & Calibration 3. Routine Maintenance 4. Troubleshooting 5. Circuit Descriptions 6. Component Interchange Appendix A. Specifications B. Spare Parts Listing c. ig & Replacement Guidelines D. Configuration & Drug Protocol Records E. Updates 10 21 30 37 61 72 75 82 Initiation In this chapter Introduction General precautions Service contacts Document history Front panel and main display Controls and indicators Loading a syringe Starting the pump Basic features Chapter 1 Initiation Eee een ‘The Asena® Syringe Pumps are designed to deliver a continuous and accurate infusion whenever small fluid volumes need to ‘be administered with great precision, High performance, comprehensive alarm protection and sophisticated monitoring systems ‘combined with simple operation make these syringe pumps suitable for both general and critica infusions in a variety of areas within a hospital Familiarity Ensure that you are fully familiar with this syringe pump by carefully studying the Directions for Use (DFU) prior to attempting any repairs or servicing. ‘As part of a policy of continuous improvement, product enhancements and changes are introduced from time to time, Purpose ‘This Technical Service Manual shows how to set up, test and maintain the following Asena® Syringe Pump models: Aeena? GS Syringe Pump ‘Asena® GH Syringe Pump & += Asena® GH Syringe Pump with Guerdrals® Safety Software ‘Asena® CC Syringe Pump & +—_Asena® CC Syringe Pump with Guardraits® Safety Software ‘Asona® TIVA Syringe Pump ‘Asena® PK Syringe Pump ‘Asena® EP Syringe Pump with Guardrails* Safety Software {tis intended for use by personnel experienced in medical equipment testing and maintenance procedures. Symbols Wherever you se this symbol in the manual you wil find a Hints & Tips note that we hope you will ind useful. ‘These notes provide useful advice or information that may help you perform the task more effectively. Wherever you see this symbol in the manual you will ind @ Toolbox note that highlights an aspect of test or ‘maintenance that is important for you to know about. A typical example is a software upgrade that you should check has been installed. Coie cue Please read the general Operating Precautions described in the Directions for Use carefully prior to using the pump. ‘This pump contains staic-sensitive components. Observe strict precautions for the protection of sta ‘sensitive components when attempting to repair and service the pump. ‘An explosion hazard exists if the pump is used in the presence of flammable anaesthetics. Exercise care to locate the pump away from any such hazardous sources. {An electrical shock hazard exists Ifthe pumps casing is opened or removed. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel This pump is protected against the effects of high energy radio frequency emissions and is designed to fall safe f extremely high levels of interference are encountered. Should false alarm conditions be encountered, either remove the source ofthe interference or regulate the infusion by another appropriate It the pump is dropped, subjected to excessive moisture, humidity or high temperature, or otherwise ‘suspected to have been damaged, remove it from service for inspection by qualified service personnel When connected to an external power source, a three-wire (Live, Neutral, Earth) supply must be used. if the integrity ofthe external protective conductor in the installation or its arrangement is in doubt, the pump should be operated from the battery. ©} @ppE> ‘Asana Syringe Pumps ss 10005800001 sue 7 Initiation For service, contact your local ALARIS Affilate Office or Distributor. ALARIS Service Centre Addresses: AE cn wu SE ‘ALARIS Metical Systems Midsle ALARIS Medica! Systems, ALARIS Medical Hungary _ALARIS Medial Nore, AB East Offce Shanghai Representative Ofice, _Oébrents tr Harmarbockon 48 BO ons Sule 86. Cora 26-9 Sung, 01 rent 19148 Soon, bal, United Arab Erato, ia acy. vei. Teh G@71)426226«2 — Se,rual Ha RM Tel” (36) 14.08 0252 Tek (46) 8544 43 200 Fx ornyaazeu = ee Tol (36) 14880253 Fa (as) 54a 43 225 au Tar (se) aazt-aseasens Fax (96)120150867 pg ‘ALARIS Medica Austra Py Li, Tot (56) 9621-63040 IT /ALARIS Medical System, Ine. {1167 Prospect Highway Fax: (68) 8621-8984-4025 —ALARIS Medical tala SPA 10221 Waterdge Cres, ee Bitten Semone Tel (61)29658 0255 ALAR'S Medical Deutschland, Gb, Fenan tai Tet (1) 900654 7128 Fax: (61) 2.9674 4444 sae ecco Tok (@9)055 340023 Fax: (1) 858 458 6179 Fax (61)296249030 eweannraieh Fax @9)0s534002 74 BE Tor (69) 2408 604 0 Mm -ALARIS Medical SA. (ty) Lc Geeta toweaeets ag en Kancrenpand Hoot Wings Gude Moan Rox Nanton 1853 Svombeok Bover, Prntorweg, 11 (Cape Town 7405, Sou Ata Boipom AARIS Medial Espira 8. 3821 AP Amerstoort Tet (27) 880807 572 Torr (2)2267 3899 ee Necertand Tek (7121 510 7562 Fax (62)2267 9921 oe Tok (1)33455 5100 Fax (27)21 St078e7 aa 28108 Alcobendas, Meck, Fax (138.455 5101 ca Espana Manufacturer's Address: [ALARIS Medical Cenade, ig, TOE (34) 91 6572091 No ALARIS Medial UK Li, papetvges 18 Fax (34) 91657 2042 ‘ALARIS Matical Norway A'S The Crescot Jays Cie, ‘ Sotbraveien 10, Basngstoke, Markham, byl ‘SO ASER Hempshire, RGZ2 488. rao LAR ava, ALARIS Medical France, SA, Reseed Jo aa) 1286 986 200 ra 95, eu Peer, Fax: (44) 1258 288 388 arin meses ge rman on Lay Codex 7 {4} 48987800 Tot: 200-908-0018 France 5 Fax (1)905-752-3343 Tah (99) 06200021 128 Fax (33)13061 2223 ALARIS Medic! NZ Ls, oo Uni 14,13 Highbrock Dive, ALARIS Medical UK Lt, nee aniaee ecacecie an aia Tel (64) 9.273 3001 Para Fax (64)9279 3008 Unted Kingdom, Tet (6) 0800 389 6572 Fox: (4) 1256 360.411 sc4ozo42 eletrTTT history Part Number Issue CONo. Date Description of Change Changed by to00smoo001 1 4091 191Decl02 inital release tan Tyler (1000800001 supersedes 1000PB01120) to00smoo001 2 4268 14ldanv03._——“See Appendix E Updates lan Tyler 1000smo0001 3 4432 24/AprI03. «See Appendix E Updates tan Tyler ‘ooosMooo1 4 4710 10/Jun/04 See Appendix E Updotes tan Tyler to00sMoo001 5 5478 _27/SepI4 See Appendix E Updates fan Tyler 1000smo0001 6 5688 GIAprIO5 “See Appendix E Updates lan Tyler 1o00sMo001 7 5920 20/Apr5 “See Appendix E Updates lan Tyler ss '0008M00001 fave 7 ‘Asena Synge Pompe a3 Initiation Ae cea MarR cy The display shown is for general guidance only. For pump specific front panel and main display information refer to relevant Directions For Use. Syringe Type Fitted / Drug Name / Profie Time Remaining leon Pressure Information" 7 Prossure loon (ifenabled) SS Oe soe a $ | Cees = ISS sane ea aN = Biank Softkeys Pressure button not available on the Asena® GS Syringe Pump Infusion Status * “Profle” is only avaliable on an Asena® Syringe Pump with Guardrails® Safety Software with a Data Set loaded. ** Pressure Information is only displayed on the Asena® CC Syringe Pump and Asena® EP Syringe Pump. Controls and indicators ‘ONIOFF - Press once to switch the pump ON. Press and hold down for 3 seconds to switch the pump OFF. [RUN - Press to start the infusion. The Green LED will lash during infusion, HOLD - Press to put the infusion on hold. The amber LED willbe lit while on hold. MUTE - Press to silence alarms. PURGEJBOLUS - Press to access PURGE or BOLUS softkeys. Press and hold down softkey to ‘operate. PURGE the extension set during setup. Pump on hold, extension set not connected to patient, Vinot added. BOLUS delivered at an accelerated rate. Pump infusing, extension set connected to Patient, VI added. OPTION - Press fo access optional features. PRESSURE - Press to display the pumping pressure and alarm level BLANK SOFTKEYS - Use in conjunction with the prompts shown on the display CCHEVRONS - Double or single for fasterlslower, increase or decrease of values shown on main display. BATTERY - When iluminated, indicates that the pump is running on the intemal battery. When flashing, Indicates thatthe battery power is low, with less than 30 minutes of use remaining. ‘AC POWER - When illuminated, indicates that the pump is connected to an AC power supply and the battery is being charged. ga ose ® 8@Qs ‘Asonat Syringe Pumps 73 0008800001 ave 7 Initiation 1. Squeeze the finger grips together on the plunger holder and slide the mechanism to the right. Pull the syringe clamp forward and down, 2. Place the syringe barrel lange in the slot between the two biue sections ofthe syringe flange clamp. Vx _ Note: Eartler pumps have a single section syringe ‘ange clamp. In this instance place the syringe 94 barrel ange in the space between the syringe - - a7 clamp and the syringe flange clamp. Syringe clamp 3. Lif the syringe clamp unti it locks against the syringe barrel 4. Squeeze the finger grips on the plunger holder and slide the mechanism to the eft unt it reaches the plunger end. 5, Release the finger gris. Ensure that the plunger grippers are securing the plunger in place and the upper finger grip, ‘returns to its original position. $F Upper finger grip Guide to handling the pressure disc Pressure Disc RS SBS Pressure Transducer ‘Withdrawing the Pressure Disc Y fac” When withdrawing the pressure disc, make sure you pull It (with EK {your finger inside the cc recess) towards te front ofthe pump as Pressure Dise ‘Asenat Syringe Pumps ss 000800001 fave 7 Initiation Starting the pump Push pump on to bar, the Asena® Docking Station or mount to pole. Connect to AC Mains. ross the @ button to switch pump ON. Follow SETUP / Drug / Profile instructions as per Directions For Use. Load syringe Insert pressure disc into pressure transducer (Models CC & EP only, required for dedicated mode) Confirm syringe. ‘Change the rate if necessary using the ASW keys. Purge: Press the © button followed by the PURGE softkey 1. Connect the pump to test equipment as required (see chapter 2 Configuration & Calibration) 10. Press the @ bution to stat the infusion. Pearce) Pressure Level Press the @® button. Pressure Alarm level and curent pressure level are shown on graph. (not available on Model GS) Use the AS<® keys to adjust pressure alarm level. Volume to be infused Press VTBI. Enter VIBI using the © keys, Press OK. Select rate at end of VTBI using (0ot avaiable on the SEB hays, Press OK Models TIVA 8 GS) Clear Volume Infused Press VOLUME. Select YES (to clear) or NO (to ext) Purge/Bolus Press the © button, use the <2 keys to set rate, then press and hold down the PURGE (orBOLUS soy. Hands-free Bolus* Pross the © button, I required, select HANDSFREE BOLUS, use the Sw keys to (Model TVA only) ‘adjust bolus dose. Use rate softkey to adjust bolus rate if required. Press BOLUS softkey to delves. During PURGE/BOLUS, the pressure limit alarms are temporary Increased to maximum levels. Option Button @ Drug Library* Select Drags and Dosing (Models CC & TIVA) or Drug name (Model GH). Set VIBI Over Time ‘Specty a VTBI and delivery time (not avaiable on Models TIVA & GS). Pump must be on hold 24 Hour Log Volume infused log over 24 hours and accumulative total (on the hour ony). Rate Lock Disabies changing rte once infusion has started (not avaiable on Mode! TIVA) When rate lock Is enabled, the following are unavailable: 1. Rate changeshitvation 2 BolusPurge 3. Switch pump off Event Log? ‘Access Event Log. The Event Log holds up to 1500 individual events. Pumps with Guardrail? ‘Software enabled retain one yearofeverts Hospital Name Displays the name of HospitalWard/Department as set up on the pump. Accessible while the pump infusing ‘Additional options may be shown, please refer to the relevant Directions For Use, for more information, * Note: For Guardrails* Software enabled pumps or the Asena® PK Syringe Pump these options may vary or will not be available. Please refer to the relevant Asena* Syringe Pump Directions For Use or Guardrails® Editor Software Directions For Use for comprehensive information ‘Asana! Synge Pumps 3 1000540000 sue 7 Chapter 2 Configuration & Calibration In this chapter Access codes "1 Dedication options (301/302) " Configuration options (251) " Calibration procedures (243) 15 Configuration & Calibration emote ‘The syringe pump software contains a number of configuration and test routines that can be accessed by the user. The ‘majority of tests are "MENU! driven from a technical access code (see below) Code Description 123 Self Test Procedure 166 External Reprogramming 167 Teach Learn Procedure 243 Calibration Selection Menu 251 User Configuration Menu 301 Fully Dedicated 382 Semi-dedicated 378 Service Accoms Menu 401 Upload Data Set to Pump (Guardralls® Software enabled Pumps and the Asena® PK Syringe Pump) 402 Download CQl Event Log from Pump (Guardrails® Software enabled Pumps only) 418 —_Atemative Alarm Tone. (Not available for Guardrails® Software enabled Pumps and the Asena® PK Syringe Pump) 499 Download Data Set from Pump (Guardraiis* Software enabled Pumps and the Asena® PK Syringe Pump) 611 Cold Start (RAM Clear) 612 Data Set actvitation (Asona® PK Syringe Pump) Each MENU (and some unique items) has its own three-digit access code that can be entered using the following procedure: 1. Hold down @ and tum the pump ON, 2. Enter the required access code using the Cz keys and the NEXT softkey. 3._When the required code shows on screen, press OK to confirm. De aRe eR ETAL) Fully Dedicated (set using access code 301) will remind a user that @ pressure disc must be fitted to start any infusion. In this ‘mode occlusion pressures are always displayed in mmHg. ‘Semi-Dedicated (set using access code 302) will remind a user that a pressure disc must be fitted when drugs and dosing features are used. When a pressure disc is notin use, prascure levels L-0 to L-10 will be displayed, Deremee ur cun Car) This code is used to load the predefined pump configuration and drug setup into the non-volatile storage. Itis necessary to enter the code 612 after a cold start (code 611); the configuration and drug setup will then be available in normal operation. ‘Alternatively a data set may be uploaded as appropriate. See directions for use contained within the Asena® PK Editor ‘Sofware package, eee eae Cue eae) Enter access code 251 to display the User Configuration menu: Drug Library* ‘Set drug names list on a Model GH - Select Character Group @5 to adjust contrast and OK to store. Enable Units” ‘Select the type of units permitted for use on the pump. To enable units, use ©’ and MODIFY, to enable/disable and OK to store, * Note: For Guardrails® Software enabled pumps and the Asena® PK Syringe Pump these options may vary of will not be available. Please refer tothe relevant Asena® Syringe Pump Directions For Use or Guardrails® Editor Software Directions For Use for comprehensive information ‘Asenw Syringe Pumps ms '0008M00001 fave 7 Cen On Asena® TIVA Syringe Pump drug protocol setup ‘Select Drug Library from Configuration Options (251). Use @<® to select drug and press MODIFY to modify selected drug or NEW to create new drug name. QUIT wit roturn to 254 main menu When modifying a drug protocol, pressing BACK at any time will take you to the previous step, Modify - Existing drug ENABLE/DISABLE - Enables or disables the drug being availabe. DELETE - Select Yes to delete from drug library EDIT - See table below. Edit Drug Protocol - New or existing drug Press OK softkey to confirm each step. Drug Option {Sonuay oe shown in Bo) Select Character Group GAD rig Name Select Character RSID “To.g0 to next Character NEXT ‘Concentration Units D> Minimum Concentration DD ororr Default Concentration EDD or oF Maximum Concentration ED crore Dose Rate Units BD Induction Dose EDD or OFF Induction Time B@ Pause After Induction MODIFY Maintenance Rate BO Bolus Dose GASD Bolus Rate RATE Hands Free Bolus MODIFY ‘Asena Syringe Pumps ry 10005¢0000% esue 7 Configuration & Calibration EM PsaDT ene eeierty Asena® CC Syringe Pump* drug protocol setup ‘Select Drug Library from Configuration Options (251). Use EDF to select drug and press MODIFY to modify selected drug or NEW to create new drug name, QUIT will return to 251 Main menu When modifying a drug protocol, pressing BACK at any time will take you to the previous step. KEMABLEIDISABLE - Enables or disables the drug being available. DELETE - Solect Yes to delete from drug library EDIT - See table below. Edit Drug Protocol - New or existing drug Press OK softkey to confirm each step. * Note: For Guardrails* Software enabled pumps this option will not be available. Please refer tothe relevant Asena® Syringe Pump Directions For Use or Guardralls® Editor Software Directions For Use for comprehensive information, Drag Onion (Sots stownia Bas Select Character Group CD Drug Name Select Character RASDD Togo to next Character NEXT Dose Rate Units BO Maximum Dose B® ororr Default Dose DD oc OFF Minimum Dose GD or orF Concentration Units BE ‘Minimum Concentration DD ororF Default Concentration EDD or OFF Maximum Concentration EDD or OFF ‘Maximum Bolus EDV or OFF Bolus Rate Be Pressure Alarm SDD ororr ‘Asene" Syringe Pompe sas 0008M00001 fave 7 Configuration & Calibration Configuration options (251) ( General options Models: Option Description GS | GH*| CC*| TIVA NURSE CALL FITTED Enables Nurse Call hardware option). ~ NURSE GALLINVERT [When enebled fhe nua eal ouput savored aie S257 SELECTED Sa ie pus communicate lo uso REDS? hardware SPU) EOI WARNING Ses the Near Era OF fusion (NEO) waring ne ral EOI PONT Ses he End Of str volun VOAT EOI raves purge un te Raap Vor Open VOY awn] | =, | | Or etn (EO) a rected WORAE Ses the Koop Voin Open (VO) rae Zz Zhe] BACK OFF Hari oes ori tno presswrenenomsan Jy | ae | | ATONE When aed he pat! formation fared on power. Zivtx RATE LOCK Wier etn an bo eked to overt ummaiad —T~] * | hangoo oft oot rion ate UET NODE When nated the buon beeps ae med Zit te AC FAL Wien rei, AC Per Fae Aum vr omnTAC poe] y- |v | | y RATE TRATION Le infusing. x|v¥ilv|*« PRESSURE DISPLAY | enable 7 duaion a Pressure eon ono ah dpi Zz Zz [AUTO PRESSURE Enables / disables the automatic pressure alarm level option. x |x [yx "AUTO SET PRESSURE —[Avtomatcaly sols he io oossion roti alarm evel oa tooatod anu ansve he cen prossre See TOTO OFFSET djs tho alonetc ofbetvalue used by alo posture and ao Saorcere «| xlv[« TANDS FREE BOLUS | Enables ation hanFoo bobs =e te CAP PRESSURE Seis the nexmum pressure Fi * ay PRESSURE OEFAUCT | Sots he dete ocauion sar va 2 7 DEFAULT BOLUS VOLUME [Ses te dfeut hand-oo bolus woure fo No Brag mode omy[ |< TST WAK PRESSURE Ses the mximur pressure it Sere WEIGHT Seis ho defau pater woght nig Sts CAP RATE Seis the mexinum vle fr insion ae Le ¥ PURGE RATE Ses e puget. wore te] PURGE VOLUME URI — Sts he mano prrianble pape vole 7 2Ty BURGE SYRINGE Prompt io pure Syringe afar confaton viele BOWS Enabis/deabes he bos Teo. ri DEFAULT BOLUS Ses the ceau bt ate 717 CAP BOLUS RATE es he mas vl for Dla PULL BOLUS VOL LWT Sas the asin perriable bobs vou Fi HANA BOL [ae ned wl be rerous pagers manvaly Moved 7 “ and gnge tenains sommes iu viviviy CAL BRGRTE Peery Zz Zz VTBICLEAR RATE Fate ibe to owen VBI es boon setup wosupas ~~, |» | ~ een a EVENTIOG DSPLAY —[Enates/ nace re even og depo. Zz GATTERY ICON Eraios Dobie he Bay lon on te Fan Ga™ viv v AUDIO VOLUME es healer velume fhe pump at igh, neium orl [7 7 2 lable option = unavailable option * For Guar? Sofware enabled pups ad he Asena® PK Syringe Pu thse options may vay or wil ro be vezi, ‘wie oly he frst hee opens Istedn able above estan ne Ganeral Opsone on Be pup. Pasa refer tte vlvan ‘Asenat Synge Purp Diocions For Use or Guséralit Eat Software Dratons For Use for compretenave formation, For Asera® GS Syringe Purp the btery con canbe seen via fe Optons mena by pressing te © hey ‘Asene! Synge Pura 1000840000 fave 7 Configuration & Calibration fore Lee reste ee Peed Enter access code 243 to display the Calibration Selection menu (see Access Codes). ibrati —— SYRINGE CLAMP calibration i Fit calibration tool into postion on pump as shown in Stops 1-2 and close the clamp. At each step, CAL is displayed if value is within tolerances, capes ea ete Goan Pees CAL button to stare calibration point. = ss0009s ‘Note: If CAL isnot displayed, check for correct positioning of calibration tool if calibration cannot be performed, repairs to pump may be necessary. Note: The calibration values shown on the displays are for ilustrative use only and may vary Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 ‘Azenat Synge Pumps ‘9 10006800001 eave 7 Configuration & Callbration Cert ger Ree) PLUNGER POS (position) calibration Fit calibration tool in postion on pumps shown in Steps 1-3. At each step CALs - displayed if value is within tolerance. Press CAL button to store calibration point, §—§—§ C+} Note: if CAL isnot sisplayed, check for correct positioning of calibration tol, f ee calibration cannot be performed, repairs to pump may be necessary. Nm cationd vit ‘Note: The calibration values shown on the displays are for ilustrative use only and may vary. Step 1 ‘Channel for locking ip Close-up of calibration tool, showing Step 2 locking clip in position. Step 3 Locking ct Step 4 aa ‘Asenat Syringe Pumps 03 ‘0008600001 fave 7 Tene neXe SYRINGE FORCE calibration Precondition: & fo This preconditions the mechanism and should only be done if motorplate or Calibration tool required: chassis has been replaced. Fit Calibration tool as shown, zero the gauge, run 0000700020 (shown) or 0900700200 Until gauge registers 10KgF and then carefully deciutch mechanism and withdraw plunger. Do not press any button during this procedure, Setar Do not apply ftore than 10 ir ‘phinger mechanlam ad any tne. 'Note: The calibration values shown on the displays are for ilustrative use only and may vary. Precondition ‘10KgF £0.05KgF Zero Gauge Syringe Force Calibration Toot Prunger Fit Calibration tool and position plunger as shown in Steps 1 to 3, zero the gauge. At each step press CAL when required calibration force is reached. Note: If CAL does not appear in display, check for correct positioning of tool. If calibration cannot be performed, repairs to pump may be necessary. Allow 30 seconds for pressure to stabilise following any preconditioning calibration. Stop 1 OKgF£0.05KgF ‘Asona Syringe Pumps 173 SYRINGE FORCE calibration (continued) Stop 2 3KgF 40.05KgF Stop 3 10KgF £0.05KgF Stop 4 Use of the 090071200200, Digital Occlusion Testgeer. The 00007G00200 Occlusion testgear uses « dial force geuge to register applied forces, Pease refer tothe Mecttesin Compect Gauge Operation instructions supplied for cetaled ‘operational Informatien iid oivar open et raquiraineite. * To prepare the testgear for use, fosd into the syringe pump. + Ensure there Is nothing touching the tetgear plunger (such as the syringe plunger drive). Operate the system ik require’ far pertormang te caseNtion eceivty. Before the next use, ensure the "MAX" reading Is cleared «sing the ‘On/Zero’ key. ‘Asana Syringe Pumps ‘03 10008600001 lave 7 Configuration & Calibration Calibration procedures (243) ( LINE PRESSURE calibration — Asena® CC Syringe Pump & Asena® EP Syringe Pump ONLY Tools required: Pressure gauge (range 0-1400 mmHg) (Golerares +10. Img) Dedicated pressure sensing disc extension set Dedicated pressure sensing dsc extension set (ie. Gs0402) Sri Luertock syringe ‘50m! Luerock syringe ‘Load pressure disc infusion set into transducer. Connect infusion set to syringe and gauge. Using syringe, apply pressure required as shown at steps 1-3. At each step press CAL when required calibration pressure is displayed on pressure gauge. Note: The calibration values shown on the displays are for ilustrative use only and may vary. Step1 -25mmHg + mmHg Step2 —_500mmHg # tmmHg Stop3 — 1000mmHg + 1mmHg Step 4 ‘Asana Syringe Pompe ‘0s 10008600008 ave 7 Configuration & Callbration Calibration pro BATTERY calibration 41. Connect the Pump to AC mains. 2. Select BATTERY CALIBRATION from menu and press OK, 3. The pump will automatically run the battery calibration. Battery calibration cycles the battery through a charge, discharge and re-charge sequence during which the gas gauge within the battery pack will be updated with a measurement of the current capacity ofthe cells. Vane Dessrpton Pass Grate 7 | eatery Capacity eck capacity value updated afer measured dlacharge phase (| | Greater than 100mA changed) 2 [Current Battry Charge Level [ Curent charge peck ne Battry Vorage ‘Curent pack votage. wa [intl Charge Time “Time taken during Ital charge phase, nal charge phase checks | Lower han 2 hours £9 mines ack ily cherged and nat le charged. 5 | Oicharge Time “Tine taken during meesured cocharge phe. Packledacharged to | Gstweon & hours 18 minutes & _etarring how mich charge fs avalabe frm the pack. ‘ehoure [Final Charge Teme “Tne taken during fal charge phase. Pack fly recharged ready | Lower than 7 hour 69 minutes forune 5. All pass criteria (see table above) should be met and the pump should display FINISH at the end of the calibration ‘otherwise callration has falled. If calibration has falled retry calibration or replace battery. 6. Press OK to exit. ‘The plunger drive wil! move automatically during the discharge phase, so ensure that the plunger drive 's not obstructed during calibration (remove syringes ete). ‘Azone Syringe Pumps ars '10008M0000" wave 7 Chapter 3 Routine Maintenance In this chapter Self-test procedure (123) 22 Comms test (123) 23 Data transfer 24 Information logs (376) 27 Recommended cleaning and inspection 28 Performance verification procedure 29 Routine Maintenance For routine maintenance, the following sel-test and performance verification procedures should be performed. Refer to the relevant Directions for Use for the recommended routine maintenance period. aca eden ers Self-tests included in full test Enter access code 123 to view the Test Selection menu (see Access Codes in chapter 2). Refer to table below forthe tests in ‘each menuitem Test Section Test ‘Action Sofware io Displays the software version. Sofware Rea layer Date Set mater Gumobe Sety Safety 1D (Check displays the version ofthe safety 1, Safety Processor Safety LED (Check red LED iluminated. Satety Alarm (Check Backup alarm sounds, Serial Number (Check displays serialnumber of unit Language Check csplays correct language Full only Reahime Clock Check diplays correct date and time. ‘Service Date Check displays date when service is next required a hack te apiay change corocty wee odie Out orn ae Check pressure is 000mmHg +-20mmHg with no pressure applied (Models CC & EP ony). Motor Encoder (Check motor runs and Passed is deplayed as ack iapay inate Orie Engaged or Caengeged when cuched jecltched. ‘Sensor Plunger Ft Check display indicates ifthe Plunger button is Out or In nee (heck ala smoaty and continously changes ding fal parger inser the syringe size calibration too! (1000TG00096) and check the ee following valves are displayed for diameters inserted Syringe Clamp 42mm diameter = 11.5 to 2.5mm. 32mm diameter = 31.5 to 32.5mm ‘Syringe Force Check motor runs and syringe force is displayed. oe C= ‘Ghack playa values n CAP, CHR and VOL; no dashes shoud be ‘Audio ‘Audio Speaker ‘Check the main audible alarm sounds, Display Check that allo the display pixels are illuminated, Backlight Check that the backiight switches from LOW to HIGH when indicated, Battery LED Check the Battery LED (Amber) flashes. Visual indicator Start LED Check the Start LED (Green) flashes. ‘Stop LED ‘Check the Stop LEO (Amber) flashes. Warning LED. (Check the Warning LED (Amber) lashes. ‘Alarm LED (Check the Alarm LED (Red) flashes, Key Keypad Press the key indicated and check changes to next key. Comms ‘Comms S232 only. Check Nurse call and RS232 operation ‘Asonat Syringe Pumps 22003 10005400001 lesue 7 ‘oftware fault code: a ‘Code [Module Failure ‘AetioniReplace Tt Open log file at power up _ File storage software module Lo9 rad index Log writ index Log data read Log data write Log dt onek Control PCB ropa are Eva. ‘Log format fare Evid Log reporing fare Evit Log extracting faire Evi2 Log pack flue Evis Log unpack faiure FO Fluid delivery software module Fo2 ‘Alarm manager sofware module FOS: Plunger drive software module Fa. Pressure monitor software module FS: : Syringe software module FOG ee User configuration software module ce For. Fluid delivery setup data retrieval FS. Fluid dovory setup data storage Fo. Fluid dover eral data Fo Vi cross check ertor Fut Open Mud log fle at power up FZ, File storage sofware module FS, Log red index FL Log write index FS; Log deta read Fis Log data write FLT] Fluid Log Log dela seek Convol PCa Fue Log repair faire Fg) Log format faire FL10 Log reporting faire FLtt Log extracting faire FLi2 Log pack ale FL13 Log unpack fature GGt__| Gas Gauge ‘Communications with 935 gauge Battery or Conta! PCB GR1__ | Guardrais® Lint | Guardrais® Lim falure Control PCB: Mt Data comupt Control PCB [wa] Seril number to st ‘Set Serial Number in access code 376 Identification Mana ina Me 0° Tercwset SELRTCin somes cade 25 7 Storage fare Conor PCB ——————— ee ‘Axand® Syringe Pumps 10005600001 nue 7 Troubleshooting Sree TUme Let Cosa [Mode Faire TaioTRepace ACI AC arn rarape ore AS ne am:nanaer |ASSTINS contol [fot [ADS Convery | Voge renews aaah Comal PO Ait nsaoranagn __ fAaSestais cut de Contel OB 731 Sefer execs AS | Ado Stu [Au tatu montana np ADS Specter wing or Cont PCB 783 Speaker crt ost at ower ub or Bary om 908 512 Gai collage Bow 52 | satoy Sein coos ioe Bator or Conia PCB sre arty dechargeg when conpedodTs aie cx [ook Excessive tring dt Conc P, EI Die engegonert sofware nadie Cont PO DE2 | pve Eneage Deoct_ [Ove engagement ono sex nGeane na COU roe DES Ener in wer sito Transmssion POS Now st rug database fe sysion 052 Drug calabso fe retool conta 9¢8 083 ug calsbso fe sae Dea CRC Ener B51 Dosing retinal a ps2 Doar sla fake 053 Dosing aa fare O54 Dosing 9 ira a oss ee eemeal Dosing patient data failure Same O56 esi OFS fre 057 Doing Data Set nape oe 58 Desig Profle manage fare OSM Data Setloading fare 33H ata Set riogy fire DSM3 Data Set incompatible format eae D5Ms Data Set CRG fee BSUS] DataSet Manager [Data Satread faire pro ee Daa Soon DSM6 Data Set element CRC failure PCB Deu Data Se soap are B5Ha Tata Se soap rool re cone PB 05H Date Sot data coupon ‘Axena® Syroge Pure 10006800001 ave 7 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting In this chapter Software fault codes 34 Exception error handling 36 General fault diagnosis 36 are Physical inspection and Clean Not Recommended When Serviced ited | (Nel, ‘Already Fitted! For models GS, GH & CC upgrade software version to 1.5.10 or higher’ Fit transmission buffer pad below 8001- 03469 8 8002 -06789 Fit modified pole clamp arm as required ‘Checi/Set Serial number, Set Service date (optional) Perform complete full test (Check Date and Time is correct (set as required 251)? Syringe Size Detection Test ‘12mm spacer (11.5 to 12.5) ‘32mm spacer (31.5 to 32.6) ‘Alarms Functionality Check Drive Disengaged, Check Syringe, AC power f Plunger Location, End of Infusion Ensure Pump works on battery and AC maine Pressure Disc out (CC & EP), Near End of Infusion, ‘Asenar Syringe Pumps Linear Speed Test? Pump set to 200mif, Syringe type BD 50, fora distance of 15mm mmin__ sec min 2.23 secs to 2 mins 29.47 secs ‘Occlusion Test Pump set to 100ml, Syringe type BD 60, Alar level L-3 27KGF t03.3KoF KoF Verification Tests * | on or Dediceted Models CC & EP, alarm evel st to 200mmHg, dive occlusion at 2.7KoF to 3.3KoF Ko Line Pressure Readings (Models GC & EP) ‘Alarm set o 50mm — pup alarms 4Ommbg to 6OmnHg minty Alarm seo 750mmHg — pump alarms 7 mmHg o 790mmHg mmo — ‘Set Rate to Zero (or lowest value possible), clear Volume Infused and VTBI i Clear Error/Alarm/Battery logs (As required) Class | Type CF meray wer esa cectrcal Earth Resistance Test <<0.2.0 a eee | Earth Leakage Current <=500 uA na Enclosure Leakage Gurrent <=100 uA uA "Refer to chapter $ofTSM _*Referto chapter 2 of TSM "Refer to chapter 6 of TSM * Latest issue of the plunger protector jig (0000JG00014 Issue 7) has been Improved so that the needle of the dal gauge rests upon the plunger heed (avold resting the needle on the moulding flesh ln) ofthe pump. This Improves the linear speed accuracy test results as any variation caused by the ig ‘movenrent during the test are eliminated. 70 TeTosnoote nue 7 Stren een To ensure this pump remains in good operating condition itis important to keep it clean and carry out the routine procedures. Goscribed below. Al servicing should only be performed by a qualified service engineer. ‘© Thoroughly clean external surfaces of the pump, by wiping over with a lint-free cloth, lightly dampened with warm water and a standard disinfectantidetergent solution, Do not use the following disinfectant types: = NaDee (such as PRESEPT) - Hypochiorites (such as CHLORASOL) ~ Aldehydes (such as CIDEX) ~ Cationic Surfactants (such as Benzalkonium Chloride) Iodine (such as Betadine) Recommended cleaners are: Brand Concentration Hibiscrub 20% (vi) Virkon 1% (wi) ‘@ Labels should be replaced as required if not flat, legible or fully adhered ‘# Case components must be checked for damage and replaced if necessary, ‘© Check the pole clamp is not damaged and that it functions correct, Inspect the AC power supply plug and cable for damage. Use an appropriate cleaning method thet does not aliow an excess of fluid to ‘sccummalate found the keypads. Aagrassive cleaning can potentially create @ Maid Wigr6es path Into the shell keypad which can result In keypad faltare. tw ease of fatture, ssultiog in a KY error code, the anet rt Fa rs ono etl 4 Ser Soh he tel i we number 15, 2008 should be used since they offer more protecton to. Cleaning. The week numbst Way'BbYoond on the Raped eonneston ta. We recornmerid that ait, within the sertal “Avend? GS Syringe Puinip Asena® TIVA Syringe Pump "01340 - 02309 * cate oe cen repent 2nd July 2002 and 30th. have their shelf | pad replaced at the next SeLrray pe mmncoianees routine service. All other puimps have a shel? potential risk. ‘Axena Syringe Pumps ‘ai Routine Maintenance PEER UG HE Data Set Upload and Download (401 & 499) Upload Data Set to an Asena® Syringe Pump with Guardralle® Safety Software or an Asena® PK Syringe Pump (401) Using the Guardrails® Editor Transfer Tool or Asena® PK Editor Transfer Too! allows a released Data Set to be uploaded to an ‘Asena Syringe Pump. Download Data Set from an Ase Pump (499) Using the Verifcation Too! allows an uploaded Data Set in an Asena® Syringe Pump to be downloaded to a PC for comparison ‘and verification. Download CQ! Event Log (402) Download CQI Event Log from an Asena® Syringe Pump with Guardrails® Safety Software (402) Using the Guardrals* CQ! Event Log Downloader allows the CQ! Event Log to be downloaded from an Asanat® Syringe Pump to'@ PC for use with the Guardrails® Cl Event Reporter. The Guardrails® CQ! Event Reporter is a program for querying and reporting on the collective event data allowing the user to analyse trends in medication administration and track medication 2 X the Asena® PK. of Sees Mean Sen ELA) Syringe Pump with Guardrails® Safety Software or an Asena® PK Syringe Use access code 376 to view the information logs (see Access Codes in chapter 2) Log View Notes : -spuye he wel 10 tu soca ‘Option to view the time and date at which Service Displays the last 10 fault codk they occur. GierSerce | Clare ay normaon ted in tsi rato een oe ct Displays the complete event iog (maximum 1500 events Event ‘except Pumps with Guardrails® Software enabled which have ‘one year of events). a Display he at 200 key presses andthe te hey eas Use Displays te hour of ue ance est and ene lat cold | rag ox to cler nous ice rset ‘Access code 376 provides the following additional service options: Service Date _Set the date when pump will display ‘Service due and any service message entered. Service Message Enter message to be displayed on service date, ‘Serial Number Record the serial number of the pump. Unit Reference _Free-form textfield for user reference only Event Log ‘Access provided when standard power-up mode leads to errors such that the Event Log access from the Options @ button cannot be accessed. PGB Identification Allows Control PCB ID to be reviewed. (Pumps with Guardrails® Safety Software only) Number ‘Asana Syringe Pumps zs 10006400001 ave 7 Routine Maintenance Teach Learn (Software versions V1.4.13 and above) 1. For the teacher pump oniy (not required for lean pumps), in General Options 251, switch off RS232 before commencing Teach Learn procedure, 2. Tur the teacher pump on in normal operation ‘For multiple teach-leamn operations, to avoid call-back alarm every 2 minutes, turn teacher v ‘pump on in access code mode. Enter the access code 167 on leam pump. Align the two IrDA ports on the pumps (optimum distance is Sem), Press OK and then Yes to confirm. ‘A progress bar will travel across the leam pump, ‘When completed, select No to cancel rety. Possible reasons for failure: © S222 is not switched of. + If software versions are different, confirm teach leam procedure on leamer pump to continue. Verify setings after ‘completion of lear. ‘# The pump models are different. For example, an Asena® GS Syringe Pump can only teach an Asena® GS Syringe Pump. ‘© The line of sight between the IrDA windows was obstructed during data transfer. iat nécnceary to char te provows paver iii the syringe inférmetion. On powsruip after Teachvieam and when prompted with CLEAR SETUP, select YES. Event Log download APC application known as the Event Log Download Utity (ELDU) (part number 1000SP00208) is avaliable to download logs from Asenae Syringe Pumos. ELDU operation 1. Click on ELDU icon on PC. 2. Click Accept to agree with Restrictions of Use and continue 3. Select Configure from drop-down menu 4. Select Setup Pump and choose Asena® as pump type. 5. Select Settings to select og to be downloaded. 6. Check communications are set as follows: ~ Required PC com port selected. ~ Set baud rate to 38400. 7. Click OK to confirm, 8. Align the IMA converter pump withthe [DA window (optimum distance is Sr), or connect RS232 cable 98. Power up pump, 10. Cick Download Log from main screen 11, Press Close, when finished. 12, Select File ftom drop-down menu and save fle. Log may be printed here as required ‘Asene Syringe Pumps Routine Maintenance remus Soft bootstrap 1. Load the software program onto your PC. Start the ‘MP Only’ version of relevant pump software. Check the correct pump type is displayed. Select GO. ‘Align the IrDA converter pump with the IrDA window (optimum distance is Sm), or connect RS232 cable, Connect to serial por. Enter access code 186. Press Yes to continue Bootstrap ‘Select IDA interface or RS232 interface. Select a Baud rate of 115200. The pump wil then display Bootstrap in progress. 410. Press the OD button to silence the alarm. 11, Select Transmit on PC. Check progress bar moves on PC and pump powers down. Hard bootstrap 4. Load the sofware program onto your PC. Start the relevant pump software (not the ‘MP Oniy' version). 2, Disconnect the batery and separate the pump. 3 Fitthe Programme header onto the control board. 4. Reconnect the battery. The pump wil alarm, press the GD bution to silence, 5. ign the IDA converter pump withthe IDA window (optimum distance is Sem), or connect RS232 cable. 6. Connect to serial port 7. Switch the Programme header tothe corect postion elther R232 or IDA. 8. Switch on the Programme header 9, Select GO on the PC software program. 10.Select Transmit on PC. Check progress bar moves on PC and pump powers down. Cold start It may be necessary to carry out a cold start ifthe pump has changed between certain software. Refer to documentation ‘supplied with the software disk to see if cold statis required 1. Enter access code 611, then power down when prompted, 2. Perform a full calibration, Caution - Potential Erasure of Data: ‘Gokd Start erases ALL information from the pump. This feature shiould only be ‘used when changing between Incompatible software versions, Fall recalioration 2nd reconfiguration will be required. ALARIS Medical Systems technicians ‘should not re-instate drug Information (this MUST be left to the customer). Power Fallure Failures may occur when using taptops when communicating with Asana ‘Syringe Pumps, due to power requirements. External power sepoly may be ased in conjunction with IDA or R6232 cable to compensate for lack of power from laptop. Please Note IDA data transfer can be affected by bright sunlight or fluorescent lighting. ‘Asana Syringe Pumps ‘3 000800001 ave 7 Routine Maintenance Upgrading software ‘address a potential Issue that may result In a condition where the running LED is flashing, the Infusion. status shows “INFUSING” but the volume Infused display will not increment and no drug will be infused into the patient. ‘This potential isaue may oecur under the following remete clecumetances : Tools required ‘# The Software Distribution Disk (See table below) © I:DA port on PC or Comms Port © Programming kit 10008P00172 ‘8232 cable 10008P00336 ((ncludes Programme Header and IrDA cable) IrDA power-down test ‘To check PC is set up correctly for communication with Asena® Syringe Pumps the Power Down Test needs to be performed ‘on one Asenae Syringe Pump only as follows: Load the IrDA Power Oown Test program on your PC. ‘Select GO on the PC software program. ‘Align the IrDA converter with the pump ItDA window (optimum distance is Sem). 1. Connect to serial pot. Enter access code 166. Press Yes to continue Bootstrap. Solect IrDA interface. Select a Baud rate of 115200. ‘The pump will then display Bootstrap in progress, 10. Press the @ button to silence the alarm, 11, Select Transmit on PC. Check progress bar moves on PC and pump powers down. ‘Software Versions available Software Enhanced Software Guardrails® Safety Software Syringe Pump ‘Model Mk 1/2 MK Mit wis mKs Asena*Gs | tooosPo0z4s | so00sPooss | tooosPo0ses | 1000sP00572 Syringe Pump | (MP vi.6.10) | (MP v20.0) | (MP v1.8.1) | (MP v22.1) Asena®*GH | tooasPodzss | 1000sPoo4e9 | too0sPo0ses | 1000SP00573 MP 3.1.3 Syringe Pump | (MP v1.5.1) | (MP v2.0.0) | (MPv1.8.1) | (MPv221) | (Installed by ALARIS Personnel) ‘Asena® cc | sooasPo0z23 | 1000sP00s00 | s000sPo0se7 | 1000sPo0574 MP v3.1.2 Syringe Pump _| (MP v1.8.10) | (MP v200) | (MPvi81) | (MPv221) | (Installed by ALARIS Personnel) Asena* TivA | 1000sP00453 | to00sPo0s01 | 1o00sPo0ses | 1000sP00575 Syringe Pump | (MP vi62) | (MP v2.1.0) | (MPvie1) | (MPv221) MP ¥B.1.2 ‘Asena® EP {Instaied by ALARIS Personnel) Syringe Pump 10008P00614 (MP v3.2.5) released versions of the Control PCB, Key: MP = Main Processor. MK/MK2/MK3 are ‘Asena Syringe Pumps aes 10008800001 lesue 7 Routine Maintenance Self-test procedure (123) (continued) Self-tests not included in full test ‘Test Section Test ‘Action: Remote Remote ‘Check the function ofthe IA output for remote access Syringe lame Displays calibration values for Closed and Open positions Plunger position | Displays calibration values for Left, Middle and Right positions: Catpravon records: Syringe force Displays calibration values for 0. 3 and 10 kf Line pressure Displays calibration values for 25, 500 and 1000mmlg (Models CC & EP only) Linearity ‘Check the mechanism rune full ravel and graph displays smooth near travel. ee ‘Occlusion base | Check the occlusion base level ia within tolerance ahown on graph. Comms test (123) ‘Select COMMS TEST from the displayed menu. Note: Section only applicable if RS232 Hardware option is fitted. 'No specific customer test equipment is available to conduct the RS232 on nurse call alarm tests. Its essumed that the customer will have associated systems that make use of the RS232 and nurse call options, hence: ‘The nurse call system can be tested, once connected to the customer facilty, by running the pump and simulating an alarm Condition (e.g. Disengaging the drive while running). The RS232 system can be tested by communicating with the pump using a customer application Ino customer systems are available for in-use testing, the following connections to the 9 pin D type output socket will permit testing. Itis recommended that al test connections are made via a 9 way D type plug that can be fitted into the pump socket. Test Description S232 Test Only available when Nurse Call option is fited. Note: NURSE CALL FITTED & RS232 SELECTED ‘must be enabled (¥) in access code 251 General Options for this test to work. Connect the 9-pin D type connector to the 9 pin D type output socket atthe rear of the pump. The display "_____' mill ‘change to PASS if the communications test is successful Nurse Call COnly available when Nurse Call option is fited. Note: NURSE CALL FITTED & RS232 SELECTED ‘must be enabled (v) in access code 251 General Options for this test to work. Locate the &-pin D type connector at the rear of the pump. Check that the Nurse Call relay switches from NC to NO ‘connections during test. eee _ Pin Number | Required Action ‘Comments (Pump Socket Id) 1 ‘Nurse call relay ~ normally closed ‘With nurse call test in progress - Confirm continuity with ‘connection pin § - Alternately switches with pin 8. 2 Link pin 2 to pin 3 S232 Tx and RX test link. With RS232 test in progress = Confirm 'PASS' is displayed on test screen. 3 See pin 2 _ 4 Not used = 5 0 volt tine With respect to pin 7. 6 Not used _— T ‘Apply 9 012 volts OC S232 Power supply - with respect to pin 9. 8 ‘Nurse call relay - normally open With nurse call test in progress - Check continuity to pin ‘connection 5 Alternately switches with pin 1 9 ‘Nurse call relay - common connection — | — ‘Asenu Syringe Pumps 2a 1000600001 eave 7 Ene ze [Geode [Woduie Failure ‘Action Replace va Open kay by fea power ap 7 Fle eorae soar red ra Top readin x Tog nex m3 og dead ma eg ee wi 7 Key Log Log date seek Controt PCB ra og par x og fora ar a 109 reporting ahr rn Cog extracrg four 7H Log pack fre 7 og nga Kyt Keypad key stuck down for 10mins Ky2 Keyed Line failure ioe eemieenee iz Co conto praetor Hage te Ico igpontoaneit [exit re say 8 wet olor encoder modi soa oe Motor Encoder jovermun detected: ‘Motor encoder or Control PCB = Wolo encoder sr enice evar an wh tncoters debi a Hot mode ota — Ercde es aad,prevering nb WaT coninangie nn ms Salty procesor Ta le, oven Ta sone cotta tun rT oir aon n wrong ecion —— . eck tr cornatons ee |r crelana atemtaan tuning at wrong rate notin line with opto. Chassis PCB, MTT Motor rotation detected when it should be stopped _| Control PCB. Te Hot: nt ring when shoul be Te Toten It cone of Sale Pra TH Motor ron ve Gla as ead minum wit vane wie tr Sa aa nei ADE prevning na a wai NZ | urse Call Monitor signal is out of range: Control POB or RS232/Nurse Call nS Fala exer onto ve roe Na Seley proceso are a att Daa eral fare 72 —| serene [Patt ala stage fal oe Pas Patent ata ata ero Pha [eae ta OFS ero Par Pinger buon mode evar a2] Pungecauton _[Pungerbuon onto ef at Bunge ive ex Cont PCB or 8 Eiri wrong ee ‘Axena® Syringe Pumps 10005100001 sue 7 TiC RU aetele( om Oro Code [Mode Faire AatonfRopiace PCr PIP Conte sofware mode TI PCr PIP Gonote teal dta FCS | pe connojer [PS mode tia data —— BO Fld devry software module PCS PIP Controter setup data revival Pos PIP Contote setup data sore Pot Presaure diac module software if PZ] Pressure isc Prosnur dc opto softest Pressure cop or Control PCB PO Emer in wrong state PFA unger nent sofware module FZ] Punger Fament | Grbperepo module sofware aati Cone PCB x PFS unger btlon ope mule sofware PEM Profle siorage faire PEM Profle revival are PMs _| Profle Manager Profile startup failure Cl Pra Profile det conpton PGt Plunger gripper module software PG2__|Puneercrprers | Punger tpper opt stest unger appar ot, Transmission P63 Eiterin wrong stat ef Funger dive sofware module Control PCB or Chassis PCB Pia Alam manager software module ata near vavel Pungo ms Purge rive travel deviation poston nar potentiometer Control Purge brve PCB or Chasle PCB Pua urge poston mentor sofware an Cane) Control PCB or Chassis PCB Bs Synge sotware module PLT User configuration option sofware Pa Pressure measurement sofware Pua Pressure sensor PM Syringe force Pa] frossire User contguraton pions Control Pos PMS Syringe PMS Setup retiva fare PMT Setup storage fare PP Punger poston menor fw comers PPE ADC PPS unger polion sensor unger poston incr poteromer Pes | flunger Postion | tungor poston sensor calbraon Colbrate near vavel PPS unger poion cal data revival PP lunge poston cl data sorage Conta POB PPT Drive engagement sofware ‘Asand® Synge Pure 1000580000 ave 7 Troubleshooting SRT eels oa Code [Mode Faire [AationRepiace Pst Pressure sensor sofware module st Fee Cont PCB PS Current reading val PsA Votage (Norma) reeding val Pressure sensor or Control PCB Ps Vatage (Test) reading invalid PSé Pressure Sensor Pressure sensor calibration Calibrate pressure sensor PST Pressure sensor cal dat etievl PSB Pressure sensor cal data storage commen i weet — ore Pressure sensor or Control PCB sci Syringe camp sofware module oa onto! PCB or syringe lamp Syringe clamp sensor readings potentometer Synge Camp Syringe clamp catibration Calibrate syringe clamp. ‘Syringe clamp cal data retrieval ‘Syringe clamp cal data storage Reales Service data fle etieval 80 data Servic data fe storage Perform Cold stat. Cont PCB ‘Service data fle contents Syringe force sensor software comme oe ADC Synge force sensor curent reading Syringe force sensor nonalresding Motor plate or Control PCB Votage (est) reading SF6_ acres Syringe force sensor calibration Calibrate syringe force SF7 Syringe fore cal data retioval SFB ‘Syringe force cal data storage Control PCB sro Synge force sensor amplifier Motor plate or Convo POB: SFO Syringe force ouput Cetra syringe fore. Motor pate SP Safety processor program memory SP2__| Saley Processor [Safety processor IO version Cont PC SP3 Safty processor svi ‘Service Log sofware medi sv Fle storage sofware module sve Log read index sv4 Log wre index Sv5 Log ata read Sve Log ta write SV7__| Service Log Log data sok contol PCB sve Log epafare sve Log format aur sv10 Log reporting fare svit Log exracing fire sve Log pack fire svi Log unpack flue ‘Asana® Syringe Pumps sas 0005600001 esue 7 STOO E UC meee oe Code [Medan Fate AalonRepiee sri Sng Rane’ evar node sv Syne care cone Pos 5a Pruner ment SY5 nee Plunger button stuck in Check plunger button. Control PCB. 36 Synge dea able eva comanoe 7 Synge date able ere 70] fat ee Ter Teka come Tez Trt contgued 763] rx 701 Totncorect sii intact your oa ALAR Seon 08 Pica! oor Tos PIC Nodel ara or Tos PA Mods or vet User ents oon raat ea User cont opto sree conta Po uc3 oie ee User config. option data retrieval ues Use coguron reel Para Gol wat on User tne restr dock coeurce ure User er eotare roast See CUR ae) ‘Exception errors include Assertion Error and Enum Faure Errore and are used to trap logical errs inthe software execution ‘The pump wil display the ero ype, the te of the software module in which the eror occured and the line number: The user ‘should make a note of these for use in diagnosis. This information is stored in the service log (access code 376). ‘After an error, the pump will not store information when powered down. When the pump is switched on again, the user should ‘always confirm clear setup (this is done automatically with software version V1.5.9 and later) eeu Parts to Check/Test gia/2/5/8]8)8 i s1elel al elelelelals ER ale] etetalal a] 2 Dropped or damaged viv vivilviv & | exposes to mids AIAG Alea Al aa ale & § | No vate power v v 5 © | wwoAc mains power v viv vi[v Dever aes outoftolrence |v viv ‘Asana? Syringe Pumps oem 10005600001 txue 7 Chapter 5 Circuit Descriptions In this chapter Functional module block diagram 38 Module overview functional description 39 Circuit Descriptions ara EMC Ud Ce aE) Tranamiasion swoe |_[ a war trwet | | Keypad ee ~s. Potentiometer ' awison | 9 “Taramison ' ned 2 }—>| manic} wee Function aH ' tapped 1 pu fas] | } 2H Display feo} ¥ i otoy ' Pes an ' bocoght ' Lf con i WH TT | Battery | owe sing]_[eL[ ogee | Poteniometer z ‘clamp 4) coms a 1 Proceso i congo eco | | wanavso Le 61ST puto alam b>) Bachan ra]! Speer 1 i reese Pango | | ransicer glo | preseue res |! (Models CC = [F] Transducer 1 oe) ! +} woorone }—} |e}. Sgzer t 1” Spins ~~ i 1 | RSZ2Nue Ty ait t ' 2 Batiery wih eee elle EB E [| encetae =e Comms [| Distribution ‘Mains 7T Inet 1 >] eater at Gee) | FS Programme |! 5 |< Powerpce |< Header | | = ‘Axena® Syringe Pure sas 10008600001 fave 7 Circuit Descriptions Co LO Ron ea aaa The Asena® Syringe Pumps are designed to be serviced generally to major assembly level. The PCBs are designed {88 non-serviceable items and as such, can only be replaced as complete parts ‘The major assemblies are: © ContwolPCB Power Supply Unit PCB © Display PCB @ Battery © Transmission __@ Transducer (Models CC & EP) ‘ALARIS Medical Systems will maka available, on request, Ccrcut’ diagrams which will assist appropriately qualified technical personnel to repair those parts of the device which are designated by the manufacturer as repairable. Control PCB Contains the main processor module, which provides the ‘control functions for almost all aspects of the pum. It drives, ‘and monitors all other modules using the program code stored inthe flash eprom. The main processor runs the main application program. The main processor directly interfaces. cs Safety Processor Keypads Display Real Time Clock Communications Switch to IDA and RS232 (optional) interfaces Nurse Call Output Indicator LEDs ‘Audible Alarm Motor — controler and dual channel coll driver OAC System Sensors. (including: syringe clamp, plunger positon, drive engagement opto, plunger button opto, sytinge force senso, line pressure sensor, pressure disc opt0, motor encoder, AC power) © Backlight + Power supply # Battery gas gauge ‘The function of the Safety Processor Module is to ensure the correct operation of the Main Processor by constantly ‘exchanging data. If an error is detected, the module can independent cisable the stopper motor that drives the transmission. Additonal, t can create both aucible and visible alarms using its dedicated piezoelectric buzzer, alarm LED and, i fit, the Nurse Call interface. ‘The Safety Processor controls (independent of main processor} © Audio sounder © Visual indicator LED Control signal to inhibit motor drive + Power supply hold up control Pressure Transducer (Models CC & EP) Monitors the line pressure when the pressure discs inserted ‘and flags the presence of a pressure disc. The Control PCB. ‘checks the transducer for presence of a pressure disc and the line pressure when a disc is present. oeeoee oes tora Power Supply Unit PCB ‘The Power Supply Unit (PSU) is a single output switched- mode power supply rated at 15 VOCI1.6 A continuous duty. The PSU has a wide input voltage range of 85 to 264VAC, 47-63 Hz single phase Display PCB ‘The Pump uses a Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) ‘as a backtight for the negative mode LCD display. The ‘CCFL Backlight Supply Module generates the high voltages. required to drive the lamp and faciltates software based brightness contro. Battery ‘The Battery Pack Module provides system power in the absence of a mains supply. ‘The Battery Pack Module consists of six 1.2V 2.7An NIMH battery cells connected in series, a thermal fuse, thermal circuit breaker and Gas Gauge Module sealed in a heat shrink sleeving ‘The Gas Gauge Module is permanently connected across the battery terminals sothatitcan monitorterminal voltage, charge: ‘discharge current and the battery pack temperature, “Through charge monitoring information, from the Gas Gauge ‘Module, the Control PCB Main Processor Module determines. the battery charge level and hence ‘Battery Low’ and ‘Battery Empty’ condtions, Battery capacity will reduce overtime. ‘Annual battery calibration is recommended to update Gas ‘Gauge Module with ‘up to date' battery capacity information. If the battery pack falls to achieve the calibration limits, itis recommended that the battery pack is replaced and calibration performed. Transmission ‘The Transmission Interface Module provides the Pump with the capability of monitoring a number of critical parameters ‘associated with the transmission operation. The device can detect failures or incorrect operation of the transmission and Prevent incorrect drug dosage administration. The electronics for this module occupy three separate PCBs that are located in various areas of the transmission as follows: Plunger PCB — Located inside the Plunger Holder Assembly, Contains the electronics that detect correct syringe plunger location and gripper motion. Carriage PCB — Located on the Transmission Carriage. Contains electronics that detect correct engagement of the Half Nut with the Leadscrew. Chassis PCB ~ Located on the Chassis Extrusion. This, facilitates measurement of motor speed, syringe drive force ‘and linear plunger position. Additionally, the IfDA compliant infrared transceiver is positioned on the reverse side of this PCB. The stepper motor which drives the mechanical transmission of the pump is controlled by the Motor Drive ‘module on the Control PCB. ‘Asana® Syringe Pompe sees *0008Mo0001 fave 7 Chapter 6 Component Interchange In this chapter Access to pump 41 Rear case and subassemblies 43 Front case and subassemblies 47 Pressure transducer assembly (Models CC & EP only) 56 Keypads and labels 57 Batteries shoutd be disposed of as outined by the local country regatations. Do not send batteries beck to the manufacturer. For fastener torque settings, please refer to Appendix C Fitting & Replacement guidelines. ‘Only use ALARIS Medical Systems recommended spare parts. Access to pump Interchange 1. Remove the two case screws in battery cover, remove cover and battery 2. Remove the six case screws. ‘3. Model CC only: Insert a flat-blade screwdriver into the blanking plug of transducer, prise plug away from transducer and remove securing screw. 4. Carefully separate case halves and disconnect cables. 5, Where necessary, remove the foot rivets with a flat-biade screwdriver and remove the feet from the case. Refer to ‘additional information on the following page concerning rivet orientation. 6. Reassemble in reverse order. (H) Case Screws: Tearing Pag (F) Pressure a Transducer (1) Feet (Note: Feet shown are the rivet style. ‘Adhesive backed feet are now avaliable.) (€) Rear Caso (8) Battery Cover (0) Front Case (A) Battery (Note: Its essential thatthe battery Pack is calibrated after fiting as failure to do so wil dograde the quoted auxiliary battery power on this product.) Interchange parts tom Description Part Number A ASENASP, Assy, Battery ‘000sPo1t22 B ‘ASENA SP, Battery Cover/Handle ‘ooosPott21 ce ASENA CC, Assy, Plug Blanking Transducer 41000ME01317 D ASENAGS, Kit, Front Case to00sP00478 D ASENA GH, Kit, Front Case 1000sP00479 D ASENATIVA, Kit, Front Caso 10008P00480 D ‘ASENA.CC, Kit, Front Case ‘o0sPo11s3 ° ASENAPK. Kit, Front Case ‘10008°00858 D ASENAEP, Kit, Front Case o00sP00641 E ASENA GSIGH/TIVA, Kit, Rear Case 10008P01115, E ASENA CC, Kit, Rear case 10008P01154 F ‘ASENA.C, Kit, Pressure Transducer 10008P01155 s ASENA SP, Case Sealing Cord (1m) (intemal, not shown) 1000ME00311, 4 ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers otc) 1000sP00466 Hl ‘ASENA SP, Kit, Spare adhesive foot rivet replacement 10008P00593 1 ASENA SP, Kit, Spare adhesive foot 0008P00595 ‘Asana® Syringe Pumps ‘ms 10005800001 ave 7 Ora) ‘The Pump has two types of rvet feet, one type is white and the other Is black. The rivet feet can be removed and replaced without opening the pump, and may be replaced with adhesive backed feet as descibed below. ‘There are also two types of cases, one that had rivet feet and therefore holes in the cases for them and the other is without the holes but only a recess for the adhesive backed foot to fit into For cases that had rivet feet and therefore holes, kit 1000SPO0593 is required. For cases without the holes, kit 1000SP00595 {is required. Kit 10008P00593 contains a fiting instruction, 242 adhesive backed feet, 242 foot bonding pads and one 20g tube of Loctite ‘454 gel adhesive. This kit is intended as a replacement for the rivet style foot and has enough feet for 48 pumps. Kit 1000800595 contains 11 adhesive backed feet only. Ths kit is intended for cases that do not have the rivet feet and therefore no holes in the cases. Only a recess is present for the adhesive backed foot to be placed into. ‘Asena® Syringe Pure ens 1000860000" sue 7 Component interchange See Ee emt. Power Supply Unit & Speaker Interchange Disconnect the PSU cable. Remove the three PSU screws. Remove earth wire screw and washer. Remove PSU and insulator. Wit @ pair of soft faced pliers, carefully compress the catch holding the inter>al speaker and pull the speaker up and out Reassemble in reverse order, Parone (0) PSU Screws (Psu ' FL (©) Insuiator (A) Speaker “S Earth Wire Interchange parts tem Description Part Number A ASENA SP, Kit, Speaker 10008P01130 B ASENA SP, Assy, Power Supply Unit (PSU) 8000€L00063 c ASENA SP, Assy, PSU Insulator 1000ME01306 D ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers etc) too0sP00466 ‘Asana? Syringe Pumpe es 10008600001 fave 7 Stormer aL) Rear case — mains inlet, PE stud and magnet Interchange 1 Remove two nuts to remove PE stud. 2, Remove the wo screws on Maine ie 2. Remove main ia nd retina, 4 Remove magnet by fing one en 5. Resse revere ore fn y Retainer 3 eo (2) Main at , (©) Magnet, (aye sud (€) Mains et Retainer Seow Interchange pats tem Description Par Number A ASENA SPIGW, Ki, PE Su 10008P00487 8 ASENA SP Kl, Mains et 1000sPo1124 c Magnet Detect 100001900 ° ASENA SP Fuse, 125A Sow Blow, Malo (rot sbown) _son064.00222 E /ASENA SP. Ki, Fhinge (cove, washers) 100$P00488 ‘Asana® Syringe Pure ass 10005600001 ave 7 Tet i Pert Pole clamp and RS232 Interchange 1. Remove three pole clamp screws, eres reseaen ses 2, Remove two tube restraint screws, 3, Remove two nuts & washers from RS232 socket screws. 4. Reassamble in reverse order. (€) RS232 Socket Connector (A) Pole clamp screw e% [The Pole Ciamp Arm material has been changed to a stronger material to prevent the arm from bending Aah * tien tightened. : (Ee [The Pole Ciamp Arm spares kit repiaces pera of the Pole Clamp assembly to address bent or slipping. eal [Pole Clamps. Note: There is no requirement to remove the V Clamp. V clamp (remains fixed to Aly sma amount of Castel the pump case) MK grease to this surface ™| (H) Spring (©) Modiied Knob Pole Ciamp Screw. (H) Pivot Screw (Torque to 4—— 2Nm using Driver) ‘Apply Loctite 248 &. Loctite 7471 here, Interchange parts tem Description Part Number A [ASENA SP, Assy, Pole clamp 1000SP00115 B ASENA SP, Tube restraint blank 1000ME01213 c ASENA SP, Tube restraint RS232 1000MEO1214 D SPARE KIT POLE CLAMP ARM ‘1000sP00589 E ASENA SPIGW, Kit, RS232 connector 10008P00468 F ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers etc) ‘o00sP00466 6 POLE CLAMP SNAKE EYE DRIVER (NOT SHOWN) 1000ME01466 4 ‘SPARE POLE CLAMP ARM KIT ASENA SP/GW to00sP004e3 ‘Axena® Syringe Pumps 4503 10006800004 lssue 7 Component Interchange Rear case and subassemblies (« Rail cam Interchange Remove screw from lever release. Remove screw from lever rail cam Remove locking washer from spring Reassemble in reverse order. (A) Lever Relegse . Ne (A) Spring woe ge SY Interchange parts Item Description Part Number A ASENA SP, Ki, Reil Cam ‘t000sPo1t14 ‘Axena® Syringe Pumps aes ‘s0008M00001 ave 7 Component interchange Cece uiey arn RE Front case - Control PCB and RS232 (if option fitted) Interchange 1, Disconnect cable from RS232 PCB. 2, Remove the four retaining screws and washers from RS232 PCB. 3. Remove the three retaining screws and disconnect all lexi and cable connections, Push the motor towards the transmission to ease removal of Control PCB. 4. When fiting Control PCB ensure ail lexi and cables are routed clear of PCB. 5. Connect all flexi and cable connections - secure withthe three retaining screws. 6. Reassomble RS232 PCB in reverse order. (8) RS232 PCB & Fixings te Motor (A) Control PCB (€) Retaining screws: Interchange parts tem Description Part Number A ASENA GS, Control PCB (Software V2.2.1) to00sP004e4 A ASENA GH, Control PCB (Software V2.2.1) 10008P00495 A ‘ASENA CC, Control PCB (Software V2.2.1) ‘1000sP00496 A ‘ASENA TIVA, Control PCB (Software V2.2.1) ‘10008P00497 A ‘ASENA PK, Control PCB (Software V3.2.5) 10008P00637 8 ASENA SP, Kit, RS232 (PCB & Fixings) ‘1000SP01160 c ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers etc) ‘1000sPo0466 ‘Asana® Syringe Pumpe are 10008800001 asus 7 BOTs) een Display PCB Interchange 1, Remove the flexible circuit ferrite 2. Remove the four display fixing screws and two display mounting brackets. 3, Reassemble in reverse order. For the Model GS fit the adaptor bracket to the display. 4. Secure the shelf keypad flexi to the display using double-sided adhesive pad. (©) Mounting Bracket (€) Window Adaptor (A)Display PCB (1) Mounting Bracket Screws (x4) Models GHICCITIVAEP/PK Display Option Shown Fitted to Display PCB Model GS Display Option (©) Display PB light shield . (9) Backtight — -~ (@ Dplay Insulator Models GHICCITIVAIEPIPK Display Option Interchange parts tem Description Part Number A ASENA GS, Display PCB 1000SPo1118 8 ASENA GHICCITIVA, Display PCB s000sPo1t19| c ASENA GS, Assy, Window Adaptor Display 000sP00122 D ASENA SP, Assy, Bracket Display Mounting 1000ME00261 E Pad Self-adhesive Double-sided 12x12mm. ‘0000ME00423, (not shown on back of Display PCB) F ‘ASENA GS. Assy, Display Insulator ‘1000SP00187 6 ASENA GHICCITIVA, Assy, Display Insulator ‘1000SP00188. 4 ASENA SP, Assy, Gasket Display 1000ME01301 ' [ASENA GHICCITIVA, Kit, Display Protection 1000sP01137 (not shown on back of Display PCB) J [ASENA GS, Kit, Backlight Shield too0sP00z73 Kk [ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers etc) to00sP00466 ‘Asend® Syringe Pumps ry 1000560000 lesue 7 aaa Front case - Chassis PCB and Plunger assembly Interchange Remove the two Chassis PCB screws. Disconnect all cables. 2. Extend the plunger out to its full extent and fully loosen the two plunger retaining screws in the carriage Carefully remove the plunger flex from the carriage PCB and straighten. While applying controlled force to the plunger, ‘extract it from the cariage and withdraw it completly. 4. Resesembie in reverse order. (0) Chassis, (A) Chassis PCB PCB Screw x2 (0) Plunger Scrow x2 Carriage PCB (8) Plunger Fiex! (C) Buffer Pag Interchange parts ftom Description Part Number A ASENA SP, Kit, Chassis PCB ‘1000SP00189 8 ASENA SP, Kit, Plunger assembly (not shown) 000sP01t13 c ‘ASENA SP, Kit, Carriage buffer o00sP00z30 ° ‘ASENA SP, Kt, Fixings (screws, washers otc) too0sP0046s ny 0008600001 tau 7 Component interchange eee Rt cy mbly and Pressure Transducer (Models CC & EP only) S Chassis Interchange 1. Carefully pee! away the label on the bottom of the front case to gain access to the chassis screw. Remove this screw. 2, Remove the two screws securing the syringe flange clamp. 3, Carefully withdraw the chassis 4, Remove the two screws from the pressure transducer assembly and carefully withdraw (Models CC & EP oniy). 5. Reassemble in reverse order. (A) Chassis: (€) Pressure Transducer Screws (x2) (©) Pressure “Transducer (8) Syringe Flange Clamp (2 piece) (8) Flange -~ Clamp Screws - ‘ (©) Labet ‘yng reso Clery es bana extenotd ie rspcnne fo martt ached undee certain ges of oma sn ot tnd ies) tincarecty fa wpa when syringes of smell sires are: Sasi cit eset eneetetinicimeien PLB (€) Chassis Screw sen meee me Sere. dd ng erae Emncad | Hace ‘iange daIn@”” syringe Nange came fanae darng ee Interchange parts item Deseription Part Number A ASENA SP, Kit, Chassis Assembly t000se01112 8 [ASENA SP, Kt Syringe Flange Clamps (1 piece) 1000800677 8 ASENA SP, Kit Syringe Flange Clamps (2 piece) 4000800670 c ASENA.CC, Ki, Pressure Transducer 1000801155 ° ASENAP, LBL, Label Chassis Screw Cover 10001800431 E [ASENASP, Kit, Fsings (screws, washers et) s000sPo0466 ‘Asana® Syringe Pumps sam 10008600001 sue 7 Reet eeu oe Front case — Syringe Sizing assembly Interchange 1. Remove the syringe sizing retainer screws, case brace and retainer. 2, Remove the shim and discard, then lever the syringe sizing mechanism from the housing and withdraw the potentiometer. 3. Pull the syringe clamp back to its full extent. Carefully remove the bung, screw and washer. Pull hard on the syringe clamp to remove. 4. Carefully lever the syringe sizing mechanism from the housing and pull through the case. Remove the shaft bearing and the ving seal 5. Secure the assembly loading ig to the syringe sizing mechanism. Fit the shaft bearing and v-ring seal onto the end of the jig. (F) Retainer Screw x2 Retainer (B) Syringe Sizing Mechanism ‘Shim (C) Syringe Sizing Clamp Bung Potentiometer (D) Apply Grease liberally 6. Lay the assembly on one side, potentiometer to the let, wires exiting upwards. The injection ‘pip’ feature on the pre-moulded shaft should be visible, 7. Fit the seal protector into the upper case and load the syringe sizing mechanism. Compress the v-seal against the Protector, 8. Withdraw the protector and push the syringe sizing mechanism through the hole in the front case until the fat sides locate in the case and the potentiometer aligns with the case recess. Ensure the moulding pip is located on the sid. ‘9. Slide the shim component down the side wall ofthe syringe potentiometer recess. Bend the shim ‘outward, 410. Fit the syringe sizing retainer so that the shim is visible protruding from the retainer. Fit the case brace. Secure with two 411. Remove the assembly loading ji. 12. The syringe shaft flats to be moved into the open position 19. Fit the syringe clamp over the shaft ft the scvew, washer and bung into the shaft end. ‘Asona® Syringe Pumps sims 0008600001 fave 7 (G) Syringe Clamp Jig - ~ (8) Syringe Sizer kit — (A) Cam Kit (€) Potentiometer Replace the foot tet if replacing the case. If Mitting a new syringe sizing mechanism, apply eeeroustinounts of grease (CASTROL LAX) to the lot of the mechanism and Hghty grease Interchange parts ftom Description Part Number A [ASENA SP, Kit, CAM Kit 10008°00170 B ASENA SP, Kit, Syringe Sizer (see previous page) 1000801116 c ASENA SP, Kit, Syringe & Flange Clamps (see previous page) 1000SP01123 D ASENA Kit Grease LMX so00sPo1144 E ASENA SP, Assy, Syringe Size Potentiometer ‘10008P01125 F [ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers etc) 10008P00466 6 ASENA SP, Test, Syringe Clamp Jig to00sPon4s1 ‘Asana? Syringe Pure sas 10005600001 sue 7 Component interchange ‘ase and suba: Chassis assembly breakdown Interchange Remove the pulley nut, washers and withdraw the pulley and toothed belt Remove three screws securing stepper motor. Remove the leadscrew by driving out the roll pin using a suitable punch Remove three screws securing bearing block. ‘Refit plunger into carriage, deciutch plunger and withdraw plunger and carriage. Hold inser potentiometer actuator and ‘spring on the side of the cariage. 7. Remove one screw holding carriage PCB. '& Remove the linear travel potentiometer. f potentiometer to centre area of chassis and flush to rear of chassis slot and flush to motor-plate end. 1 2 3 4. Remove three screws securing motor plate 5. 6 9. Fit new lin 10. Reassemble in reverse order errSof (F) Chassis (A) Chassis Assembly (©) Carriage PCB (0) Linear Potentiometer Bearing Block (8) Motor (G) Motor screw x3 (H) Carriage 0-6. (G) Bearing Block Screw x3 Interchange parts stom Description Part Number A ASENA SP, Kit, Chassis Assembly 1000801112 8 AASENA SP, Kit, Stepper Motor 10008Po1109 c ASENA SP, Ki, Motor Plato 1000801110 o -ASENA SP, Assy, Linear Potentiometer *1000MEO1451 E [ASENA SP, Carriage PCB 80001.00022 F 'ASENA SP, Kit, Chassis Enhancement t000sPot136 s [ASENA SP, Ki, Fixings (screws, washers etc) +10008P00468 H Spare Carriage Asena 10008P01107 ‘Asene® Syringe Pumps sams 10005800001 asus 7 Plunger assembly breakdown Interchange 1. Remove three screws holding plunger backplate 2, Remove components as required. Follow diagrams step i to step ix. 3, Reassemble in reverse order. (F) Gear dectutcn Interchange parts Item Description Part Number A ASENA SP, Kit, Plunger Assembly 1000sPo1t13 (Complete Plunger Assembly, not shown) B [ASENA SP, Plunger Detect PCB 8000600019 c [ASENA SP, Gripper Bottom 1000ME01218 D [ASENA SP, Gripper Top 1000ME01219 E ASENA SP, Kt, Fixings (screws, washers etc) ‘1000sPo0s66 F GEAR DECLUTCH 1000ME01198 ‘Axand® Syringe Pore sans 10008600001 lesue 7 Component Interchange Pressure Transducer Assembly (Models CC & EP only) The folowing instructions detal the fiting ofthe Pressure Transducer Assembly. Interchange 1. Fitthe myer gasket 2. Align the hole in the gasket with the ote inthe centre disc holder and ensure label is square to the Centre Disc Heider (3. Use 2 clean wipe and apply pressure to the mylar ‘ooket 4. Crease the mylar gasket along the ledge ofthe centre disc holder and ensure iis well adhered along the Font face of the step edge. 5. Load the spring onto the disc-detect flag sha. Sealing Cord (©) Flag = 12. Once the PCB is located, apply pressure over the ‘sensor area of the PCB to ensure good location 18. Slide the flexible circuit ferrite into place and ensure the flexible circuit is formed at 90° to the PCB. 14, Lower the Base Disc Holder onto the Centre Disc Holder. 415. Secure the base with the screws. 16. Use a lint-free cloth and approved cleaner to wipe the ‘surface clean. 17. Start the gasket atthe pointed end. Work around the ‘perimeter and minimise the gap atthe join (i using ‘ord - N/A'f using single-piece gasket). Interchange parts tem Description ASENA CC, Kit, Pressure Transducer ASENA CC, Assy, Top Disc Holder [ASENA CC, Assy, Flag Disc Holder ASENA CC, Assy, Gasket Mylar ASENA SP, Kit, Fixings (screws, washers etc) mooo> (0) Mylar Gasket Centre Dise Holder 6. Locate spring arms to spring retainer on the flag and to the recess in the disc holder top. 7. Rotate and install the plastic Nag. 8. Fit the sealing cord stating at the break ber. 9. Load the dise holder centre onto the disc holder top. 410. Secure disc holder centre to disc holder top using screw. 11 Load pressure transducer into assembled housing. Transducer Screw x4 Ferrite (A) Pressure Transducer SS Part Number 1000801155 1000ME00450 1000ME01318 1000ME01319 1000sP00466 ‘Asene® Syroge Pumps 1000560000 ave 7 Component interchange arse O RE Ste Interchange 1. Discard any keypads removed as they cannot be reused. 2. Fit replacement keypads after removing backing paper from underside. Handle replacement keypads carefully to avoid damage, 3. Remove labels) from case as required 4. Clean case wnere replacement labels) to be fitted 5. Fit replacement labeks) taken from label sheet 28 required. 6. Ensure all keypad membrane flexi tails are routed and secured with double sided adhesive pads (0000ME00423). (AIBICIDIE) Keypad (AIB/CIDIE) Keypad Interchange parts tem Description Part Number A ASENA GHICC, Key, Switch Overlay Keypad 10008P01126 8 ASENA GS, Key, Switch Overlay Keypad 10008P01127 c ‘ASENA TIVA, Key, Switch Overtay Keypad ‘1000sPo0403 D [ASENA PK, Key, Switch Overiay Keypad ‘1000sP00659 E ASENA EP, Key, Switch Overtay Keypad so00sP00640 ‘Asend® Syringe Pumps. mes 1000880000 sue 7 A—_, tem A additionally provides a clear window for the combined serial number & status label part nr. 19001800102. Note: item B also available separately. Part No. 1000800431 Picture shows Asena® GS Syringe Pump Label Set. Refer to the following model types for correct label set. Description Part Number [ASENA CC, Lbl, Label Set Universal 10001800342 ‘ASENA GH, Lbl, Label Set Universal 10001800363 [ASENA GS, Lbl, Label Set Universal 1000L800372 ASENA TINA, Lbi, Label Set Universal ‘1000LB00421 ASENAEP, Lbl, Label Set Universal +1000.800606 ASENA PK, Lbl, Label Set Universal +10001.800612 ‘Aaana® Syringe Pumps sans 10006600001 ave 7 dung sunk gaueey Lone 000080005 eros eBueyosesuj puoucduiog PORE Pere A —-_ Note: i Label A isa blank combined A ae serial number and status label KEES a 4 ‘Transfer information from old + NK Sey 4 label. This label should be used in conjunction with the ‘lear protective cover from the universal label set, ‘The picture above shows the label set that is available as a separate item from the standard Asena® Syringe Pump label sets. tem Description Part Number Asc [ASENA Label Combined Serial Number & Status +000LB00102 Use in conjunction with universal label set ‘Asena® Syringe Pumps ons 10008600001 wave 7 Specifications In this appendix Infusion Electrical Physical Environmental Recycling Electromagnetic Compatibility Appendix A 62 63 63 63 63 Specifications ‘To be used for reference only, for more detailed specifications refer to relevant Directions For Use. These specifications refer to all models covered by this manual uniess otherwise stated. Infusion Infusion rate (mllh) Models GHICC/TIVAIPKIEP Model GS 5m syringes 0.1 - 150 01-150 40m! syringes 041-300 04-200 20m syringes 0.1 - 600 01-200 ‘30m! syringes 01-900 01-200 ‘50mi syringes 01-1200 01-200 Volume infused 0.0 - 9900mi Bolus rate (mUh) Models GHICC/PKIEP Model GS Model TIVA, Sml syringes 10 - 150 40 - 150, 150 410ml syringes 40 - 300 40 - 300 180, 300 20m! syringes 10 - 600, 10 - 500 180, 300 or 600 30ml syringes 40 - 900 10 - 500 40, 300, 600 or 900 ‘S0mi syringes 10 - 1200 10 - 500, 4180, 300, 600, 800 or 1200 Bolus volume limit 0.5 -25.0m! Purge rate (ml/h) 400 - 500, Purge volume 0.5 - Smt Keep Vein Open (KVO) rate (trim - 2.5mm End Of Syringe rate ‘Stop, KVO (0.tmi/n to 2.5mih), or set rate if lower than KVO. Volume To Be Infused (VTB!) (O-4ml- 100m!, min = 24h (Models CO/GHIEP) \VTBI done rate (Models CCIGHIEP) Stop, KVO (0. mith to 2.5miMh), set rate if lower than KVO or continue at set rate. Near End Of Infusion alarm ‘min - 15min to end of infusion, or 10% of syringe volume, whichever is smaler. End Of Infusion (EO!) alarm 0.1% - 5% of syringe volume. Pumping pressure limit LA to L-10 (100mmbig to 1000mmHg approx) L-0 (60mmbg approx) Occlusion accuracy with pressure set (% of full scale) (Models CC & EP): Pressure (mmHg) 0 = 25 5001000 Atz3°c 22% % 5% 38% Between 5°C and 40°C 34% 37% 37% — 10% System accuracy Volumetric Mean + 2% (nominal) ‘Asena® Syringe Pompe oan, *0008MO000! tue 7 | [Sree Battory type NIMH sealed rechargeable 7.2VI2.7An. Battery ite ‘Typically 4h from fuly charged @ 5.0mim & 20°C under nominal conditions. Battery charging 2.8h from fully discharged to 90% charged, Fuse type 2x7-1.25A, slow blow. ‘AC power supply 115/230VAC, 50/60H2, 20VA (nominal) Electrical safety Class | Type CF. Weight 2.6 kg (excluding power cable) Dimensions Models w 4 D GSIGHIPK 310mm 121mm 200mm ccrEP 335mm 121mm 200mm TVA 310mm 121mm 200mm, ea PX Rating text Operating limits Temperature 45°C to o40°C. Relative humidity 20% to 90% Atmospheric pressure ToOnPa to 1060nPa Transport limits Temperature -30°C to +50°C Relative humility 10% 10 95% ‘Atmospheric pressure S00hPa to 1060hPa eo) Disposal of device components ‘Caution: Follow local governing ordinances and recycling instructions regarding disposal or recycling of device components, Including batteries. ‘Asane® Syringe Pure x03, 000560000" sue 7 ‘Specifications Electromagnetic Compatibility Warning: ‘+ The use of any accessory, transducer, or cable with the Asena® Syringe Pump other than those specified may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the pum. + The Asena® Syringe Pump should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment and that is adjacent or stacked se is necessary, the Asena® Syringe Pump should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used ‘+The Asena® Syringe Pump is a CISPR 11 Group 1 Ciass A Medical Equipment System and intended for use by heelthcare professionals only. ‘+ Medical Electrical Equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be instaled, put into service and Used according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying documents. ‘= Portable and Mobile RF communications can affect Medical Electrical Equipment. ‘= Operating the pump near equipment which radiates high energy radio frequencies (electro surgical or cauterizing ‘equipment, portable radios, cellular telephones, etc.) may cause false alarm conditions. If this happens, reposition the pump away from the source of interference or tur off the pump and manually regulate the flow. Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Emissions ‘The Asena® Syringe Pump is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. ‘The customer or the user of the Asena® Syringe Pump should assure that itis used in such an environment. Emissions Test ‘Compliance Electromagnetic Environment — Guidance ‘The pump uses RF energy only for ts internal function in the normal CISPR 11 RF Emissions Group 4 product offering. Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interface in nearby electronic equipment. CISPR 11 RF Emissions cee ‘The pump i autabe for use ia extabishments, cher than domeeto, 00 EN 00032 couas | and hee choclyeoaneied fo the pble ow-atape powe” Supp rowan hat sppics bob ved fr coco papoose EN 61000-3-3 Voltage Fluctuations, Complies Flicker Emissions ‘Axena® Syringe Pumps eons '9008Mo000! tue 7 Serer! Guidance and Manufacturer's Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity “The Asena® Syringe Pump is Intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specifid below. The customer or the user of Asena® Syringe Pump should assure that itis used in such an environment. EN 60601-1-2, Immunity Test N00; | Compliance Level | Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance EN 61000-42 Electro-Stac | 46 KV contact | 28 KV contact Floors should be wood, concrete, or caramic tie. Discharge (ESO) 3B KV air (ote 2) I floors are covered with synthetic material, the £15 KV air (Noto 2) | rolatve humidity should be at least 30 %. If connector testing exemption is used, following symbol for ESD sensitivity appears adjacent to each connector. “Caution ~ Do Not Touch” EN 61000-4-4 +42 KV for power | $2KVfor power | ‘Mains power quality should be that of atypical Electrical Fast Transient, | supply ines supply lines ‘commercial or hospital environment. Burst (EFT) (Note 3) 21 KV for inpu | NIA (Nota 4) output lines EN 61000-4.5 41KV Line(s) to | £1 KV Line(s) to | Mains power quality should be that of a typical Power Line Surge Lina(s) Line(s) ‘commercial or hospital environment. (Note 3) 42 KV Line(s) to | £2 KV Line(s) to Earth Earth EN 61000-4-8 Power 3am 400 Am 50 Hz Power frequency magnetic fields should be at Frequency Magnetic Field (Note 2) levels characteristic of a typical location in a (0/60 Hz) typical commercial or hospital environment. EN 61000-4-11 * "ALARM_CLEAR ‘Clear curerily acive alarm. | Remote contol must | ALARMLGLEAR * ‘ALARM_CLEAR * be enabled "ALARM_SP ‘tivate /de-actvate safety | Remote test musibe | ALARM_SP* ‘ALARM_SP* processor alarm enables ‘AUDIO MANAGEMENT ‘AUDIO_QUIET ‘Query whether or not quiet ‘AUDIO_QUIET ‘AUDIO_QUIET* ‘Speciy whether ort quet ‘made ie enabled Remote configuration ‘must be enables "AUDIO_QUIET* ‘AUDIO_QUIET* ‘AUDIO_SPEAKER_TEST ‘Activate /de-activate speaker test tone. Remote test must be enabled ‘AUDIO_SPEAKER_TEST* "AUDIO_SPEAKER_TEST* ‘AUDIO_VOL ‘Query current audio volume ‘AUDIO_VOL ‘AUDIO_VOL* ‘Set aualo volume Remote configuration rust be enabled "AUDIO_VOL* "AUDIO_VOL" ‘COMMUNICATIONS. ‘COMMS_PROTOCOL (Query the reviiontevel ofthe communications protocol in ‘COMMS_PROTOCOL ‘GONMS_PROTOCOL” (© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Lia PageT of 49, ere ‘CONMS_RESPONSE_MAX | Quety maximum eyrnge ‘COMMS_RESPONSE_VAK ‘COMMS_RESPONSE_MAX** respones time. COMMS_RS732_LOOP_TE st Perform RS222 loopback eet Remote tet must be enabled ‘COMMS_RSZ2_LOOP_TEST ‘COWME_RS2S2_LOOP_TEST* ‘Set splay ifurination fo specified level Remote configuration must be enabled DDISPLAY_|LLUM* DISPLAY_ILLUM* DISPLAY_TEST Perform depay test Remote test mustbe enabled ‘DISPLAY_TEST DISPLAY_TEST* ‘DRUG MANAGEMENT must be enabled ‘DRUG_UIB_ADD" DRUG_LIB, ‘Query details of specified ‘DRUG_LIB* ‘DRUG_LIB**"** eines, ‘DRUG_UIB_ADD™ "Ads drug to dr Horary Remate configuration ‘DRUG_LIB_ADD* ‘DRUG_UB_BOLUS™™AT “Guery arog bole ‘configuration ofa epecifed rug, ‘DRUG_UIB_BOLUS * ‘DRUG _UB_BOLUS***** ‘Contigure drug bols values ofa specified drug Remote contiguration mu be enabled ‘DRUG_UIB_BOLUS***" ‘DRUG_UB_BOLUS***" DRUG_UB_GLEARALL Gear erfre drag iorary Remote configuration smut be enabled ‘DRUG _LIB_CLEARALL ‘DRUG_LIB_CLEARALL ‘DRUG_UIB_CONG™ ‘Query concentration configuration of specified rug ‘DRUG_LIB_CONG'Droghame> ‘DRUG _LIB_CONC*>"4**=**** DRUG_lIB_GONG**"*" ‘DRUG _LIB_DOSE_RATE** ‘Query dose rate configuration of epecifed drug. ‘DRUG _UI6_DOSE_RATE* ‘DRUG _UB_DOSE_RATE***** ‘Asena® Syringe Pump Communications Protocol (© 2008 ALARIS Medical UK Li Pagesoras of pacified drug. ‘Query dose rate configuration Remote configuration must be enabled dose units mit DRUG_LIB_DOSE_RATE* ‘DRUG_LIB_DOSE_RATE** Configure dose rate values Remote configuration ‘DRUG _LIB_DOSE_RATE****** LeMinValue>* ‘DRUG_LI6_ENABLE ‘Query whether or not ‘DRUG _LIB_ENABLE* speciied rug is enabled ‘ORUG_LIB_ENABLE®*** ‘DRUG _1B_NDUCTION*"inguct (WAeny ‘Asena® TVA Syringe Pump version 16.2 and above ‘onAmount>*cinductonTimes* “InductionTimeUnis>"* Remote configuration must be enablee RUG _BINDUGTION**cingucl ‘nAmount>*inductonTime>" "* DRUG LB INDUCTION****"* DRUG_LIB_NUMORUGS | Query nambere of drags defined and enabled in drug tray (DRUG_L1B_NUMDRUGS: DRUG_LIB_NUMDRUGS** ‘ DRYG_LIBLOCCLN_ALAR | Query the occision alarm ria seting ofa specied drug ‘DRUG_LIB_OOCLN_ALARIM* DRUG _UIB_OCOLN_ALARM*** seling ofa specified dup, including specifeation of shallbe used, ‘Configure the escluion alarm whether oF not the alam level Remole configuration ‘must be enabled ‘DRUG _LiB_OCCLN ALARM ***< rugOsclusionPressire>" DRUG_SELEGT™ (name only). ‘Query current arog selection DRUG _SELECT DRUG_SELECT**'*"r ‘oRUG_SETUP™ ‘Query selup (name only) ORUG_SETUP DRUG_SETUP*"***** ‘Setup drug (pame only) Remote contra must bo enabied DRUG_SETUP****""+*" S ‘DRUG_SERVICES “Quay the level of erage ‘DRUG_SERVICES DRUG_SERVICES“ related services supported by the syringe pum. DRIVE ENGAGEMENT DETECTION DRVENG “Guery drive engagement DRVENG DRVENG* aus INFUSION CONTROL & MONITORING TWF “Query current infusion status TNF TNF******«infusionTimeRem Curent infusion mode ‘ining>**cLatestLogeniryiO> “The rate at which fd is curently being delivered (nb. fot the same 2s the infusion "eet rate, Current drug name Volume infused Current line pressure Infusion time remaining Dotlatest evert og entry INF_BACKOFF “Query whether oF not backott TNF_BACKOFF TNF_BACKOFF* is enabled Enable /dleable bockott | Remote configuration | INF_BACKOFF" INF_BACKOFF* must be enabled IWF_BOLUS ‘Query bolus is enabled or INF_BOLUS TWF_BOLUS* disabled, See note 21 for TWVA information ‘Specily whether bolisisorie | Remote configuraion | INF_BOLUS' INF_BOLUS* ot enabled must be enabled INF_BOLUS_CAP_RATE | Query bolus cap rate TNF_BOLUS_CAP_RATE TNF_BOLUS_CAP_RATE™* Set bol cap rate Remote configuration | INF_BOLUS_CAP_RATE*** usRateUni> WF_BOLUS_DEF_RATE ‘Query default bole rate INF_BOLUS_DEF_RATE INF_BOLUS_DEF_RATE** ‘Set detaut bol rate Remote configuration must be enabled INF_BOLUS_DEF_RATE** INF_BOLUS_OEF_RATE* INF_BOLUS_VOL_LIMT ‘Query bolus volume et INF_BOLUS_VOL_UMIT 'WF_BOLUS_VOL_LIMIT***eVolamaUnita> INF_BOLUS_VOL_LIMIT* INF_CAP_RATE** ‘Setintsion ap rate ‘Remote configuration must be enabled INF_CAP_RATE*InflonfateValue>* INF_CAP_RATE** INF_HANDSFREE ‘Query whether Handsfree ‘enabled or not ‘oplies only sofware versions 181,2.20and above INF_HANDSFREE INF_HANDSFREE™ ‘Set Handeres Remete configuration must be enabled INF_HANDSFREE" TNF_HANDSFREE™~ INF_INDUGTION ‘Query current induction Statue Activation Status Induction Volume ‘Volume Units Induction Rate Induction Rate Units Pause Afr Induction Maintenance Rate Maintonance Rate Units ‘Apples only to ‘Asena® TVA Syringe Pump version 16.2 and above INF_INDUGTION INF_INDUCTION****cinducton Rate Unte>"** ‘Set Induction parameters Remote contol must be enabied INF_INDUCTION*****cinduction Rate Unts>"** INF_INDUGTION******" NEKO ‘Query whether or not KVO delvery is enabled INF_KVO. INF_KVO" Enable /asable KVO delivery Remote configuration ‘rust be enabled INF_KVO" INF_KVO" INF_KVO_RATE Query KVO rae INF_KVO_RATE INF_KVO_RATE**" TNF_KVO_RATE** TNF_MANUALBOLUS \eenabied ornot ‘Query whether Manual Bolus "Apples only to sofware versions 181,220 and above TNF_MANUALBOLUS TNF_ MANUALBOLUS * must be enabled Set Handeiree ‘Remate configuration | INF_MANUALBOLUS * INF_ WANUALBOLUS * mutt be enabled INE_PURGE_PRIME_SYRI | Query whether or pot ‘Applies only to INF_PURGE_PRIME_SYRINGE INF_PURGE_PRIME_SYRINGE NGE ‘yringelset priming is enabied | sofware versions 181,220 and above ‘Set purge ale Remote configuration | INF_PURGE_PRIME_SYRINGE* B INF_PURGE_RATE ‘Query purge rate INF_PURGE_RATE, TNF_PURGE_RATE** ‘Set purge rte Remo configuration | INF_PURGE_RATE*** Rateunite> IWF_PURGE_VOU_LIMIT “Query purge volume it INP*PURGE_VOL_UMIT INF_PURGE_VOl_UIMIT* ‘al ‘Set purge volume tt Remote configuration rut be enabled INF_PURGE_VOL_LIMIT*"* INF_PURGE_VOL_LIMIT** INF_RATE ‘Query infosion ate INF_RATE TNF_RATE*“cInusionRate Unite> Set infaion rate™ Remote contol most be enabled INF_RATE** TNF_RATE** TNF_RATE_MAX_SYRINGE | Query maximum infusion rate that permite forthe ‘currently confirmed syringe. Noe that thie rate may be higher than the syringe pump iaeican support TNF_RATE_MAX_SYRINGE INF_RATE_MAX_SYRINGE“scintusionRatetnte> INF_START™ ‘Start infusion Remote coniral must | INF_START INF_START | De enabled INF_STOP ‘Stop intusion Remote coniral must | INF_STOP INF_STOP be enabled INF_TITRATE “Query whether oF not tivation INF_TITRATE TNFLTITRATE* Is enabled ‘Aeena® Syringe Pump Communications Protocol Page toro (© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Lid Publication Number: 1000P801000_lesue: 3.0 a Enable disable tration Remote configuration must be enabled INF_TITRATE INF_TITRATE* NEM ‘Query volume infused TNELVI TINF_VPP" INF_VI_LGLEAR ‘ear volume infsea™ Remote contol must be enabled INF_VLGLEAR, INF_VL_CLEAR THE_VLGLEAR_CTRL | Enable dwable Vi ceating from syringe pump keypad.” Remate control must be enabled TNF_VLCLEAR_CTRU'EnabieStatus> TWF_VI_CLEAR_CTRU" ‘Query Vi clear status TNE_VLCLEAR CTRL TNF_VILCLEAR_CTRU“ INF_VTBI ‘Query volume remaining 0 INF_VTBI INF_VTBI**=< be infused \VolumeUnite>* TNF_VTBI*ActivationStatus>*** be enabled Tet volume tobe inised | Remote contol must | INF_VTBI***< | INF_VTBI***< be enabled \VolumeUnt>** tobe cleared afer infusion | sofware versions 18.1,220and above ‘Set VBI Gear ‘Remeto control must | INF_VTBI_GLEAR-ActwvationStatus> TNF_VTBI_CLEAR be enabled ‘SYRINGE PUMP MANAGEMENT INST_DEDICATE, ‘Query dedication seting TNST_DEDIGATE, INST_DEDIGATE* Remote configuration INST_DEDICATE* INST_DEDIGATE* INST_HOSPNAME, ‘Query hospital name TNST_HOSPNAME INST_HOSPNAME™ ‘Set hospital name Remote configuration INST_HOSPNAME* INST_HOSPNAME™ must be enabled must be enabled TNST_MANUFACTURER | Query name of manufacturer INST_MANUFACTURER INST_MANUFACTURER* INST_NAME ‘Query the name ofthe INST_NAME INST_NAME* syringe pump TWST_SERIALNO “Query syringe purip eval IWST_SERIALNO TNST_SERIALNO* umber ‘Set eyinge pump serial ‘Remote configuration | INST_SERIALNO*inetSeriaiNo> TNST_SERIALNO* umber must be enabled TNST_SERVICGE_DATE | Query eavvice date INST_SERVICE_DATE INST_SERVICE_DATE™ ‘Set service date Remote confguration | INST_SERVICE_DATE* INST_SERVICE_DATE™ ‘Azena® Syringe Pump communications Protocol (© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Ltd Page 13.0148 Publication Number: 1000PB01088_ Issue: 3.0 ‘Query service message INST_SERVICE_MESSAGE IST_SERVICE_MESSAGE* ‘Set cance message Remote configuration | INST_SERVIGE_MESSAGE* | INST_SERVICE_MESSAGE* must be enabled THST_SWER ‘Guery main processor INST_SAVER= TNST_SWVER"= programmable component INST_UNTTREF ‘Query unit reference INST_UNITREF INST_UNITREF* Set unit reference ‘Remale configuration | INST_UNITREF* INST_UNITREF* must be enabled INST_USAGE ‘Query usage INST_USAGE INST_USAGE*"* KEYPAD Key [very status ofepeciied key KEY Keyname> - TRE eKeyhioma>\cPresaSiaiue> - Loses” TOG_NUM_RECORDS | Query number oflogged TOG_NUM_RECORDS" LOG_NUM_RECORDS****eLatest Logntryi> " TOG_READ ‘Read spesified logging LOG_READ*LogType>* LOG_READ***** {LOG_USER_ACCESS**"cEnobieSiat | LOG_USER_ACCESS** NURSE CALL NORSE_MODFIT ‘Query whether or not module NURSE_MODFIT NURSE_MODFIT* Ie tea ‘Speciy whether orn! ‘Remote configuration | NURSE_MODFIT* 'NURSE_MODFIT* mode sted must be enabled NURSE_RELAY_MODE | Query relay operating mode NURSE_RELAY_MODE NURSE_RELAY_ MODE* “Specity relay operating mode | Remote configuralion | NURSE_RELAY_MODE*NurseCalMode> | NURSE_RELAY_MODE* must be enabled NN ‘Asena® Syringe Purp Communications Protoco! (© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Ltd Publication Number: 1000P 801086 v0: 3.0 ‘Query nuree call status NURSE_ STATUS [NURSE_STATUS* ‘Speciy required sate of fre cal Remote test musibe enables NURSE_STATUS* ‘NURSE _STATUS* PATIENT MANAGEMENT | PATIENT SERVICES ‘Query patient related services supported by syringe ump in use, PATIENT_SERVICES PATIENT _SERVICES* PATIENT_WEIGHT™ ‘Query patient weight PATIENT_WEIGHT PATIENT_WEIGHT”*** bewenabied te i PATIENT_WEIGHT_OFLT | Query defauk patient weight ‘PATIENT_WEIGHT_OFLT PATIENT_WEIGHT_DFLT****aWel huite>” PLUNGER DRIVE PINGRORV_EOr “Query end of infusion point PLNGRORV_EO! PLNGRORV_EOI***" | PLNGRORV_NEO! “Query near end ofintusion point PLNGRORV_NEO! PLNGRORV_NEOI*™cTimeUnte> ‘Set near end of infusion pont Remate configuration must be enabled PLNGRORV_NEO!TimeValue>*cTimeUnite> PLNGRORV_NEOM** PLNGRDRV_PLNGRPOSN “Query current plunger positon reading PLNGRORV_PLNGRPOSN PLNGRORV_PLNGRPOSN** ‘** PLNGRORV_PLNGRPOSN ‘Query plunger postion PLNGRORV_PLNGRPOSN _CALPTA PLNGRORV_PLNGRPOSN_CALPT****< ing:PosnUnite>*" POWER SUPPLY POWER_BAT_CAP ‘Guery balan capaciiy ‘POWER_BAT_CAP POWER_BAT_CAP** ‘POWER_BAT_CHR ‘Guay sate of baler charge ‘POWER_BAT_CHR POWER_BAT_CHA?BaiChargeValue><5aich argeUnita>. POWER BAT_VOa ‘Query whether current POWER_BAT_VDQ POWER_BAT_VOG" ‘ee (© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Ltd ‘Rtena® Syringe Pump Communicator rotocol Page 150149 Publication Number: 1000PB01088 being re-evaluated when ischarge complet) POWER_BAT_VOL ‘Query current batiery votage POWER_BAT_VOL POWER_BAT_VOL** ‘POWER_MAINS_ALARM ‘Query whether mains falure lam is enabied POWER_MAINS_ALARM POWER_MAINS_ALARM*EnabieSiatus> ‘Specily whether mains falore alarmie enabled Female configuration must be enabled POWER_MAINS_ALARM" POWER_MAINS_ALARM' PRESSURE MONITORING PRESSURE ‘Query curent pressure ($ased on whichever sonsor Feading is curently being sed) PRESSURE, ‘PRESSURE '* *“ PRESSURE_AUTO_OFFS er ‘Query curent Auto Pressure eting ‘PRESSURE_AUTO_OFFSET PRESSURE_AUTO_OFFSET* ‘Set Auto Pressure evel Remote configuration must be enabled ‘PRESSURE_AUTO_OFFSET* sePressuelnis> PRESSURE_AUTO_OFFSET" s PRESSURE_AUTO_SeT ‘Query whether Auto Sets enabled or disables ‘Applies only sofware versions 18.1,220and above PRESSURE_AUTO_SET PRESSURE_AUTO_SET™ Remote configuration mutt be enabled PRESSURE_AUTO_SET* PRESSURE _AUTO_SET PRESSURE_DISC ‘Query current ine pressure reading and diee ftment satus PRESSURE_OSC PRESSURE _DISC***** "SensorCurentValue>* PRESSURE_DISC_CALPT “Query ne pressure sensor calibration vale PRESSURE_DISG_CALPT* ‘PRESSURE _DISC_CALPT***** Enable disable pressure sispay Remote confguration must be enabled ‘PRESSURE_DISPLAY= PRESSURE _DIGPLAY* PRESSURE_LEVEL_CAP ‘Query the pressure level cap seting (GH ont) ‘Applies only to sofware versions PRESSURE _LEVEL_CAP ‘PRESSURE _LEVEL_CAP* enn it oo ‘Asena@ Syringe Pump Communications (© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Lid age ie or Pub’ = an Number: 100P801080 Issue: 3.0 1B1,2208nd above ‘Set preseure cap level ‘Remote configuration must be enabled ‘PRESSURE_LEVEL_CAP™ PRESSURE _LEVEL_CAP* ‘PRESSURE_LINE_DISCO NNECT ‘Query whether tne disconnection ala Is rf hot enabled PRESSURE _LINE_DISCONNECT ‘PRESSURE _LINE_DISCONNECT™* ‘Set occlusion alarm level = ‘Remote control must PRESSURE_OAL™ PRESSURE_OAL*** Set occlusion alarm evel- | Remote contro must | PRESSURE_OAL*** alve>* PRESSURE_OAL_AUTO ‘Query whether auto pressure etn sori not enables PRESSURE_OAL_AUTO 'PRESSURE_OAL, AUTO* Enable disable ato pressure setting Remote configuration must be enables ‘PRESSURE_OAL_AUTO* PRESSURE _OAL_AUTO* ‘PRESSURE_OAL_DFLT™ ‘Query detaut ocshusion alarm level no pressure sensor fea PRESSURE_OAL_OFLT PRESSURE_OAL_DFLT~*


‘Query defeut occlusion alarm
level ~ pressure sensor ited




‘Set default occlusion alarm
level ~ using pressure level ~
no pressure sensor fea

Remote configuration
must be enabled




‘Set defauit cession alarm
level = using pressure level—
pressure sensor fled

Remote configuration
‘must be enabled








‘ats and reversion timeout,

‘Set maximum occlusion ‘Remote configuration | PRESSURE_OAL_MAX' 'PRESSURE_OAL_MAX**
REMOTE _cFG™? ‘Query remote configuration REMOTE _CFG REMOTE_GFG"*




Dieable remote configuration






REMOTE_CFG** “Permastatue>



‘Reena® Syringe Pump conmuncalons reed LL

(© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK LidPublication Number: 4000PB01080_lesue: 3.0









REMOTE_TRU™ ‘Query remote contol status REMOTE_CTRL REMOTE_CTRU"**
‘Disable remote contol REMOTE_CTRL* 'REMOTE,_CTRU****
Enable remote conte) REMOTE_CTRU** ‘lyCode>*«PermitStatun>**
REMOTE_TEST (Query remote tect status






remote query

‘Query aclvation satus of




De-aclvate a remote query

‘Remote control must
be enabled




‘alvate remote @usry

Remote control must
be enabled





‘Guay remote quory resut











Rie ‘Query eurent real tine cock RTC RICARTC_DateAndTime>
‘Sel realtime clock Remote configuration | RTO* RICMRTC_DateAndTine>
must be enabled
‘SYRFORCE ‘Query curenteyinge force : ‘SYRFORCE ‘SYRFORCE**=**


cealbration valve



‘Quer syringe force sensor








‘Azena® Syringe Pump communications Protocol


© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK LtdPublication Number: 1000P801088 issue: 3.0





'SYRINGE_BRAND ‘Query whether or ot
specified brand of eynnge is

fenabled and elected




Disable specified brand of

Remote contiguration



brand of syringe

‘must be enabled

‘ytinge OR ‘must be enabled
Enable specified brand of
syringe without eeectng
Enable and select speciied | Remote configuration | SYRINGE BRAND" SyBrand>* | SYRINGE_BRAND™*




'SYRINGE_BRAND_NAME | Query name of epectied

brand and number of brand




diameter reading “"*t


'SYRINGE_CLAMP_CALPT | Query syringe clamp sensor

calbraton value





be enabied

Confirm syringe ‘Remote contro! must | SYRINGE_CONFIRN® ‘SYRINGE _CONFIRM*


‘SYRINGE_CONFIRMABLE | Quory whether or not syringe

canbe confirmed








cover ie closed
‘Speciy whether ornot cover | Remote configuration | SYRINGE_COVER_FIT* ‘SYRINGE _COVER_FIT*
ised must be enabled
‘SYRINGE_MODEL ‘Query whether or not ‘SYRINGE_MODEL** | SYRINGE, MODEL"*™<
speciied modo of syringe EnableStaiue>


Enable / disable and select
de-select specited model of

‘Remote configuration
‘mist be enabled




‘SYRINGE MODEL_NAME | Query name of model within

specified brand and number











Neen rT

‘Aaena® Syringe Pump communications Protocol

© 2003 ALARIS Medical UK Lid

Page 19 0149Publication Number: 1000PB01088_lesue: 3.0

coe caren Peery 1 Sewer


(of models avaiable win













that brand





ULAUTONIGHT ‘Query if auto right mode is ULAUTONIGHT i ~~] ULAUTONIGHT* ~
‘Specily whether ornotaulo | Remote configuration | Ul_AUTONIGHT* ULAUTONIGHT®
ight mode is enabled must be enabled

‘Specly whether or not Remate confguration | Ul_AUTOSAVE* ULAUTOSAVE*
autosave is enabled rust be enabled

enabled sofware versions

18.1,220and above

‘Specily whether or not Remote configuration | Ul_BATTERY_|OON* ULBATTERY_ICON*
baton on is enables must be enables

ULCALLBAGK TIME ‘Query curentealbacktime | Applies only to ULCALLBACK TIME ULCALLBACK TIME*

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