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Percobaan VI.

Pemuaian Logam






Aluminum base

Alcohol burner

Alcohol burner holder


Stick (aluminum x1, copper x 1

and iron x1)

Scale of linear expansion
12 Movable support stand
pemuaian batang logam yang berbeda. Understand different coefficients of expansion will


influence the expansion of sticks.


Ketika sebuah benda dipanaskan, volumenya akan memuai. Volume dan suhu dalam hubungan persamaan
linear. Misalkan panjang sebuah benda L dan suhu perubahannya . Jika kecil, Maka hubungan antara L
dan dapat ditulis sebagai L = L. mengacu pada koefisien pemuaian linear. logam yang berbeda
memiliki koefisien yang berbeda dari pemuaian linear sehingga mereka memiliki perbedaan muai panjang.

1. Put the alcohol burner base on the aluminum base. Put the alcohol burner on the burner base. Make
sure the burner is placed properly, as shown in figure 1.
2. Put the movable support stand on the aluminum base and put the base next to the burner, as shown
in Figure 2.

Gambar 1
1 Menit

Gambar 2
2 Menit

3 Menit

4 Menit

5 Menit

6 Menit

Batang Tembaga
Batang Aluminium
Batang Besi

3. Put the scale of linear expansion on the aluminum base. Put the base at the other side of the movable
support stand, as shown in Figure 3.
4. Put the metal sticks (copper, iron and aluminum sticks) between the movable support stand and
scale of linear expansion. The complete experimental setup is shown in Figure 4.

Gambar 3

Gambar 4

5. Light the burner to heat metal sticks. Record reading on the scale every one minute.
6. Change the metal stick and repeat above procedure.

Hasil Percobaan dan Diskusi

1. Diskusikan hubungan antara koefisien pemuaian logam dan koefisien konduktivitas termal

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