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Chapter 2 Review

By; Lucas B, Jenna B, EJ K

In chapter 2 To Kill A Mockingbird Scout and Jem

were going to school and Scout was super excited to
start school. Scout knows how to read, and write.
Miss. Caroline Fisher the teacher was mad and yelled
at her for knowing how to read and write. Scout got
whipped and put in the corner in front of the whole
class and everyone laughed at her.

Characters list
Miss Caroline Fisher- the teacher
Walter Cunningham- a kid in scout class
Miss Blount- she is from maycomb

Scout was going to school. Scouts teacher was miss

caroline. Scout thought that she was mean. The teacher was
teaching the reading and scout knew it and miss caroline said
your father should not teach you to read. They went back in
four between about learning to the reading and who will teach
it. That was biggest event in chapter two.

This is Miss.Caroline, and her class.

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