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Feim Dauti

I started by getting a piece of wood and stamping my name on the back with the
metal stamps. Then I sanded the end grain with 80, 120, and 220 grit sandpapers. Then
I sanded the front, back, and the edges with 120 and 220 sandpaper. Next I used the
router to route the top edges and sanded the whole top with 220 grit sandpaper again.
Then I started brainstorming designs for my stool top. I found an image of the internet. I
engraved the top and after that, I sanded it another time. Next, I nailed 4 nails into the
back of my top with a hammer. I then used a cloth to stain my wood with stain. During
my next class, I used the clear gloss polyurethane on my wood and waited until next
class to apply another coat. In total, I put on 4 coats. Next, I was handed 2 pieces of x
7 x8 wood. I used the 120, and 220 to sand the front and back. I used the 80 grit
sandpaper to sand then endgrain. With a ruler, I marked the bottom of the piece of wood
and drew a line. After that, I measured two inches up from the center of the line I had
just drawn, and I made the line 2 inches long. Then I went back to the bottom of the
piece of wood, and I drew a two inch line on both sides of the center mark. I went from
the lines I just drew, and I made another line to connect the two inch line from the
bottom, to the middle of the line above, forming a triangle. Next, I used the drill press to
drill a 1 circular hole at the top of the triangle. Next, I cut out the triangles using the
bandsaw. After that I sanded down the marks made from the bandsaw. After that, I drew
a 2 inch line from the top, on all sides of the wood. I used that to guide my router. I
routed everything except the bottoms, and the two inches from the top. Lastly, I sanded
the legs one last time with 80, 120, and 220 grit sandpaper. After I finished the legs, I
started sanding 2, x 2 x 15pieces of wood. I measured 2 inches from both edges of
the piece of wood. I drew a line from the corner, to the 2 inch line making a triangle. I
made a square, from that triangle, by taking the tip of the triangle to the other side. I did
this on all sides of the pieces of wood. Then I measured from that line and drew a
line. I drew a line in the middle of the space of the line I just drew. Next I drew a line
of the way down the line I just drew. Then I made sure that all my measurements were
correct and I made a line 4 inches long. I was handed 2 small pieces of wood, about the
size of the sanding blocks. We made measurements on one block, using the other. After
we completed these measurements, I drilled 3 holes, 2 on the top, and one on the front.
After that, we drilled further down the 2 top holes, and we did these steps on both
pieces of wood. We later used these pieces of wood when assembling our footstool.I
put the legs together with the small sanding block using 4 screws in total. Then I put
those together with the rails and to hold the rails in place I drilled in 8 screws in total. I
used the square to make sure that our footstool was assembled correctly. To cover the
screw holes, we cut out 8 small circular pieces of wood. I used wood glue to hold those
in place. Then I sanded the rails to make sure the plugs we not sticking out. After the
assembly was completed, I began the staining process. I put linseed oil in the places
that needed it and stained my wood with a cloth and red mahogany stain. Next class, I

applied one thin coat of polyurethane and let it dry for a day. Then when it was dry I put
on my second coat of polyurethane and then my third. Before I finished up with my
fourth coat, I used steel wool. Then I applied the final coat of polyurethane and let it dry.
Finally I used two screws and put the top on the base, and I was finished

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