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Year 2 Visit to Gruffalo Wood!

Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of our topic on If you go down to the woods today we will be visiting
the Margrove Heritage Centre, Tees Valley Wildlife Trust in Boosbeck.
The trip will take place on Wednesday 6th July 2016. The children will be
leaving school at 9:00am and will be back at school for the end of the school
day. Children who normally have a school dinner will be provided with a school
packed lunch. Please ensure your child has an adequate/waterproof coat and
suitable footwear on the day as we cannot guarantee fine weather for our
We would ask for a voluntary contribution of 6.50 per child to cover the cost
of all day entry to the centre. You can pay for this trip online by visiting Unfortunately, if we do not receive enough money via
such voluntary contributions, the trip may have to be cancelled.
NB. The school is paying the cost of the coach for this school visit.
Tees Valley Wildlife Trust have asked if they can take pictures of our children
on the day to use on the website and promotional material. Please can you
indicate whether you give consent for your childs picture to be taken during
the visit.
Please return the consent slip below to your childs class teacher by Friday 1st
July 2016.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Brown

Miss Carter

Miss Turner

Year 2 Visit to Gruffalo Wood!

Name of child _____________________________ Class ________
I enclose 6.50 contribution for the Year 2 visit on Wednesday 6th July 2016.
I give consent for my childs picture to be taken and used
I do not give consent for my childs picture to be taken and used
Signed ____________________________

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