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Images are appearing as Blur

Need to capture the images as per PDF file in both XML and HTML as per current process.

2. Table Content is Blur

Tables which are not readable on magnifying should be captured as Image in both XML and

3. Math Content is Blur

If the math is readable upon magnification and should be tagged in the XML.
If the math is not readable upon magnification
o Need to capture as Image in XML and HTML file. Naming needs to be followed as
Numbered Display Equations
<disp-formula id="deqn1">
<graphic xlink:href="AR#-eqdisp-1-source.tif"/>
Unnumbered Display Equations
<graphic xlink:href="AR#-ueqdisp-1-source.tif"/>
Inline Equation
<inline-graphic xlink:href="AR#-eqin-1-source.tif"/>

Exclude the syntax <span class="link">TeX Source</span><span

class="tex">$$.......$$</span> in HTML

4. Math Content is appearing as Bold

o Need to hold till further communication
5. Duplicate/Missing Content
a. Duplicate Labels for sections, figures and tables
b. Wrong sequence Labels for sections, figures and tables
c. Content for Equation/Sections/Figures/Tables are missing but callout is coming in body text
d. Content and callouts are missing for Equation/Sections/Figures/Tables in between the flow of
content. Example: The article has figure 1-5 and 7. Note that in PDF, both callout and image
content of figure 6 is missing in PDF.

Follow the PDF and tag according to the PDF content in both XML and HTML. Change the IDs

6. Single reference is split as 2 reference in both PDF and JSON/WSDL file

This needs to be tagged per the PDF.

7. Corrupt/Incomplete PDFs
8. Overlapping of Content in PDF
Confirm using the PDF on Xplore. If the article still cannot be processed, needs to communicate
IEEE of these articles.
9. Mismatch of PDF with Meta XML file
Confirm using the PDF on Xplore. If the article still cannot be processed, needs to communicate to
10. Non Original Research Articles
Hold the Articles, till further Communication
11. Non English Research Articles
Hold the Articles, till further Communication
12. Missing/Incomplete JSON file
Need to recheck and if correct JSON appears on server, we need to process otherwise mark as Hold
and share with me

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