Dear Diary 2 0

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Dear Diary,

June 28, 1321

Today, I was going to take out Rosaline. But I just realized that she is not into me. I think she
doesnt feel the same way for me like I feel the same way for her. I think my life is over
because all I want to do is be with her forever, but maybe she thinks that Im not good
enough for her. Or that she might want to be with someone else thats strong or someone
who can stand up for himself. I told my cousin my cousin, Benvolio about what just
happened today and he said that he would help forget Rosaline. Just hearing that made me a
little happy. I dont know the reason why she is not into me. Maybe she was destined to with
some else. So in time, I might find a maiden who will love me the same way as I do her. Im
too sad to even think about love, all I want to be is alone for right now.
Until Next Time, Romeo

Dear Diary,
June 30, 1321
After having that incident with Rosaline, I got an invitation from the servant of Lord Capulet
inviting me to a Masquerade party where people get to wear masks and dance with people
that they dont know. I showed the invitation to Benvolio, and my best friend, Mercutio. They
wanted to come with me to this party. We were in disguise by wearing masks. So that
evening, Benvolio, Mercutio, and I with six other maskers and torchbearers were on our way
to the party. On our way to the party, I told Mercutio about my dream and I noticed that he
was talking in a sarcastic way and acting very weird with me. So I told him to stop talking
and acting in that way a few times. He stopped and we continued our way to the party.
Until Next Time, Romeo

Dear Diary,
June 30, 1321
I think she is the one for me. I ran away from my friends who were outside the house. I tried
to lose them, but I couldnt because they were too fast and they kept asking where I was
going. I did not say anything. I ran and ran and then stopped at a tree, climb it, and as soon I
reached the top, I kept my mouth shut so nobody will hear me. During that time I was up in
the tree, I realized that I was back in Juliets house. I heard Juliet talking on the porch and
she was saying congenial things about me. So, when I had the chance, I surprised her. For a
moment, she was surprised, but she was happy to see me. So that night we just kept talking
and then I said If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word
tomorrow and she said What oclock tomorrow shall I send to thee? I replied, By the hour
of nine. I could see that she was happy and I was happy, too. We said our goodbyes and I
told her I would see her again tomorrow.
Until Next Time, Romeo

Dear Diary,
July 1, 1321
After asking Juliet to marry me, I went to Friar Laurence today. Friar Laurence is like a father
to me even though I have a real father. He would always ask me if I have enough sleep at
night or ask me about my life. He was picking out herbs from the churchs garden when I
saw him. I tried to tell him the good news, but he started asking me where I was last night

and if I was with Rosaline. I told him that I have forgotten that name already and that I was
at a masquerade party. I also told him that I met the daughter of Lord Capulet and that I
asked her to marry me. He was shocked at first, but when I explained to him about how
much I love her, he understood. I asked him if he could marry us in his cell. He thought
about it for a while and later agreed. But he told me that this relationship can end badly
because we havent known each other for a while. But I didnt care because I was too happy
and too in love. Later that day, Juliet and I were at Friar Laurences cell and we were about to
become husband and wife. But then Friar Laurence said These violent delights have violent
ends. I did not understand what he was talking about. I didnt care, I just wanted to marry
Juliet. So the Friar said You shall not stay alone till holy church incorporate two in one. We
kissed. Juliet and I are now husband and wife and I was the happiest man ever.
Until Next Time, Romeo

Dear Diary,
July 1, 1321
After the wedding was over, I went to look for Mercutio in the city to tell him the good news.
I found him on a street with Tybalt. It seemed like they were about to fight, so I intervened
and told Tybalt Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the
appertaining rage to such a greeting, but just saying that to him didnt prevent the fight
from happening. Both Mercutio and Tybalt raised their swords and the fight began. I was
trying to stop them from killing each other, but it got to the point where it got out of hand.
Tybalt stabbed Mercutio in the chest while I was trying to stop the fight. After Tybalt stabbed
Mercutio, the other guys were laughing at Mercutio, but I wasnt and I asked him if he was
fine. He said Ay, ay, a scratch. The next thing I knew, Mercutio was screaming on why he
does not like to see the Capulets and Montagues fight. He also said A plague a both your
houses and I knew that this was not going to end well. Then I saw Mercutio drop to the
ground and I could see blood coming out from his torso. He was dead! I became very angry
and I ran as fast as I could to catch up with Tybalt. All I want right now is revenge for what
Tybalt did to my best friend. So long, my friend.
Until Next Time, Romeo

Dear Diary,
July 1, 1321
I feel so much pain that Mercutio is dead. I ran through the city to catch up with Tybalt.
When I found him, I told him in an angry voice Now, Tybalt, take the villain back again that
late thou gavest me; for Mercutios soul is but a little way above our heads and I realized
that we should settle this in a duel. So we pulled out our swords and raised them up and
then the fight began. I felt scared during the fight because I didnt want to die, but Tybalt
has killed my best friend and he will pay for what he has done. When the fight was about to
end, I saw that Tybalts chest was exposed and when he was about to stab me, I stabbed
him right at his chest. I saw him fall and I felt happy. But I also felt very worried because I
thought this was going to ruin my familys reputation forever and if I was going to be
sentenced to death. I dont know if I am going to make it through the next day.
Until Next Time, Romeo
Dear Diary,

July 1, 1321

After I killed Tybalt, I ran away and hid in Friar Laurences cell. While I was there, I kept
thinking about how bad a person I have become. I was also thinking about what Juliet might
think of me. She probably thinks that Im a murderer. Friar Laurence came in with some
news about the incident and he told me that the Prince has banished me from Verona. I
cannot accept that. I told Friar Laurence Hence banished is banished from the world, and
worlds exile is death. He told me that I am acting like a mad man and that I should be man
enough and face the fact that I have been banished. I went back to sitting in the corner of
the cell and I heard somebody knocking on the door. The lady from the masquerade party
came to see me and I asked her if Juliet was fine. She said Yes. She also wanted to give me
something from Juliet and it was the ring I gave her at the wedding. Just thinking about her
makes me very inconsolable. The Friar told me that I can have one night to spend with Juliet.
He told me that I have to go to Mantua to hide from the Prince in the morning. I obeyed Friar
Laurence. I sneaked into Juliets house from the window and there I saw her. She was happy
to see me again. We made love. We were so happy together, but soon her parents were
knocking on the door. I quickly got dressed and gave Juliet a kiss and told her that I will see
her someday. I crawled out of the back window and left and never saw her again until later
Until Next Time, Romeo

Dear Diary,
July 4, 1321
I just arrived at Mantua on a horse. I was bored over the next few days, but one day I saw
someone walking up to me while I was sitting on the pavement. I recognized the face and it
was Balthasar, my other best friend. Balthasar is young and smart, but he is sometimes lazy
and he is also sensitive. He also watches out and cares for me when I am sad. I am so
excited to see him because I know that he has news about Verona. I asked him How doth
my lady? Is my father well? How fares my Juliet? and he tells me that he saw Juliets body in
Capels Monument and that her immortal part is with the angels. I felt very indignant and
crestfallen because my wife is dead. I was in so much agony. I screamed so loud so that the
angels could hear me. I came up with a plan to kill myself so I could join Juliet in eternity. I
went back to Verona and purchased poison from the Apothecary, but he told me that it was
illegal. I persuaded him by giving him money. He gave me the poison. Now, all I need to do
was see Juliet again. I went to Capels Monument without being noticed and when I saw
Juliets body in the coffin I couldnt believe she was dead. I cried so much. I miss her so
much. I heard someone talking from behind and when I turned around I saw Paris. He knew I
was a Montague and so we both raised our swords and began to fight. I killed Paris and went
back to Juliet and said my final goodbyes. I hope I get to see her again in the afterlife.
Until Next Time, Romeo
Dear Mom and Dad,
July 4, 1321
Im so sorry I never got to tell you the truth. I am in love with Juliet Capulet and she is my
wife. I know this may come as a shock to you, but I love her so much that I cannot live
without her. I know that there is feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, but I just
love her too much that I cannot stop thinking about her. She is the sun to my moon. But
since she is dead, I must die to be with her forever in the afterlife. I have to drink this poison
so I can be with her. This is the hard for me to do, but just following my heart. If they find our
bodies inside the monument, please tell them to bury me next to Juliet so that wont we be
separated again. Im sorry I have to do this to both of you, but cant live without being with
her. Please dont feel sad for me. I will be in a happy place looking over you. I will be with my

Until We Meet Again, Romeo

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