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Diagnostic Feedback Math 2: Mr.


What is this document?

This document is a culmination of your hard work, drive, and determination throughout the
school year. It represents the reflective process you went through to grow as a mathematician
during the 2015-2016 school year in our class. By the end of the year, this document will include
a variety of comments from Mr. Carter and from you, and will also include your reflective
process. You and I will set goals and continuously look to grow as you move forward.
Comments on specific assignments



Student Response


Quadratics Quiz

You are close to demonstrating a I rushed through the test and

solid understanding of factoring thought I had it, but I made a
few mistakes.
and graphing quadratic
More detail or clarification
needed for the free response
section; respond to the feedback
given on the quiz.
See quiz for the necessary


Quadratics Test

You are continuing to develop

your understanding of quadratic
equations. It is mandatory that
you come in for tutoring by

I do understand it, I just

struggled with knowing when
to flip the signs and the
negatives and positives through
me off.

Student response to comments on specific assignments: Based on the above comments. What
goals are you going to set as a student to make sure that you are growing consistently throughout
the whole year?
Assets: Things that this student does well


Student Response


Crisdeana has done well

Ive been asking for more help lately

Diagnostic Feedback Math 2: Mr. Carter


experimenting with mathematics this

semester. She tends to find creative
approaches to problems and has no
problem asking or helping her peers.

when Im confused on a topic. I also help

my peers when theyre left behind.

Student response to assets: How can you build on these assets that you possess to make sure that
you are growing as a mathematician today, tomorrow, and beyond?
Areas for growth


Student Response


Crisdeana wants to get better at finding

patterns in mathematics. In order to
measure success she wants to generate
questions that will help discover certain
patterns. We will go over these
questions together once a week either
during lunch, after school, or within
this document. During this time we will
also make sure that she has completed
her assignments.

I have been getting better in noticing the

patterns, like for standard and factored I
got the hang of it. I found out the pattern
with getting to factored


work on participating during whole

class discussions; ask questions, share
strategies. use appropriate techniques
during class discussions; body
language, keeping group engaged.

Student response to areas for growth: How will I use these areas for growth that my teacher has
noticed to continuously improve on a daily basis? On a weekly basis? What are some goals that I
am going to set to make sure that I taking, implementing, and reflecting on this feedback?
Remember, this is a requirement for our classroom and what will determine whether or not
you earn your A.

Diagnostic Feedback Math 2: Mr. Carter


Reflection Questions:


Student Response


Is it possible to have a quadratic

function that is not factorable bt has XIntercepts? If so provide an example.

This is not factorable, but it has a xintercept.


What does it mean for something to be


That they are even on both sides,

depending on where the parabola/ vertex
is you scale it.


How did you feel?

If I was ever left out I was probably

confused, so I didnt join in.


Why is it important that we try not to

leave our group members behind?

Because they are either confused, shy or

like to get joined in. Often times people
dont join in because they dont
understand it, which is why its good to
always ask so we keep everyone updated.


During our activity today how do you

feel you worked as a group?

Being with all girls is hard because all we

want to do is talk but I believe we all did
a good job. We all share our ideas and
make sure everyone understands we
often compete too, and have debates as a
table and teach everyone our different
ways and share out our opinions.

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