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gue dlighland dling VoL KRW TIGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL, HIGHLAND PARK. W-3 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 174 Sex at in School Systems: Fact or Fiction? z NO STEREOTYPING HERE! Lezak hovers var saucepan ‘men have had on US. history ‘Stee the ih cetuy.” Few boys take. Atka’s emuse, or art, or home economics. Als {els that a combination of peer ‘resure and the masculty ego Srevent many boys from eect sch courses “That's exaly id attache hr. Pegay Sele ersgyng of ex rls, ‘it rose Gilman, PHS Ege 1h deertent chain, dos at fee sersiyping of woman inthe Terry works of the maser. "Great wales sich as Hawthorne tnd Tasoy do ba steenype sex tole” she said "However wn frst timid perapoctve Te Hemingway serentype besise ty nt realy "understand omen.” Me Al Aki, erator an tosh: ‘raf Women aad the Development ‘t America, stud the sours een, “there aba demand and Powe Background Atkin sap that toa male i tay teachers ho graduated from Cala pit to the mid W's have 1 poor baciground of the rales omen played in Bistry. "My curse,” he sid, “rons an Secays Aide gis tril Bre Rosalind Wolfen apres, ow many men ould eto be ad hat Uy ae Thinking Ike a woman?” sh akod. “Society really beleves that. wo. ren are intelectual frie. Woon sed thet momen ae o- ten exjetted to be defeated va ‘tert “inherent nour ere 15 the dea that anyone who ork fee noting is ot very smart” ‘he ni ‘Sex sleretyping, once strictly limited the scope of careers open ta momen, However, federal lege Indonand ‘suc potest "groupe ave ted many of the former taboos “| Sarees of the great tect wo" YOUNG AND OLD .. Freshman Denna Fumaurie and snr elizen Tite Yo a marching Bond once eld for the elder. The concert Ie Dif rie of ropa eed ile sar esi sch Borough's ‘Golden Agers’ Get Red Carpet Treatment ‘To involve the borough's Soni are allowed to eat lunch in the Male tgh Setula Al, ‘0 ‘mun inches wil be bei the, High Seb! “eaeera, This {ears lunch was eld @ manta eo, wth the marching band peo "ig enteralment Senor efizens may take evening ducatinalcouriee at the High ‘Seto! without paying tution. “We ‘oul ke all of the golden agers of Mghand Park to get invatved in the educational gst” sald donate asstant Wiliam Donahue. "They shuld oatanly be spoctatrs, Bot partipant we” ‘Baird o Edsonon has pase ev. tral oem programs, ‘Selon cisene are now provid ‘ol with fe admission to allah ‘ee and eramatc events in the High Sei “he bape that by lating in tbe elécly tre of charge, they'll ‘lor clses ith fre en service fo al of he pays ‘String ths year, the elder + Alla Gab, class 074, tnre with ana ee, Mean, senior Jit “We used to am gs in the rection of uring ahd teertrial Work “ald gudanee “couneler 3s. "Ceal Engelard, “but nom ‘hey ea go int almost any Bld ste coin” However, several female stadents charged tat te gudance depart trent scourages. rls frome fering ‘eta elds “Some. gu ‘noe coumeelots stress the fle ‘tthe female sea homeraker ra her than as bresdviner, "sad 4 soocymoas anion gr. Other females ve talked to gree Wi wn sho add In recnt years, tere has been ‘moc clamor foe equal funding ot gis’ athletes, However, HPUS tlle teachers belie that the St per pag recive is Share of funds, “Aho the ges ‘alec budget may ook smaller Sx ever aly ca sain. Thy get qulpment that was Purchased far fhe boys” fe Other Coaches Agree Barbara ltomarth, Broke. Pas: wich, and Jane Boyer, its’ at ede: cei, unanmoiny gre, We got everthing we noo. ny ld, Pastewich emphasized that the athlete department has been very np in asasting th recent ex Datson ot the gr eprts pre fam, One exacted, fl even ak for now tors fd gat Bem” ‘Both the athe and scoot af minisiatans are cincered with ‘asl legit hat wold an: (ate cred contact parts "1 wouldn't want the. responsi tay "ot a gry fetal ‘eam—taybe raming ito an Bat de Got or a Fe Loe” sid Dakelmn. Stockman isso wor led bout e potetal acide in coed contact game, “T wouldnt ‘rat It appa hee." she sa. ‘The double standard in bing teachers has been the subject af atime controversy. ‘Better Than Meet ‘Highland "Park seems 10 be better than mit seb in accep Ing you on your meri,” said Ms Marlyn Wilms, scence dep ‘ment chem, "was ited at 1 blolgy teacher even at 2 tine ‘when the department tairman wat ‘ery seis spans women,” she ‘ald. Willa alo noted that she ‘Was made cirman over several en to ia ore sy san Knoll: ‘WVHP-FM Needs Surgery To Survive’ by Beye rom the advien’s pnt of view the radio ation required radical surgery 10 survive,” sid feeuly advisor Me. Hobart Kea. "ie Kool and Mr, Atkin WY: Ps ober aioe, have lidated ‘number of stall and program ‘hanger, Darla the past sever] wwesks students ave Been remor ‘el tram igh eel pies, and ClE'ers Atfain Jobs; Garner Salary, Credit Partipants in the Cooperative Industrial Bastion Program (CHE) tin ca the Job tating, 2 salary, and 1p eres IE, which began In, is ut er the rection of Mr. eseph ‘Sralk” Twas designed to give Jnlrs and seniors practical ex Brion in the burner. world "the program,” sid Seal, sires ne nvlved a jmp 28 ceryene ele, ‘Stuer oo CIE go to schoo for alt day they wore job roughutddiesex Canty Ing the aternon. They mist also take a related course with Sea ‘5 well at fl all course Te ‘irom ‘Currently 2-undereassmen are taking the program, which ean Inerens over lat "year's eral. ‘ent San, 19 stent are Invaled in a smiar coarse clod Distrbutive ducati, dested 97 Me Vincent Gel. Svalukatebated the creased erolen! to sereral factors, Ste Soi ar aos gett of he routing, snd Jab are had to get be sai. He an fl that many ot Ns puis sm less Iterated a sMtnding cals serra sows Rave bee cape, poor eco," be sai The “Tie adore pun to d's ral catenin tute Tain eo le stato “ie He complied het te aders ol expand te reas forthe bad ered him fo at ceria oly change We fund fat shows" and cane oicn, rear dents were neapble of rorming ex's gaat fel ual the san early on Gt orn WV lm ng et he sai. "the eae ino tiation. I'v Gaping he i te reponse” eee Te pled at te oer gully, ar Pas View at several propa, and“boad Dane Srey the satn's new {hat stun tad aed take geal" manage loka oe Proper care of emupmen. “There fanive vw of ihe, changes“ ‘been much wanton deacon fuse Kl and AMS se he fd thievery of wat tra” ight move” he sang were evel ‘aly eng tot tae case Be Renewed? ole a th ae dct WVis stl and adisrs ace ot ge ts leense tenement beganlng to doubt whaler the wie ho sand chance ‘Stan's ene willbe esewes, "In erro ra te eee, Sate was enaher fair tour te WMP stall must le nae chin” conmened MF, Roll fet ast err ine it ou pagans are fuck: Theta cen readcass tng in mer or commerce, fur frre ay." ev ou re ot a nat ‘yea, Broram dei A Sl eS “me anf hve cp coe ofthe der remaing Spare ene pgiem wt Po ‘ment heads. “I think the advisors High School.”” ~ Chala air Mr Ward Sth danse cin to spe mores Sam Kirner and Mike Tansft Th Chomste tam, conmpored st Kirener, Tans, Renald Gros, ond deo! Grodtl, feud Wet im ‘hain meet on Doce Sh HIOHLAND FLING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 197 Team Earns Complex Crown On Thanksgiving Day this year our varsity football team played its ast game of the season, defeating Metuch- fn 20418, The following Sunday’ the NJSIAA. announced that our team was the “Central Jersey Group I Unofficial State Champion,” What does that ttle mean? "The New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Assoc fation (NJSIAA) ls responsible for the organization of in terseholaste high school sports, The title they assigned to bir team Is a Father complicated, but discernable one. ‘igh school sports in New Jersey js divided into four categories of size and three regions of location. We belong to 'Group 1 (the smallest of Groups 1, IT lil, and IV). We flso belong to the Central Jersey region. (North Jersey find South Jersey are the other two.) Our fille is an acknowledgement that the Highland Park football team ie unoffleally the best out of all Group Techools in New Jersey ‘We were ranked “fist” in Central Jorsey according to 8 rating system devised by the NISIAA. Pointa wore award Cd teach team in the state according to Ite record, Oppo ‘nts records, and overall playing strength Highlaid Park recelved 400 points, Normally the two teama ‘vith the greatest point totals. play each other in ‘Atlante City. However in our case the NJSIAA decided to award Highland Park the championship automatically because the would-be opponent's total was so much lower than ours Our total wa, in act, the highest of any Group T'school in the state ‘Couch Jay Dakelman is to be lauded for his efforts n formulating oar champlonship team, He utlized the talent fvallable on bis 42-man squad, Coming off a poor showing {ast sacon, the team proved itell this year. This samo ttle was achieved by the 1971 team The FLING congratulates the aquad and hopes that its nchieve ment continues to seta precedent Sexist Roles Dissolve at HPHS Role changes are now taking place at Highland Park High School. These role changes have helped to liberate the school from sexism, Girls now take some reins of leadership away from bors. The Ms. Presidents of Student Congress, American Field Service, and the Senior Class, show that girls too, ean lead the schoo! in more than just cheering. “Woman's work” within the curriculum now Includes males in formerly female-oriented classes. Although the Sight of a boy slaving over a hot stove is rare, itis apparent ‘and ecepted, Today boys learn nutrition, homemaking find family litestyles along with girls, Courses in both male and female-oriented subjects are taught to both sexes AC HPHS, Courses like The Role of Women in American History fate scraping away the label “weaker sex” from women, Betsy Rose and Florence Nightingale are not the only wo: ten who have taken part in the formation of America. The Role of Women in American History puts women in the proper historieal light: not just nurses and seamstresses but doctors, lawmakers, ative figures in history. Female subordination no longer exista within the fa- culty. They hold positions of importance within depart ments, athletics, and administration, So the myth of male and female roles is dead at PHS, Women's Liberation has done more than stop the ¢x ploitation of women. The movement has allowed both sexes fovrealize all thelr potential, HIGHLAND FLING Publishes 10 tes during, the seheol year by ‘Sens of Highland Park High Schon, North 5 ‘Avene, Highland Pork, New ery O80 ewan er et hare Moraz Blends New Sound with Yes by Start Tetebaom Yd resumed his pasion in the Steve Hows, tis album sounds es beena your ance Yes re band. Buta difeence could be eten more ike “space music” than Jeased “Tales trom, Topograsite beard inthe must; the elasial ‘lost ‘Gevas, Yer begin touring atthe approach ad been replaced with 8 fore of November and the ef: jazz sound, Morar "brought is ‘Greness of Patrick Morar co Key. “Refs talent (is aK. jazz "Soundchaser, Steve lows play hors as fhe Bg top ‘band ond combined I ith Yer lo an letifed version of “Mood a ‘Trvaghat the our Moraz man- Yorm ale an usual sound. Day” as sort gular il. With spaniel his keyboards tr such « Thistew Yer ean now be heard sparing vocals, tis trac features {ESM hat me ports oes! on Relayer, the new alba, Wee Mora on his ooasionl Keith Ex Si smuned as though Wakeman ton primaniyby Jon Anderson and eropstye mg. Anderson, How Inguiri Ph Sh fo Gis Sou jo i hae tonne sequence inquiring jotographer (CHA'S” at the end of the song. aa RIC "Gates of Dalam” may bs 2 the beat ea. on the album. Besides X Blas al Ff YOS ANG NO towes' tating picking. ala ‘Whe and Squire (pereweion and Rickenbacker bus) form perhaps sexual dsriminaied ops at ec, the oak paver ryt set fewer Mer J aad 12 toy. tHe Over! nsw he debe Due, “7: P Sat fr wrest nih Andersen's vocals re ae BIg ice Sy any ees S Question: Have you ever ft en wouldn't Tet me. jfademark ef Yes" msi. te Deveognent Relayer. may have. same ol Sagan i sry Pa 1h vail ng i, oan Revbeer cone il pan af Soa Seay latent ite haga oe ‘Dan Lefferts, 75: ‘they're sure to go “over the edge. Prats ie tacale umes ce saeice | Kar Korner i ote Seon er ane et ere Loe at eg : oa ae ‘dite ao wring” sb sted nd teetase la iat your car canbe made ay witha. Cl wallet ee Bese oe Set Oh oy ‘le fie and ale, ‘weighted oil should be added. Thin Gail Massey, ‘77: Many people think that as long terol! wil flow through the eb a Tes Seer tains to so ay re water SEARS fy chetmcr tnt ac Sp, a ind pot run as Jus because antireeze is aver ye checked. Snow fires are mea . fad eat on ated as permanent” it won't last eee i he taken dant. work forever shold be checked every (old Morning Bows Laura car, 14 yar cet er 6 BP yrs the eae mae Tm easrooms, 1 Ghsed at any auto supply sre, yo neater and deoster shuld pat thnk one’s Before anttreete ea ‘Tso sec fren amare and heed abt se ey ar in Sat ncinine. fatter ill abode checked toning property. dust remember tion, but rather for eas or racks the only oe to fer oa cok DAR ica “Top Toned morgen the ar won str Winter is he seson when an en- 8 you SAT's Fail To Measure Aptitude, Reasoning nin ySarhraPraieme ino fw fr tan cn te?~ met ste ss nthe cu i ete Gree ors Tim'SAt orc tor treme ry say, We emt tle wo Aa Sats nit a Bf raped stm to uige fo acre re i ely neal tes you Sno teas eee ea Se Se ant 2 Sat epee, at tree “Een Iey Lene sha ‘hee Sar ata Tet arse ean coring (oor Bat eH ae ras ty oc "Thy colegs twee Ent cep, ve ee a eee Cig w tend Safrsones ale empbrsegte Cage Bud ps be deny on use" terent plies: mine an coer ey meanres tend Clon Tae tea the Gens on 8 more ial as reaing” whch eater sen octane oe a tite Sale awe a bs Bet Ray teantve remng Sipps nr in ae sre en ar et a, sare we tt near Te Oa ‘e Earnce Enamintien or SS Ser cone ima 8 9 entero fot a 20 prin 0 he SAT sty Sig our tre ate Bp a ch sa os itr 3 anit 5 Now York Une see. re ppc to Bonin Ca lege wes gly dre pom ‘her penn slr SA hes thy Skt measure what BURNING ISUE ... Th ale fhe SAT a acter ellen a con apn ke Suncast ncn ton tar he oe inten os a srser hy ands have nn cara FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1976 WS by Jenah Gacalone To the ove, ography ap- prams to be 8 myriad of gh fecinical terms, complex eat ret, ad the lke. In fis clu, Tl atlempe to bring the cralt tol eel that canbe of tro the hibit eno desires 10 tate Salty photographs, bt does ot Masanly wah to make io “Toul ke to discuss the var Jus "ims. Previously, Tver five much thought tart fis. "They were eter "Hlack i Wt," "Cole Tan when Ttarted givng my petres more thought, 1 scored that my Un ‘aly druggist had aretha oe ype of fm cn is bal “Tree Type Kodak's three Mack and white fame ar: PanslomieX, Plus, fad THK The novice shuld reign the évaniags and des Tantages ofthe fms blore ng i PanatmioX ie a fine gre Keystone Books {27 George St, New Brunswick Vist Keystone — The Boskatore ‘nthe philocphy—For Prples of al alors Supper nied arm Workers Boy Lect, Oropes bearing WAPPY HOLIDAYS. () ‘Card Shop andy «Paty & Pape Goods rm Rarian Ave, sm a | Raritan Valley Savings & Loan 1 yu being the ain bate Dee. 2 and dan th, we wl ame for S280 207 RARITAN AVE. ‘mith eann to boned. High prices swell more wsly uring fh este. es. of the year Because there m0 way 10 old bang gifs for everyone ot {het Ut, casts anon higher “Gllren the pit sts realy rake it in. Tho fara Bar ‘el, rio te now sate, as ‘ised her rte. Barbie tow cote yrere fom ht ten dlls, ‘pending on her sae "Ka for preteca, has jump ‘odin ont. Take the Keer game Headsebe, for example. Because fo moch plane ed in making {his game, te pice bas gone up ‘ith the price of giuaie, Plastic {E'made from one of the yp. dts of petrol TE paste fat your bag, make a!'Ntara™ gi at fatal enim. a, lng with everyting Soe How dene tus jue ce fo shou four dollars & yard. ‘That handmade denim git shold someting smal ke 8 ano ‘rammed matctbeok cover The last resort for givers sill as i past year, book. But ecuse of the Inereased. cost per, books ‘cost more tis ear. ‘A paperbock ean cost anys from S125 to $275. Hardbacks go In Focus a tm, That i, the partes in {he film's eraulion are not. ar Wile ag DX. You may want fo ‘esder Ue factor ity are tk ing pictures tat rege exception al dt, and sath tones. Pas Xe dsadvanage is it's slow ‘sjee.””(Phoograpers.rter to ‘he. film's relative snail [0 Tighe ab is spot.) This means hat PanX wou not be race In lowlight station, Ph, 10 Some, is a bay compromise’ be meen slow, fine grained Par, se fas, gray TK ‘ra Advantages (On to ater Ran there are the poograperswhn sear by Tk ost press phtgrapbers use Toe fm’ mai advantage ss feet. hasan ASA (im speed) tf compared to Pans 3, land Pluss 128, lace a photo Jouralet soceaners ch va. Seg of ging statins, be mast fave fin that won eth dow, "Abatber characterise of ‘Tix ie its ality to be pusbed (Gerdoped “lnger to "eres spect) wit sarilag most of ‘Bevcetrac and reseuda Ober fmpanes markets ‘ns wh erat names, sch a8 HPS ‘aod HPA, the Mord eouvaent a Plus and TeX ‘o the experienced. photograph ets “cal ist presented Soin ase, perhaps ules ifr ‘aon, Bufo the aspring nore, hope that when you buy your next roll of flim jou ask the arling Sale clerk “Have jou any ash Tex in sk?” Next: The Cam sareotype: The berated ema fi brles thers nd bel "Real Liberated Female Barbara ‘Bert it loo, the sed, ab 8 trace driver, Ses the wal af "he gasoline pumps at an ober bars diver a trak for he ling LIBERATED LADY... Senior Barbara Ebert works as 2 the Sumace Saves Staion Second Aven ‘he onl female emplaye, Barbara fl od KITCHENMEISTER FLORIST For the ideal longasting if aaa Sean 32446, Sh Ave Seated BERNSTEIN’S Webog our fands 0 The Style Sho} abby touoxr ae 18 North Be Ave 45.608 Bridals TOOL & TALENT HANDCRAFTS OF DISTINCTION 2450878 20 Paterson 8, New Brunswick ‘8 Happy Holidoy 200 Raritan Ave, Highland Par Senior Girl Drives Tow Truck, Feels No Sex Discrimination ‘The ruth of inflation hae caused a carta {oly ai oct doom on expenses. from $455 ta small fortune Tow ean Santa avold shelling ut hs Mesavings during the fle i EMPTY STOCKINGS. ‘who i nimble with words can el Tir matvmanded frend wie a Sich pope. Th mathe a ‘ebpratte by baling the Engl Tater wih the next Algebra tet "The ely way to Whi inflat naw i to keep your mney. So five pelle it goes a Ten Way during the holiday’ season the thought oot the coef ‘eason? There's ava e ed lt frultakes, brownies, (cools. Bat with sugar at $930 1 bag, the it shuld be a single ‘Serig of Yule yume. ‘Of sours, the Tas reset to sain tro giving llgeter (ah, humbug) "Towe with special abies can [EA RRREROOOATSS, eve of thse Talent A stent ey Fourtn & Ratan Highland Pre don't feel any aseriminatua ct 545.9773 from he other guys on the tak, aught Barbara "infact, they trast me jt ke one of he Eu. ow Barbara get sah an unfennine” job? “Wel, the ta ta need a digpatchet, and Wa the rt Toppy with all te rela” says Barbara ‘Barbara job means ving the laptcher's truck allover the Fighand Park area from € pam. ‘ntl Ip The eal eantact sho fe withthe other guys Is over the poate her tra, & he 0 alin. when she takes over the Sitoco alice for bar bos ‘Barbora says iat be fos no resentment frm ber flow work fs bua of ber ek. No, she ‘as do thay treat beri Kid doves. Albough abe hast (Sumter any tat fights, trom "the guys” sone verbal ates do rise. "But woan hey cuss atm ast ease ight Boek at them, ‘dts Berbers. ‘She appears comfortable in er nate feminine Sunoco Jacket and jeans. ‘The any diflerence between Fer work cetes and those ef the oder Sunoco employes iste cote tens of the wor. [oj 3 $ + € & FAST FREE DELIVERY {87 RARITAN AVE. LIBERTY DECORATORS: (CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE SLIPCOVERS - DRAPERIES BEDSPREADS. REUPHOLSTERING LAMPS “TABLES imo | RARITAN AVE. Highland Park School of Music Prive Instrrentl Instruction ‘Organ & Plan Stes, counariag Ave. 2970 A ; P 242 RARITAN AVE _H.?P. PAGE FOUR Cheering: Sport or Activity? by Jay Love and Howard Rubin Everyday the athletic teams of this school participate in their respective sparta. There is another team that, prac tices everyaay after school but is it a sports team? The heerlesders have to pratice like other teams but what are they practicing for? If the girls only practice to cheer at tamed thon cheering would be considered more of an ac: {ivy than & sport, Part of sports is competition; where are the cheer. leaders" competitors “The competition Ix within yoursell," replied one cheerleader. Another commented, “The compe- ‘ion is between other cheerleaders." The J-V'a must com- pete to make. Varsity" These forms of competition may be Walid but as for competition from other teams the cheer Teaders have none, ‘Cheerleaders recelve Varsity and J.V. letters for thelr efforts and cheerleader cannot eheer and st the same time be on a sports team. This shows that the athlete de: partment considers cheering a ports The cheerleaders may be'getting an unfair deal since many people eel cheer Teading is an activity which should allow gira to cheer and be out for an athletie team, “The girls themselves are not sure of what cheerleading 1b; aome feel that checring isa aport while te rest feel it's sn activity. Half are of the opinion that they are only a part Of the athletic program by helping the fans cheer. The fitls who think of cheering as a sport feal that they prac tice ike other sports teams so they should be considered sports team. One cheerleader who is out for a sport during {he winter ‘and spring seasons feels that in cheerleading, “There isn't too much to work for in practice. ‘The pret: tices aren't as hard as they arein the sports Fm out for.” MQHLAND FLING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 174 Schrager Becomes Another Owlette by flee Dees Is gymnuties ely Olga Korat, pesialenored tars and pig Elst Not for sophamare Lary Schrager who is working out wt the ei avmanasts team, "There lent too Mich dacrimiaaian be teen the tes. The is Js sort ti gnare me, ao 1 gues they ac rot te,” eberves Lary. ark at besase 2 wan on shape for king iis winter. also want to ad ot iT Pally ke gprnas- ios” Boys Team Wanted Since bape ere diferent tan tire, HLP doesnot have the equ ‘en fora bays tam, all ary no. ie Limberg” execs. ‘ther secs inthe are hve oy fates leas, coe beng Patt. Erunewick “Sire, Take fo se HEP have guy's team, ut there migit ot be evo terest std HEP. has more pressing demands says Lave. "As always, there are to ses to every sry. Ths Is te rd year forthe ire team, ‘Their est year, the irs complied a 4 ree ‘rd a Inst yeu ty Sched £5 and captor fifth pce in the ‘Site Tournament ‘Veterans Abound “this year's teres ery wel rounded nd we have lof po ‘ential somments Catch Broake askewieh She will be depending upoa Sue Hodson Lari Laboak. J Bes Hin and Rebecea Cab, some ef he Teturang.seterans who hae sed valuable experienc in ore Peto, Desplte Lynn Reberber's fraduatan and many. sopbomares Srcomingcheevieades, most of SES years Squad has returned and Lakin-less Grapplers Enter Season 1 ent every day that a coach lass a team member who ould ave been a hg Vcr inte tea's scree, Recently ths just what ‘append to Higlland Park Wrest Ing Cece Bob, Waren. Before wrestling pratie got un erway this Seasn, Waren. bad ‘tready ltt two fine wresders Ib Sopa Russell Tisch snd sn. ‘oe walt Lain, Bath Tisch and din moved aay. aller’ last feuon, Bat that aan all that Warren woul lv. ust four days into practice, War ren wae lformed tat Donald La iin, lst year's Distt Champa sine it weigh class woud ot se any actin hs Year doe fo ‘had igh ae. Hard te Replace Warren "new ‘bev would. Dave trouble finding. replacements for "Risch and Landi atti respec tive weight clases, but no one cud ake up ft the lass of Tk, Describing Laki's value to the team, Warren stated, “Youve got to gure 48 points rom Deel ery match, If be were to las ‘ne ths year, Fa realy be su red ‘Lakin sustained tor ligaments in thee at year. Jt ne mont Sefore the seanon nap he es was. operated, andthe liga ment were ted Lain cameo Bralce ready Tor the season. But onthe tra day of proctics, the ee swelo bly. Lakin wes {othe doctor, nd after torah ‘tamination ‘of the Ke, be as {oldie was trough th resins east forth Jae. “To Much, Te Sean was” prety” pee" recalls “Lakin” sill am, but" what can ya do?” He added, "The doctor Said was jas too much, too Son. It jist onde 4 Int of ret, 20k Feabtatig. Pm loaking forward to weet. ling in he utr” Lain sates thnk my sei year I can really omy bet” ‘Says Waren, “We mere expect: sng great tgs from Donal ths year It shuld be no diferent ‘ext yar there_are quite a few talented ftesimen. agains several now schools because ‘ary area schoas have Swiched {at gyamasc season to the al ‘The. Ovltes “open thir seston ‘Went. Respect Earned “ae (Coach Pasko) is more havea good feam and are looking ferrard to acces sesso ‘The gis wil be competing ae I's prancig around the fou. UP AND OVER . . Junior Ler Labesky shows gest concentration wile werting ot on the vaulting here. Labosky shed beng of ‘years foam leaders. Rey Mayes (Highland Park Clase of 74) now runing for 5p aeons University racety pat fd ist in the NEAAY Cross TED’S APPLIANCE | ‘Cuniry Championships in Blom eee | Inglon inianaSyracore qo 54 CHARLES sr {ied fr the championship by pla. [NEW BRUNSWICK Ing th inthe ICtA meet nr ich ‘ayers ches sth ae Sra ‘e's eoand man inthe championship mest Moyert wae tho fis Syracine ‘mer fo erote the lin Mey (rs paceman Impressed many Incong hs coach sine ti wat therm ace Mer see the act Deseo his igh ish, Mey: rs hime was not pleased com ‘menting, teal ave. eon eter 1 ke hat expec Raspa Jewelers ‘Bera Fine Damonds TITLES UNLIMITED 409 Raritan Ave ANDY’S HOUSE OF STYLING | | 0 Peter an = sen a WE WILL SPECIAL ORDER Middlesex Travel Bureau Ine. ‘A Frumbin, Pres. Ship’ 5 . wane, LESLIE\HOWARD Flow 126 RARITAN AVE. APS GN. Lay Ke a th rt Shop RN any ou ee ay : ; BRUNSWICK. SPORTING, GOODS Ruahill Fine Faratture or Ne rata Bi NAC HE ama er __ fash ER Fara 2 Livingston Ave, Comer Gorge St, New Brune

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