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Lesson 6

Mechanics of Materials

Topics : Deflections of beams

Deflections by integration of the shear-force and load equations

Method of Superposition

Prismatic Beams ( Constant EI )

Bending Moment Equation

Shear Force Equation

Load Equation

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Method Of Superposition
The Method of superposition: Under suitable conditions, the deflection of a beam
produced by several different loads acting simultaneously, can be found by superposing the deflections produced by the same loads acting seperately.

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

( OBS. Deflection and Angle Data from App G )

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

Readings to Tuesday 4th March

Kim Rask Petersen, MME M1 Spring 2014

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