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The Flicker of Light in the Darkness

Chapter One
She had made a mistake. They were coming. And why should they stop?
After all, they did not expect her to live past midnight. She was running like
crazy. Her legs, picking up speed as she ran through the forest; her heartfelt like it was about to explode-there was no escape from this hell hole she
put herself in. She was stupid, reckless, and above all- an idiot. How could
she put herself in this situation? Where did it all go wrong?
Aleja watched as the sky above her turned to purple. It was almost
dark and once the black waves engulfed the sky; there would be no hope for
Aleja. She would be taken from the world she knew. The world that was only
full of light. No darkness. She quickened her pace, her legs caught at the
bottom of her dress. She would not fall but her feet said otherwise. She was
struggling to keep a distance from the creatures of the dark. She did not
dare to look back, for fear of what she may see. She kept moving forward.
Her lungs burned and strands of her hair covered her face. She was a mess
and she knew it.
This was my choice. Remember Aleja.
An opening in the forest came into view. Light. She saw light. The sky above
her, threaten to keep her as a prisoner. But today, she would be no ones
prisoner. She ran faster towards the opening. The light growing brighter.
Wider. Stronger. She was going to make it. She was going to leave. She was
going to come out of this ordeal with her soul still intake. She would run to
her Abuelas house and tell her she was wrong. Those stupid tales her
Abuela told her were all a myth. But the edges of her heart tugged and she
knew her Abuela was right.
She made it to the edge of the forest. One foot out and she would be
in Dia City but something grazed her neck. The back of her dress was pulled
back and she went falling ten feet into a tree. A snicker of laughter could be
heard from a distance. It wasnt a group of people chasing her-No- it was
only one person. It was teasing her. Making her skin boil. Her heart skipped
a beat and the light she saw at the end of the forest vanished. She was
trapped. Her Abuela was terribly right and she would not live to hear her
Abuela say I told you so.

Chapter Two
Dia City.
That was where Aleja lived. The world she knew was divided into two. It
wasnt always like that. Thousands of years ago, the Dia people, and the

Noche people lived in harmony. There was day time and then there was
night time. Peace if you could call it, but everything went downhill when
war broke. With most wars a world is divided into two. Hope is lost and faith
is broken. The chain that unites two nations together is never the same.
Shatter into millions of pieces and sprinkle into the wind. The darkness took
half of the world and the light inhibited the other part of the world. Leaving
Noche City without Light and Dia City without night. And it just so happened
to be, that Aleja lived closed to the border of the Noche City. She could
practically see the shadows lurking above the thick trees. Creeping, moving
closer to her house; waiting for the right moment to engulf the light, but the
shadows never did. No one dared to go past the forest. The Chill Stone
forest was what connected the Noche citys territory. Only a stupid fool
would walk into that forest. And that is where no one wanted to be.
Especially not, Aleja.
According to her Abuela- the Muertes- had powers beyond anyones
comparison. Powers of death, evil, and darkness. All things Aleja knew that
were not good.
The powers of the Diablo himself, her Abuela would rant, slapping
her hands on the table.
Aleja nodded. Soaking each word her Abuela told her. For her Abuelas
words were like gospel to the people in Dia City, but that didnt mean she
believe what her grandmother said. Abuela is the keeper of the Dia City. Her
Abuela watched over the border; making sure no one enter Dia city. No
Muertes would enter under her Abuelas eyes.
Whatever you say Abuela. Whatever you say.
Mi hija, you think I am crazy, but I am not. One day you will eat my
words, her Abuela said every time she saw the disbelief on her
granddaughters face.
Like that would every happen.
But Aleja never told her Abuela, that she was skeptical of the myths she told
her. She never believed her Abuela. For no one knew of the Noche City. The
Dia Citys people-who are called the Vidas, only knew that the Noche City
existed but they never knew of what became of the city. Noche people
which are known as the Muertes. No one knew what the Noche City looked
like, what the customs were, or the beliefs. The Noche City was a complete
mystery and Aleja never wanted to know more about it. All she knew was
her people feared the
Muertes and nothing good would come from crossing the forest. She was
perfectly fine living in her city where the sky never turned black.

Chapter Three

Pain exploded between her legs, knocking the breath from her chest as a
knee slammed against her stomach. The creature had got a hold of her. She
had become a prisoner. A prisoner to the darkness, something her Abuela
had told her to stay away from. She fell.
Get up, the voice said. It was a womans voice and she sounded like she
had been smoking way too many cigarettes. Her voice was deep and
groggily. Nothing was lyrical about her tone; not a single note.
Aleja refused to look at the women who was about to ruin her life. She
wasnt going to get up for that hag. She laid flat on her stomach, closed her
eyes, and buried her face in the dirt.
Get up.
Fear took over Alejas body- numbing her completely. She was frozen. A
hand grabbed a fist full of her hair and flipped her over. She had no choice
but to stare at the women. Her breathing hitched. All the life in her drained
away, as the womens face came closer to her. The woman was ghostly
pale, her cheeks sagged inward and her wrinkles on her face were caked
with dirt. Her midnight hair flowed all the way to her knees like black ink
pouring from a pen. Her yellow eyes stared right at Aleja and the edges of
her thin lips curved into a wicked grin; revealing sharp, stagger teeth. She
was anything but beautiful.
Had her arms not be pinned down, she would have clawed her face
right off. She struggled, trying to get the women off of her.
A low nasty laugh came out of the womens mouth.
You pathetic fool. Chica, you want to badly get away from me? She hissed.
She leaned closer to Alejas face. The horrific smell radiated off the woman
and Alejas stomach ached. She gagged and the womans smile grew wider.
Feral like a rabid dog.
The woman caressed Alejas face. The insides of Aleja twisted. The woman
pinched Alejas cheek hard.
Chica, you, would be perfect to feed to my pets.
Aleja had enough of this bull crap.
Get off of me, Aleja said. Her voice came out weak and hoarse.
The woman flicked Alejas cheek. Aleja winced and the woman came closer
to her. One inch away and the woman could have kissed her.
You finally speak. So tell me, why are you here in the Middle of night?
Especially Alone?

The womans eyebrows rose; waiting for an answer.

I wouldnt tell you if you were the last person on earth, she spat.
I dont like that tone of voice you are using on me, Chica, the woman
growled, grabbing Aleja tighter.
Neither did I.
Without thinking Alejas foot made contact with the womans stomach. The
woman let go of Aleja and fell backwards.
You little prick-, the woman growled.
-Did I just do that?
There was no way she was staying here any longer. Aleja was on the run
again. Running faster than her legs could take her. The sky was completely
black. A puddle of darkness. She didnt know where the forest ended or
where it began. She ran in any direction; hoping she would get away from
that woman.
One sweep of the womans foot and she was falling, twisting to catch
herself, but not fast enough to avoid hitting her elbow on a rock, causing her
to bleed. She rolled, seeing the midnight sky, and tried to remember how to
breathe as the impact echoed through her body.
The woman pounced with ease, thighs digging into the sides of Aleja. She
was outmatched and hopeless. She was going nowhere. She was going to
die. She had lost faith in that exact moment. The darkness would overtake
her and the light she knew would vanish within her too.

Chapter Four
(Two hours before the incident)

This was her choice. Aleja knew that. She put herself in this situation. She
knew how it happened. Anything could have happened and she made the
wrong choices.
Listening to her sister and her brother was a factor, but her ignorance
was the curse that caused her downfall.
Paco, and Sofia, also didnt help. Yolanda had been frustrated staying in the
house. Yolanda was her little sister. Her sister was only seven years old and
her brother Edwardo was sixteen years old. It was the summer; it was
always summer. The sun never went down and the sky was always blue.
Why let Yolanda be copped up in the house? Aleja say something.
Aleja had watched as her sister paced the living room back and forth. Her
pony tails flapping in the wind. Aleja sat on the couch reading a book.

You could read a book, draw, paint, Aleja said.

No, I am tired of staying in this house. I want to do something fun.
Aleja had put her book down on her lap and stared at her sister.
Well, what is your definition of fun then?
I want to go into the city. I want to explore. I want to be a kid, Yolanda
wailed, flapping her arms in the air.
She frowned at her sister.
Yolanda you are a kid already, though.
Well, I want to act like a kid, her sister puffed.
I dont want to keep mopping around. I was thinking I could go to the kite
festival today with of course Edwardo, Yolanda said.
Aleja frowned.
Did you already ask-yeah she asked me, Edwardo said as he came down the stairs.
I am getting tired of staying in this house. I could use some fun myself. Go
see those kites and-see your girlfriend, Aleja finished.
Yeah, sis you know me too well, Ed said as a wicked grin plastered his
I guess taking you and Yolanda, wouldnt be so bad. I could hang out with
my friends.
Ed nodded.
Wait you have friends?
In a flash Aleja was there to slap her brother across the shoulder.
Ed stumbled backward. Caught off guard. Aleja could hear Yolanda clapping
in the back ground.
Yeah, Aleja, you show him, her little sister chanted.
Ow, that hurt. GeshI know you have friends. I was joking, he said,
rubbing his shoulder.
Gosh. You know you can get scary, but seriously no need to watch us. We
will go home before Abuela even comes back home.
Yes, take us, Yolanda chimed in.

Dam, Aleja had a weak heart.

Fine met me in the boat in ten minutes.
Aleja lived on a small chunk of land discounted from the main land of
the Dia City. The land in which she lived in Aleja was called El Sol. Her house
was 10 feet away from the border. There were only two houses in El Sol.
Her house and her neighbors house. El Sol was surrounded by water and
the only way to get to the main land was to cross the river with a boat.
She waited as Ed and Yolanda boarder the boat. Ed wore a bright,
blue, button up t-shirt with cashmere jeans. He had his sunglasses perched
on his noise. His dark brown hair was a mess and his outfit complimented
his dark skin. Yolanda wore a yellow dress, with tiny little white flowers
scatter at the bottom of the dress. Her sisters light brown hair was parted in
two pony tails. She wore bracelets that jingled as she stepped into the boat.
Ready, Aleja said.
Sis, I was born ready, Ed said.
She was at the mainland. Scanning the booths. Looking at the clothes
and the different leather sandals. Dia City was famous for its Kite Festivals
and its open flea market. Children passed by her; laughing, singing, and
dancing. Music filled the air and in the center of the city- steamers were
hanged- on every corner.
Off in the distance she could see people flying kites. Every hour of the
day; people were flying kites. Kites took over the sky. Each in different
colors, creating a rainbow. Her city-her home- it was beautiful to live and to
breathe in the scent of flowers.
She watched as a father and a daughter danced in the middle of the
street to the tune of the violins playing. The music was upbeat and the
violinists played fast, there arms going faster and faster as the melody grew
Aleja was in a deep trance; so when someone touched her shoulder, she
jumped. Her heart stop. These days she felt like people were trying to give
her a heart attack. Dam, she had a weak heart. She turned around and
found Sofia, and Paco watching her. Sofia and Paco are her next door
It looks like you were in LaLa land, Sofia said. She smiled at Aleja. She was
wearing a blue dress with brown leather flip-flops. Her blonde hair was
fastened into a French braid. Before Aleja could say anything to Sofia. Paco
pushed his sister a side to talk to Aleja.
Hey what are you doing out here. I thought you said your grandmother
didnt want you outside?
Well she-

- wait, dont tell me little Mrs. Perfect disobey her grandmother?

Paco seemed to have a special talent for pissing off Aleja.
Well, I am here, Aleja snickered.
She didnt owe anymore of an explanation to Paco. Sofia looped her arm
around Alejas arm and swerved her around, pressing her tighter against
Dear friend, I am so glad you are here, she singed.
Im glad I am here too.
Im not glad to see your brother though.

Chapter Five
Her vision was burry. Her head throb, and the woman with the wrinkled
face stared at her.
Aleja was in a daze. She felt like she was no longer
here. She hadnt put up much of a fight. Like a coward she tried to run, but
at that end the cowards never won. And Aleja was never a winner. For what
seemed like hours she just stared at the black sky-blocking the womans
face. The darkness was a lethal force to be reckoned with. She could see
nothing. She had just had her first encounter with a Muerte and she didnt
like it one bit at all.

Chapter six
(20 minutes before the incident)

Once every six months, it rained in Dia city. It didnt sprinkle but it purred
down rain. This day was the day, it was going to rain.
Mi Hija, I dont want your sister or brother going out to town today its
going to rain. Its not safe using the boat today. The currents are going to be
vicious, her Abuela said.
Gosh. Her Abuela was too dramatic.
Why would you say that Abuela?
I can feel it in my bones. My back aches too. You know Ive never been
wrong when its going to rain, her Abuela said, pointing to her back, and
wiggling her finger in front of Aleja.
Thats true. Her Abuela always knew when it was going to rain. Aleja raised
her eyebrows.

You expect me to stay in the house while you go to the neighbors house
and gossip? I have to stay home with my brother and sister?
I dont expect you to stay in the house.. I know you will stay in the
That was it; Aleja shut her mouth, and agreed with her Abuela. She always
agreed and did what she was told to do. Never disobeying -anyone.
But today she disobeyed her Abuela.
She watched as her brother and her sister flew kites. Her brother,
helping her little sister guide the kite into the air. Sofia was right next to her.
They had just finished looking at the open flea market.
You know, your brother isnt too bad, Sofia said leaning against Aleja.
Aleja raised her eye brows. Was she hearing things?
Sure, if you can get passed his arrogance. Aleja wrinkled her nose. Sofia
squeezed Alejas arm.
Aleja, Learn to relax sometimes.
Oh. She was going to relax as soon as she went home- with her siblings. She
had to make it there before her Abuela came home and saw that they wont
there. She unclasped her arm from Sofias gripped and called out to her
Ed! Yolanda. Lets go home now.
Her brother lifted Yolanda and put her on his shoulders. Yolanda squealed
like a little piggy and flapped her hands in the air. Her laugher filled the air
like a remedy.
As they walked to the boat, Aleja felt a rain drop. Crap. Her Abuela
was right, it was going to rain. She felt another rain drop. This time she
looked up, titling her head towards the sky. Clouds gathered in the sky. The
sky turned to a lighter shade of blue.
Lets go, Aleja said to her brother and sister.
They ran. Small droplets began to fall, growing larger as they ran to the
boat. There feet digging into the grass, as the ground soaked up the water
droplets. Without warning, the clouds burst, showering Aleja and her
siblings, sending gray droplets across the city. She skidded.
They had made it to the boat. Aleja was going to make it home,
before, her Abuela if she had any say. Yolanda twirled in her yellow dress,
soaking in the rain, letting the rain hit her pale skin. Yolanda spin round and
round as Aleja fiddle with the string that was tied to the deck. They were all
soaked to the bone, completely wet.

Sis, are we going home any time soon? Come on! Even my Abuela can
move faster than you can, Ed said, trying to cover his hair from getting
She couldnt untie the string. They were never going to make it home before
her Abuela came back.
Ahhh. I cant untie this dam rope, Aleja said throwing the rope in the air,
completely giving up on the stupid piece of the string. Why did she tie the
rope so tight? She made her life even more difficult than it was.
Her brother pushed her aside. Aleja almost lose balance but she caught
herself in time before she fell into the river. I got this sis. This is why you
need me in your life, Ed said as he un-tied the rope
Why? So you can un-tie my strings for me?, Aleja said.
Ed winked.
They went into the boat. Aleja rowing the boat as Ed kept Yolanda
occupied. The rain poured down even more. The floor of the boat collated
water, making it look like a little swimming pool. Their feet soaked in the
water. A hazy mist formed above their head, making it nearly impossible to
see where they were rowing. As she rowed closer to the direction of her
house, the fog spread apart revealing her house. She first noticed the roof of
her house. It was made of grey cobble stones bricks. Her house was two
stories. It had a chimney, and green ivy growing along the sides of the wall.
The bushes had flowers, newly bloomed and right next to her house was a
willow tree. But as the mist in the sky magically appeared it disappeared
within a flash, revealing an angry Abuela standing in front of the house. Her
hands were on the side of her hips. It didnt take a genius to tell Aleja that
her Abuela was thoroughly pissed.
Oh Crap, Ed said.
It looks like that bat made it her the house,-before us, Aleja said.
She rowed closer to the house dreading every moment. She was going to be
in so much trouble as soon as she set foot in El Sol.
Please dont let me go home. Please. Please I am not ready to go. Please.
Please. Please . Aleja chanted. Crap, I am in such much trouble.
Aleja rowed closer to her house, each movement she made was slower. The
rains droplets grew fatter, hitting her skin harder. The wind violently grew
stronger rocking the boat side to side. Aleja jerked back and forth, still
rowing the boat in the direction of her house. The rain sound like someone
was hitting a drum. Each stroke harder and louder. Her heart thump, this
was the first time she was going to get in trouble. She gulped. The boat
swayed backwards pushing it farther away from her house; she rowed again
towards the direction of her house. But no matter how hard she rowed, the

currents of the river pushed her away from the house, in the direction of the
forest. Ed took over.
This storm is getting worse Aleja. Give me the paddle, Ed said, holding out
his hand.
Aleja gave him the paddle. Ed started moving the paddle faster into the
water. The paddle hit the water, dividing the water, but it didnt move the
boat any closer to the house. The currents in the rivers started to turn into
waves. Tidal waves, enormous waves, waves Aleja had never seen. The boat
moved closer to the forest. She could see the darkness closer, she was
coming closer to the shadows, it seemed like the shadows were beckoning
for her to move closer. She held her breath.
We are going to hit the forest!
No, shit Aleja, Ed said
Yolanda gripped Alejas hand.
Its going to be okay, she told her sister, but Aleja already knew.
Its not going to be okay.
The boat tipped over, splashing water, and sending Aleja overboard. The
waves engulfed her. For a terrifying moment the river swallowed her whole.
Her eyes opened up and it was like time had stopped. Aleja was in the water
with her eyes peered open, seeing nothing but a murky floor. She broke
through the surface of the water, gulping for air. She had swallowed a lot
water. The currents moved her further and further away from her home. In
the distance she could see her brothers head break the surface of the
water. Yolanda was in his arms, crying. With one sweep of his hands he
grabbed the boat flipping it over. Ed placed his sister back onto the boat. He
called to his Aleja.
Aleja swim over here, Ed said waving his arms at Aleja.
She tried to swim but the waves pushed her back further. Her arms stroke
the water. She felt like she could make it, but when one giant wave came
crashing down- she was devoured losing sight, and time. She blacked out,
washing onto the forest.

Chapter Seven
Aleja was still on the ground, breathing heavily, panting. She heard a noise
from the distance.
My goodnesshes here, said the old woman.

The old woman quickly backed away from Aleja. Aleja titled her head
upwards -slightly. She saw the woman turn around- Aleja could not see who
the woman was talking to.
In the middle of the darkness, Aleja could see nothing, but she felt the earth
shook, as a figure came into view from the shadows. Everything about the
stranger radiated sensual grace and ease. His long, shoulder length-curly
black hair gleamed like a ravens feather, off-seating his bronze skin and
brown eyes so deep they were like gold, even in the darkness his eyes seem
to blaze. A citizen of Noche City , no doubt.
He said, not a single word to Aleja. He pointed a finger at the woman and
jerked his head at the exit of the forest. The man and woman seemed to be
communicating just by looking at each other. The woman shook her head
no, and the man growled. The woman bowed her head, leaving Aleja
astonished. This man had power over the nasty woman.
Minta, do not disobey me, he spat at the woman.
Minta is the womans name!
Minta moved closer to Aleja.
You may leave Chica, next time listen to your Abuela, Minta said.
Aleja scrambled up to her feet- wincing at each movement.
The stranger looked at her.
-come back, I know, said Aleja
The stranger eyes twinkled with amusement.
Thats a good girl, his voice was like a lovers purr that sent shivers
through her back, her nerves, and her muscles.
She nodded and left the forest.
For she would never disobey her Abuelas words. She would listen now.

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