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Name (First & Last): Maisee Yang Period: 7

Project Details
Points Possible: 40 pts FORMATIVE
Work days: one week
Due: FRIDAY 2/5

Directions & Materials need:

Photo of yourself
3 professional photos from the internet that you love

(copy and

paste images into this document)

Answers questions about you.

Finish all parts of the assignment
Email the assignment to yourself and Ms Marni at:

1. I am in this class because I. it was the best option out of all the
choices that was available for my seventh hour

2 My goal is to EARN an A in this class

(keep your answer, delete the


3 How Creative am I? 4(1 low, 10 high (keep your answer, delete the rest))
a) Use words to Explain your choice. The reason why I give
myself a rate of four is because my creativity is very simple. I'm
not that type of person who goes all out. I adore things that are
simple but brings out the best of what I'm doing.

4 What are three things I do when I am not in school?

a) I enjoy volunteering/ community service whenever I can.
b) I adore reading Nicholas Sparks books.
c) I usually just try to finish my schoolwork.

5 My favorite subject in school is...? Why? My favorite

subject in school is math. The concept/ lesson is very simple and
easy to understand. I normally enjoy working with numbers and

6 Last semester, I struggled with/doing U.S History. The

reason is because all juniors are doing their History Day project
and writing the paragraphs were the hardest part because you
want to make sure there weren't any plagiarism.

7 What are three words that describe ME?

a) Respectful
b) Responsible
c) Serious

Keep the statement that fits your learning style:

I can learn best whenI watch things being
done and see examples.
9. It is difficult for me to learn when
a) My environment is negative.

b) Classmates are being disrespectful to teacher(s) and/or other classmate(s).

c) Teachers aren't specific on the instructions.

10 I learn best in classes where the teacher

a) is positive
b) engages with me or students in general
c) is passionate of their subject

11. What other Art classes have I taken (any school, grade level,

Photography 1

12. Describe to Ms Marni my favorite project in that class.

Performing the project(s) I've created.
13. After going over the course syllabus, is there anything that I think
could make this class especially hard
or challenging for me? Examples, I am easily distracted by others, I am not selfmovitivated
I'm not creative enough.

14. Is there anything else I think Ms Marni should know about me? I prefer
working alone rather than with a group. Johnson is the third high school I
attended. I have an older brother who's currently in the Marine Corps. I'm

15. Meet and greet three students (new to me) that I do not know, ask at
least his or her name
and grade level and what they did over the weekend. Record what I
learned below.

a) Mohamed gr 10 He slept.
b) Conner gr 9 He played video games.
c) Maimoua gr 10 She went shopping.

16. A photograph of me:

How does this photo represent who I am today? This

represents who I am today by showing where I was originally
from. I was from Oakdale, MN and attended Tartan High School
from my freshmen to the ending of my sophomore year. I was
proud being a Tartan Titan. I enjoy going to sports events,
especially football games. This was at Tartans homecoming
game of 2014. Although we lost, I was proud of our team and glad
to represent Tartan Titans.

17. 3 Photographs that intrigue

A. This photo intrigues me because (paste image

This intrigues me because it shows the creativity and

colors. Wedding are to be perfect and this is gorgeous.
Its not an important thing, but it captures the audiences
eye and makes them feel a certain way.
B. This photo intrigues me because (paste image

This intrigues me because it shows me that everyone is

beautiful in its own way. A tattoo on a person doesnt
necessarily mean theyre a bad person. A person can tell
that someone has a soft side just looking through their
eyes and postures. Even a smile can have an impact.

C. This intrigues me because (paste image here):

This intrigues me because its a simple picture of

someone doing something simple but it captures and
focuses on something thats important to that person. Its
fascinating when a person can take something so simple,
but make it into some type of art.

18. Why did you take this class? Because it was one of the best options of all
choices I had for my seventh hour.
19. What are your experiences with photography? Be specific. I've taken a
photography class before.

20. What do you want to learn

most in this photography class? I
want to learn how to create a picture
that's simple but yet it's still an amazing
powerful picture.
21. My perfect day: My perfect day
was when my boyfriend and I sat on the
cliff and watched the sunset. The pitch
of light orange, lavender, and a slight
bit of cream was so relaxing. Hand in
hand, thanked God for a miracle, and
prayed to stay together for as long as
we can.
22. Do you have your own camera,
a camera on your phone, or access
to one that you will be able to use

anytime? Please explain No I don't

have my own camera. I have a iPod, but
I'm uncertain of its quality for this
particular class.

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