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Length of Day (rotation)

24 hours and 37 minutes

24 hours

Length of Year (revolution)


365.25 days

Distance from Sun

227 million km

149 million km

Diameter (Size)

6785 km

12,753 km

Number of Satellites

Composition of Atmosphere

Carbon dioxide, nitrogen,


Oxygen, nitrogen

Layers of Atmosphere?



Average Temperature of the

Surface (C)



Average Gravitational Pull


3.7 m/s^2

9.78 m/s^2

Tilt of Axis in degrees


25 degrees

23.5 degrees

Thickness of layers of the


Crust-50 km

0- 40 km Crust
40- 400 km Upper mantle
400- 650 km Transition
region 650-2700 km Lower
2700-2890 km D'' layer
2890-5150 km Outer core
5150-6378 km Inner core

Composition of Crust

Iron oxide, volcanic basalt


Oxygen, silicon, aluminum,

iron, calcium, potassium
sodium, magnesium

Possible Natural Resources

Ice, Carbon Dioxide

Water, coal, gas, wood

Tectonic Plate Movement

There is evidence that

there may be divergent
boundaries on Mars.

Convergent and Divergent


Volcanic Activity

Signs of past volcanoes,

but they are not active.

Volcanoes, ranging from not

active to very active

Post research questions:

Based on your research, how does Mars compare to the Earth?
Mars days are about the same length as Earth days. There atmospheres both have layers.
There tilts are about the same, but Mars has a slightly more severe tilt.
How would your life on Mars be different than on Earth?
There would be more severe seasons on Mars because the tilt of the axis is more severe.
Another observation to point out is that a year on Mars is longer than a year on Earth. The
seasons would be longer as well as more severe.Also, the days would be longer so people
would have to adjust to different day lengths. Since there is very little oxygen in the atmosphere,
humans would need to have their own air to breathe. There is also lower gravity on Mars than
on Earth. In order to stay fit, we would have to have special machines that simulate Earths
How do you plan to adapt to the different length of day and year?
We would slowly adjust to sleeping longer and being awake longer than on Earth. There is only
a 37 minute difference in the days.
Do you think that Mars is capable of sustaining human life?
I think that Mars is not fully capable of sustaining human life. It could only achieve this if the
humans built their own shelter and their shelter had a way of making food, water, and had an
atmosphere that was safe to breathe in.

Which resources do you plan on exploiting when you get there? Make a list;
Ice at the poles
Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere

What will you use them for, be specific?

We would melt the ice at the poles to see if it could be turned into safe drinking water. We would
use the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to allow the plants to grow. The plants would take in
the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and put out some oxygen for us to breathe.

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