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9052016 Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sudent to Ancthor Visual Field Testing: From One Medical Student to Another ‘Avge 22,2015, Introduction: Components of Vision ‘Vion ea combine of itn! measure nc a acy colo vn, veri (gman) acy the penton of overeat nd change minous testy (cer a ieee our ns (conan) Vl cy the by to sinus on object rom snother Act tl wid vba chara ters or gee ‘Changes in unos ines ae pectved a ike, andthe diferencia luminous inn fom one cso acter ispecies rc] The vn ld enorpaer the ene eon of pace en whl ate ete st any canal object Thiet ‘Under nora delight (photo) conn, he alo eine vba ar only sch inh cel eon ofthe vn fell the psp, objects rst berger ar orate be aiid. A nonmalVled ext prone 10" ‘emporlly(ateal) 60° asl, 60° perio, end 70° infrn [2).Aphysoogie sata (a ind spt exis et 3° enporly whee he opie vest ee, Deitel vai sgh a ini Basis, The average Bind spot i. in inte, ‘verily sted 1. belo the hai merida [5]. Se ur 1 For im ih iin (tpi) condone mi periphery iste mos tensive region of eval ele | F9ue 1 Physiologic aotema Te scum the ao reas pean vag Sorased vim eey heptwww.oyercunds.orgtioralsVF-testingindexhim we 9052016 Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sudent to Another Anatomy & Physiology ‘Te vial el comesonds toh topographic arangement of photoreceptors inthe, When photons ight ae abrorbe hy he shot cel fhe ea iran meron af I -ichromophore epi the phatranahiconcaade, eng ypepolrzation fila and srt clls and may actaton of eal call, ich orm fe mere ber ae] The nerve fersravelts te ap nerve, where the pi nerve rpms, Atte op ner hed (alo known the ope di), ee sera photoreceptor aly sere bars. Thirepioncomeponde to te physogie lan ‘Tee highest easy of ene phatapc photoreceptors ead ie macula The ganglion eel oes which uly oi fom ‘te ope ure tye brit the ppillonoua buble tn he culo the poral apt fe pe dis. Te neve es espc the mci ap log te bosib erie. The guglo es originating tepals he cla sta wae © ‘te opti die witout rosin the metina rape. To 65 hey mast are ound te papilomacala bale, orange aproptately ane arte hers, Ganglion el oigising the ac of he retin nate i donot ave ar ound the mca. They xethtefore orienta aly, igo ity aight ph the opi nerve. Viel Fld dfs eng from anon clos sch ‘ore fom glam, comegand thee naan aces Pom? Gmgion cals Fovea Arcuate Fibers Papillomacular Bundle Insert otha vn ld oor ae he oposte ofrenl vasine Litt nen the ye om he temporal wna elds ocd by phosorecepos on he ale ofthe rein nd Tight ester om the mal visl elise bythe temporal shotrceptrs. Sil, igh for he saperirvnal Fld is abode einer einai ver These, pat wih [ore igh Pata oe Rtn pe rg tr ei dy art Lake npg tmp othe oe tect yh nal espe! te re, hep oyercunds.orgtioralsVF-testingindex tim me 9052016 Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sudent to Ancthor Rays of Light on the Retina ~ _ , Temporal Horizontal History Recogiion of evn ld extend ack mere a 2.00 yet hen of ippoerts wh ecognied a heranes [Va Quottn of ial elds wa developed ring th niet etry, nik Bjesn Dean mapping il elds asking enn dently wheter whit aet on the cd ofa lack not fa lc ren, wis ten. Several get of ying ‘eso the wand erste ffsivly maping the vain in rege for vio nif arcana he el. The mthod of ‘esting, own athe ingen cae, ny eae the central 10" of the vl fd 5). The Ane rd in ater ol or casing tena vil doch by the sale opronenly 8 egos in dace. ‘The test const of card wt baizoatl ad vet lack aes inet whe backround, Held tsa of 25 om oF 40 «ot Whe ing geo pat nthe ene of gid, esha ar bly, ben oF dist ae ini by the pats. Ctl ‘son cmeponde wih the mac, enc hei of Ame grits lw macular poly lial (8) Pewee amil heptwnww.oyercunds.orgtitoralsVF-testingindexhtm ane ooins2016 hep oyercunds.orgtitoralsVF-testingindex iim Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sudent to Ancthor [Kinetic and Statie Perimetry ‘Ametyed feng he compete il eld ws developed by Hats Goldmann, Hishow!-suped pre uses bright ight gels ‘uperinpesed a whe bckround. Tages may vary ns, umiance, and cole. Golimane piney cues aie prints ‘tw menue en a the vl fed Challenges ine cost an ter pvinee arity (Se pate, Gola pee is form ohne piney’ tims moved rom beyond th ge othe vil ld int the He. The ean at which he sins ist ssa nar the one pct of te vin el fr the siz of he wh esd ‘Awomatl pene wt deepen he 1970s, Ashe ae mgs, aubmed perme maps val ld with hei of computer The Osaps einer he Hamhey Fld Analy, nd ‘Altough the Ocopus can perform aodiied ket Prine, mes aloe primey eat: senary nw, eying ie sad testy, pres in pei eon iia he ial el (6, raphy Mab ae ew ofthe vibe mse pret ‘Humphrey Visual Field Test ‘Several bi condions mit he mt fo msc apf the vn be rood hy any mtd, The invita mabe se 1 snin a cons: gaze toward Se act for svete mites ach ye ited early whieh oppose eve covered ita pach, Refactivecmeton mathe made wth ater eng Spel nathe worn cae they can ae ale defect in he ‘inal eld usta the shape [6m addon, craton must be made er prey, eceascommedaive san, Sandal “ssc for presyopia ar vale on age lone. To coc en igri 0.75 ptr, 2 india aa mt hee he ye ora brut the vi ex heady be aed othe frend eHow. using Humplucy Visual ied (HVE) esting, he pact plashis bend isthe ciate and fess pz towed a eal fatoa pat ina lge, white bow. AS sated bors, i tet isan example of atc prinesy, Hass the aby tse on-mobie silos ‘whlch emis fora vif monet 200 ms) inthe vial el. Whe te pata! ses presen sins, he press the ton on Imneld eat costo. Diet actos wii a give ein of he inal eM ae teed un be trsbol, re sias inensiy sen 30%of tei, seen ech es oon. ‘Spal vay sed unin nny, Golann I (aout geen dmc) igneally u,b Goldmann Sie V (epproxnsaly 2 deresin dm aval fr pats wh decreased val aut (< 20200) ewer vial sepa ‘Golden ae, 0d ae aely wd ley. The ious ines f the anal cn be vt oer ange of 8 10.000, posts a). sep indeed) of senator, o denna, exating tom 0 dB he ges. uta sis) > 51 6B che dit, mxznlly stud sien) the ats sale seve the ight, nate tins, po a2 0, ‘Te Swedish Interactive Tarling Algor STA) i regueny we, STA ca ocesing procedure ates yen sisi properties that smart the mahads sed for proving weber fan and pedconsSITA alow for more pi nat ‘tea would be posible wou forecasting By king it acounta uu resin net lsaons sa a we wate be seen or nel eyo Be see reo eed exaustvely Instead he sil hat ae kely nea rel tee Fae humprey Vil ll ale ane oons2016 Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sueno Ancthor ‘Reading the Humphrey Visual Field Printout Alf te infrmion provided onthe vil fll rina isimportn Pao! ent infomation andthe peice and stiahs sizeme sted ear te op ofthe soul tis imporant to vei tat te psn bie was roped eased aa er Wil ek in compares wih normalsin the wrong ge 00. ‘Bench the pains amet sent ig infomation bout he eng prurient 24-2 Tebol Tea” The fe stone. "Cena 24* ines the eal 24 degrees of Vl eld wee aye. The neat tke edicees ow te id tints aligned the via are Ta umber" indicts ht eile point ae ovine rina and vara ‘min. The nrte"2" nts that the gi of pois ses tee metas This ithe seting mos commonly sed, siti ‘ser 9 aes whee vlad dfs espes the bvzot vera mid. Nexon he report ree eit ines cing ato eo, fe pies snd fie regtver Faaon oes oc whe he ae opr sng stimu hl presented ine predic zs he pysaops Bae po. Fake pose occur when saint prewethe boa when zo tana preseted. Bazerto-plespariipnts smi ugee Wik ip abe postive lL, they see"tigger ey") Fab poives a fen be cote by provigil tenet hl macys wo a eee ve With ona isin. ale neptiesoeur whe pt false ify righ simul at loeton tan was previously se. ‘rae negatves er uuly he rol of aterson lps ot aig aed te diel ene “Te il rol ithe tna of sus ee SOP af the tne teach can. The esl lu ech eed point ae ited se dee in he semi lt Higher unke ea he pe! a leo seca mre atone ght nd has ae more sntive ‘ito tite To i of ostrich poi ap. Thi ep pent mv acre th pais ‘ata el wither eons ndcatng higher sensi a er regions eet ower sen, The sents ae ne ‘computed ey normative dbase Teer the map ay dea tenon 2 tepals eel, uty minim ios floc mce oeogenous sro the Fil, Caton ould be uate be milan ted on where he machin choose Wake ‘te eu ewer he eet shades of gay. The a tsesold aa Soul alvey be assed i comune wt te graycle epesetion “Tee mera! evason map comparesth en vn sty tan aerape nom nid of he ame age ttl compare wit peated normal heads sens normal decease gradual with ag. ostiv ale eprewt aes of he Fd were the patna se dns as the average ini of hat age: Negie Val epee decree ey ‘Tee nme pte devon map shows crparcies within pants vi ey corstng for pene decrees i ial sev. isu sow locale see of sensivy ow iden hina el th i iselydepreme, For example pon adie gausoma, Rather tan comparing tpn abl aie wih xnonave dab te ptr deve ay nds he pets Tie moa etn 85 perce) oe-dge pin ad geri va ofa], Fach bere cao bes compte wi thse to cost orany generalize deprovienIthas hee demons ha! is metbod the bo or apuraing widespread rds so oes se “The tomar probability plo ae paycl esos fhe tl evton ni pute devin maps. These map may be fi ‘aly represent tesa pifcance of he wal and pater deviation clasons The gayle map sh only be inept ‘on he gh sie ofthe pstur ae several ser eunbers The glauoo heel tt (GAT) compare ous sxzeponding poles shove en below the orzo metas sss fr sift dernce whch ay be content wi aco, Mean 15% wag SIA} of ses xo 3957 Is ere en ri ariftorwooret pas If he fel appeal, atm Zp 2. 4. Locale repian fhe vin eld tt, Refer othe ptr of val Sd defect hao deermin he ikely eon sor ore vil ld tense cso eve dese progression, Conse the Haig i the cote of he Online Resources + ExeBik by The Americ Academy of Optalolgy : " References 5. Aomly ME The sin an itn fe srl Bint. Arch pti 9 (2180.0, [MID 68] “4 Paleews K, Chest dil Visi, The Jal lpia Cer 201; 283) M6 (PID 20824) S.J CA, Wal M, Thon S.A isary priya vial Fig, Ope Vs Se 201 a8). (PMID: Send sn Gulsee Op Vi Si 2018647 MID: 2109840) 2. Awa WL. (19 Panty. Is WL Award lacs The Rese 1 SSIED, Mai Beak, Wane PA Spi, 200 Chl 3, 22-244 ul Fel Cape Ades Pp oe Ee, hed Lei, ice, Vere, is Suggested citation format hitpiiwww eyercunds.orgtteralsVF-testingindex him saa oa0s2016 Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sudent to Ancthor hitpitwww eyercunds.orotteralsVF-testingindex him ane oa0s2016 Visual Fild Testing: From One Medical Sudent to Ancthor hitpitwww eyercunds.orotiteralsVF-testingindex him wane

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