Emergency Nutrition Cluster RNC Res 013-03 s2013

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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL NUTRITION COMMITTEE Central Visayas EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CENTRAL VISAYAS REGIONAL NUTRITION COMMITTEE HELD ON 28 FEBRUARY 2013 AT CLUB ULTIMA BOARD ROOM, CEBU CITY RNC Resolution No. 013-03 (s 2013) “REQUESTING THE CENTRAL VISAYAS REGIONAL DISASTER RISK EDUCTION MANAGEMENT COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS TO ENJOIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS IN THE REGION TO CREATE NUTRITION CLUSTER ON NUTRITION MANAGEMENT DURING EMERGENCIES AND DISASTERS” WHEREAS, the Regional Nutrition Committee 7, thru Res. No.0011- 09 (s 2011) adopted the National Policy on Nutrition Management in Emergencies and Disasters; WHEREAS, the policy covers directions on strategies for nutrition management in emergencies and disasters particularly on planning, surveillance, rapid nutritional assessment, and implementation of nutrition interventions at various stages; WHEREAS, the guide will ensure that appropriate and quality package of nutrition interventions are delivered to prevent deterioration of the nutritional status of the affected population particularly women, infants, children, older persons, persons with disabilities, and the minority groups in emergency and disasters; WHEREAS, the guidelines provides for local government units to create the special nutrition cluster on nutrition management during emergencies and disasters; WHEREAS, the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (RDRRMC) has the mandate to ensure a more coherent and effective response by mobilizing groups of agencies, organizations and NGOs to respond in a strategic manner across all key sectors in support of existing government coordination structure and emergency response mechanisms; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to request the Central Visayas Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (RDRRMC) and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG7) to enjoin/encourage the Central Visayas LGUs, through their respective Local Nutrition Committees (LNCs), to Sf create nutrition cluster on nutrition management during emergencies and disasters as part of the LGU disaster risk reduction management; RESOLVE FURTHER, to request RDRRMC and DILG7 to monitor status of nutrition clusters implementation during their regular monitoring to LGUs; RESOLVED FINALLY, to authorize the RNC Secretariat to furnish copies of this resolution to RDRMMC, DILG 7, for their information and guidance. APPROVED, this 28th day of February 2013 during the 1% Quarter RNC Full Committee meeting held at the Board Room, Club Ultima, Cebu City. Certified Correct: Attested by: EAC inenoig RN, DPA ASUNCION M. ANDEN,MD, MPH, CESO II RNC 7 Secretary Chairperson, RNC 7 Nutrition Program Coordinator, NNC7 Regional Director, DOH-CHD 7

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