This Level of Ignorance Can Be Found in Montag's Wife Mildred, Montag Himself

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As many would say, Ignorance is bliss.

It keeps one from true thought, and

blindsides them from the horrors of reality. Ignorance allows those with true intelligence
to do what they please, while leaving the poor idiot dumbfounded. There is a strong
connection between this phrase, and the dystopian society of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit
451. This level of ignorance can be found in Montags wife Mildred, Montag himself
(before he meets Clarisse), and the society as a whole. Their ignorance lets the
government do what they please, when they please.
Mildred is a shining example of ignorance strong enough to blindside someone. In
fact, she finds the characters in the television as actual family, yet she has almost no
idea what is actually happening during the program. When Montag asks who the people
in the television are, she responded They- well, they-they had this fight I think
theyre married. (43). The television does such a good job of keeping the audience
distracted, the viewers cant recall the relationship between characters, or the reason
those characters are arguing. Mildred also is unaware of the fact that she was almost
dead, and refuses to believe that it could be possible. After taking an entire capsule of
sleeping medication, Mildred is put into a near-death coma. After a brief visit from a twoman medical crew that drains her stomach and replaces her blood, she is as good as new
in the morning. However, when Montag tells her she ingested an entire capsule of pills,
she doubtfully says Heck. What would I want to go and do a silly thing like that for?
(17). either she is so dim-witted she cant comprehend death itself, or is so in fear that she
doesnt want to accept the fact she almost died.
Even Montag is blindfolded by his inanity until he meets the young Clarisse
McClellan on his way home from work. When Clarisse remarks things that people dont

usually notice, she says Bet I know something else you dont. Theres dew on the grass
in the morning. (7). When she mentions this, it angers Montag that he didnt actually
know. After their walk ends, Clarisse asks the risqu question of Are you happy? (7). at
first, he downright refutes the question. He asks himself Of course Im happy. What
does she think? Im not? (8). When Montag gives himself time to think about it, he
notices; hes not happy. Until Clarisse brings him into the light, he didnt know how he
feels. He is so caught up in his own foolishness that he doesnt notice his life is a dreary
Due to the families in the parlor walls, most of society is sheltered by their
ignorance, and the government can do what they please. When Millie invites some
friends over to watch the television, they are completely unaware of the concept of war.
Mrs. Phelps, in fact, is unaware that death occurs during wars. She says Ive never
known any dead man killed in a war. Killed jumping off buildings, yes but from wars?
No. (91). her knowledge, or lack thereof, has kept her safe from the true awfulness of
war. Going off of her knowledge, it is safe to assume all of society believes that wars are
free of casualties. The folly of society can also be found in their willingness to do
whatever the walls tell them to do. When Montag tries to make an escape for the river,
police over the television suggest that Everyone in every house in every street open a
front or rear door or look from the windows. The fugitive cannot escape if everyone
looks from his house. (132). these citizens abide to this command, without second
guessing the television. They had chosen to open their doors, to spot a man who killed
four innocents, without thinking of what he could possibly do to them.

Ignorance is flowing from nearly every crack in this broken society. Although it is
crippling society, it keeps them in a false sense of security and happiness. Ignorance
blinds those who suffer from it, allowing others to run freely. In the society of Fahrenheit
451 the only intelligence can be found in those who read, or those who think for
themselves, both of which are very dangerous. If ignorance didnt spread like a plague,
the world would not suffer from its consequences..

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