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Khalil Miller

English 9 Honors - Bell 3B

FC of Theme Analysis Essay

Poor Reactions, Many Consequences.

People around the world go through hard times with their spouse on a daily basis, but its
how they react to the hard times that can decide the fate or death of the relationship. This is, I
believe, the most common hardship that people face in their life. Reacting poorly to the situations
can cause people to do things without taking a moment to think about the consequences. When its
all said and done theyll have to find a way to deal with their poor choice of actions, whether its
lying to others or trying to convince them everything is normal. The way people may handle a
problem isnt always the best way. Due to Patrick being an inconsiderate husband, he betrays Mary,
but doesnt stop to think about how it might affect her. Marys emotions start to take control of her
actions and she loses it, killing Patrick. Although Marys plan to preclude herself from being caught
works, she still has to lie and betray the policemen she calls her friends by persuading them to eat
the evidence.
Due to Patrick being an inconsiderate husband, he betrays Mary, but doesnt stop to think
about how it might affect her. Marys emotions start to take control of her actions and she loses it.
Patrick, coming clean about what hes done, knows its a bad time, but there wasnt any other way.
Patrick is indirectly characterized as a bad husband and an inconsiderate person when he delivers
the horrible news to his wife, Mary, about him cheating and leaving her. He does this without any
sign of guilt or any thoughts about how she might feel or be affected by this decision. Inconsiderate
people tend to do things without thinking about how it affects others, Patrick is a prime example of
an inconsiderate person. He betrays his wife by being unloyal and attempting to leave her and his
unborn baby. Mary, allowing her emotions to take control of her actions, hits Patrick on the back of
his head. Mary appears to be an innocent woman, who loves and cherishes her husband, and
wouldnt harm a fly, but her actions of killing her husband after receiving news that he cheated on
her prove that looks can be deceiving. Situational Irony is presented in the story because the
audience assumes that Mary is going to break down and cry after the bad news, but instead she
betrays her husband who also thought she was an innocent woman with no evil intentions of killing
or hurting anyone. Sometimes people allow their emotions to take control of their actions without
thinking twice about what theyre about to do. Mary kills Patrick due to bottled up emotions inside
of her and doesnt stop to think that this isnt natural behavior for her towards her husband.
Although Marys plan to preclude herself from being caught works, she still has to lie and
betray the policemen she calls her friends by persuading them to eat the evidence. Mary, in order to
get rid of the evidence, begs the policemen to eat it. Mary isnt directly stated as a liar or a bad
friend, but we realize that she is because she acts as if the meat is just dinner she prepared, when

really its the murder weapon and that betrays the trust of the policemen, who she called her
friends. Liars act or pretend to others in order to make situations better. Mary betrays the trust of
the policemen to elude from the situation she has created. Mary, as her plan to cover up her crime,
enters the house and becomes frantic. Dramatic irony is presented when the police officers get an
idea of what was used to kill Patraic, but arent aware that Mary is the one who killed him. The
audience notices that the police officers that Mary considers her friends are very gullible because
even though they already had an idea of what happened they never suspected Mary to be the
murderer due to her well planned out cover up story. Mary betrays their trust by trying to cover the
murder up and lying to them, instead of just telling them the truth.

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