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CALL FOR PAPERS Dear Coleagues, The Smariéne:gy 2016 is the fist of Intemational Conference on Eneigy and Smart Giid that s Gimed fo be an annual conference coveing the enegy and smat gid reseaches. The conference wil be hed on October 57, 2016, in Cappadocia, Tukey. The purpose of SmartEnegy 2016 is fo provide opporiunily fo share the most recent resecrch ‘culcomes in the creas of power generation, transmission ond distibution, power electionics, electical ciives, ‘conventional cnd renewable energy systems, infeligent monitoing ond contrat issues of mictogids, and sort gids within the fronsmission ond distiouton stem. It s amed fo crecis a professional nelwok mong researchers, ‘ecademicions, professionas, engine's, and industy on the focused ond teloted research areas of the entie energy infastucture, Suorrission of eneigy and smart gid research papess presenting the contol and applications in fields Ike systenn planning, power genettion systems, renewable energy plots and sources, commuricaion and contol gies in smart gid and computatonal methods including management and secuttly is stongy encouraged, AAI the submissions wil be peer reviewed and evcluctions wil be done focising on ciginaly, novelly, technical andlor research depth, relevance to conference, and contoutions. The selected papers wil be publshed in special issues of SC! Indexed, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science Indexed Joumas, tis our feat pleasure fo invile youto join Inkemattonal Conference on Energy end Smart Gil (Smarnergy 2016) where special sessions, worlshops, ond furotal sessions wil be held in adotion fo the main conference. Best Regarcs Assoc. Prof. Ersan Kabalci General Chair Topics of interest include (but not limited to) the following: Power and Energy Engineeting Power Generation, Transmission and Distibution Power Electronics and Drives High Voltage Systems, HVDC ond FACTS Devices Energy Storage Systerns Electic Veticle Appications and system integration Distiouted Energy Resources ond Grd integration Mirogids, Mcrogic Appications and kianding Operation Diagnostics, Set Heciing ond Relabitly of Power Systems Giid Optirization and Management Power Quality and Efficiency Improvernents Renewable Energy Photovoltaic Systems and Solar Energy Enginesting, Wind Energy Generation Renewatle Energy Utizations Electic Vehicles and Vehic'e to-Gid (V26) Energy-Efficient Technologes New Energy Matec and Devices Nuclear Energy, Fuels, and Combustion Nuclear Energy Appications on Power Generation Nuctear Matera, lechnologes and Fuels ‘Atematve fuels Bio-ciese' fuels Fuel Technologies end Recent Appicattons Hyclogen Energy ond Fusl Cels ‘Smart Grid Researches Smat Gid Architectyes and Models ‘Smart Giid Stotegies, Planning, and Modeling Measurement, Protection and Control Researches Energy Generation and Storage in Smart Git Energy Management and Monttoing Systems ‘Smatt Gc Networks anc! Communication Technologies Prediction Techniques for Generation and Consumation ‘Cyber and Physical Securty in Smart Gio ‘Computational Methoos in Smet Grid Interopebity, Standards and Codes HONORARY CHAIR FilzKic, Rector of Nevsehir Haci Bektos Vell Univesty, Tukey, (GENERAL CHAIR san Kobe, Nevseht Hoct kobalci@nevsehiredutr Bektos Vel Univesty, Tukey ‘ADVISORY COMMITEE Binal K. Bose, The Universty ct Tennessee Krovwile, USA Janhu Wang, Argonne National Laborctory, USA Muhammad H. Rashid, Uriversty of West Rota, USA. LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ‘Allon Gencer, Nevsehi Haci Bektos Vel Univesty, Tukey ‘Ayse Kocoimis Blnon, Nevsehi Hac! Bekias Vel Universty, Tukey Eid lok, Gaz Unvesty, Tukey Mehmet Yestoudak, Nevsehi Hoc! Beltos Vel Univesty, Tukey Romazon Bayineir, Gaz Univessty, Tukey Yash Kabaict Nigde Univessly, Tukey TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE ‘Abdel Ghani Aksaou, Univesity of Bachar, Agar ‘AndieciM, Tonelo, Alben-Adia Universtét, Kogenitut Austr Ani Meng), devo AS, Germany ‘Arians Sauhats, Piga Technical Univesty, Lata: ‘Antonio Catctot, Univesity of Paterno, ey Bok S. Tezekel, Node Unversty, Tukey inal K Bose, The Univesity of Tennessee Knoll, USA BiionL. Evans, Unv.of Tens a Austin, USA Sulent fan, IVidale East Techrical Urivestly, Tukey ‘Changving Liaw, Natfondl Ting Hua Univers, Taiwan, Engin Ozdemir, Kocoet Univers, Tukey ponoia Gusenovene, Koipedia Univers, Uthuario ‘ede Blaobiew, Acioorg Univesity, Denrnak Gonlug Fen, Universty of Pama, Par, aly Gungor Bal, Goad Univesty, Tukey Hai Peng Ren, Xian Univerty of echnology, China Haniph Lofchmen, University of Fotcia, Ganesvle, FLUSA Hota Andke!, Unvesty of Volahia, Romaria Inari Cock blonbul Gels Unvesty, Tutey 0y Git, Atom Gi Drectox, USA

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