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Saskia Onggo


Experiment 0 is unaccounted for, the scientist said to the Commander. Her commander
sighed, his hands running through his hair. How? Nevermind. Send an alert, we need that mutt to
be contained. he said. The scientist sputtered replies and excuses. The commander glared at her. I
dont care what needs to be done, do anything you have to to get that canine. We cannot have this
thing running loose on the streets. Get it done. The scientist nodded her head in compliance, rushing
---Overpopulation was one of the many problems in San Antonio nowadays. I was walking
home, forcing my way through the crowd of people. Elbows and different limbs were fighting
against each other to get to where they needed. But I heard something. Something different than the
usual pounding of footsteps on the sidewalk. A cry? I turned toward the noise, seeing nothing but an
empty alley. Shrugging, I kept on walking when I heard it again. What was that? Backtracking, I
walked a bit into the empty alley when I spotted it. A shadowed figure by a pile of boxes. I wasnt
exactly sure what it was, but I stepped closer, leaning towards the dark figure. It whimpered, and I
jumped back. There were marks all over its frail body, its ribs piercing against its skin. A dog? Who
would do something like this? I had to help. Lifting my phone out of my pocket, I dialed one of the
people I knew who would help me.
Danielle! I came as soon as you called, whats wrong? Natalie got out of the car and staring
at what I was holding. She squinted looking at the figure and proceeded to take a few steps back. Is

that a dog? She whispered, looking around. She backed away. Whats wrong with you? Natalie,
this puppy needs our help, look at him! I pleaded as she frowned.
Danielle, there was an announcement on the news about some new dog law or something
like that. Im not sure but its bad and I dont want to be around them right now.
Since when do you watch the news? I laughed.
Thats beside the point okay? We cannot take that thing with us. She shivered with a mix
of disgust and fear looking at the puppy in my arms. Adam would agree with me! So lets just leave
it. She scowled.
Surprised, I looked at her as she stood her ground, Unless I see this news report for myself,
Im taking him. You owe me anyway. I said and walked past her. She followed me after a few
seconds, rolling her eyes. This isnt something you can just brush off Danielle. Not like you always
What is that supposed to mean? She sighed.
You know what I mean. Her voice drifted off. I sighed, the car going silent.
I opened the door to an empty house. Not a surprise. After setting up a bed for the dog, I went
downstairs to to fix something up for dinner. Quickly going outside to check the mail, I brought it
inside. I flipped through the different envelopes, but saw something I didnt expect to see. Written on
a small poster read All dogs must be taken into custody for mandatory testing. Testing? What is
that supposed to mean? It had more details on bottom that I didnt care to read. Not thinking much of
it, I walked upstairs to check on the animal that I brought into my house. The dog was laying on my
makeshift bed for it, and he lifted his head in recognition. I wonder why they need to get tested. I got
closer and lifted my hand to his muzzle. He licked my hand, laying his head back down. I dont want
them to think weve been taking care of our dog horribly. Maybe we could withhold him for a while

till he gets healthy will be okay. Right? I called up Natalie and Adam, my two best friends. Arriving
at the same time, both starting to ask questions. I will answer all of your guys questions as soon as
you guys shut up. was all I needed to say as it quieted down immediately. I explained to them the
whole situation, theyre reactions going from confused to shocked.
You mean you want to take care of this dog, ultimately holding it away from the
government? Purposefully? Adam questioned me. There was a pause.
Yeah, basically. Why not? I shrugged.
Why not? You are going AGAINST the government. This cannot be legal! Natalie said.
If we do turn the dog in right now, do you know how many looks we are going to get? This
dog is injured, you know how we found him! I replied.
Yeah I know, but we could tell them that we found him like that, you cant fix everything in
the world Danielle!
I just want to help.
Natalie, honestly this isnt a bad idea. Ive always wanted a pet! Its not like we deliberately
want to, and we dont even know where or how to turn the dog in, why not just keep him!
It says on the poster! Natalie exclaimed, her eyes bulging.
This went back and forth for about an hour until we finally reached a unanimous agreement. We
were going to keep the dog and name him Gruff. I didnt realize taking care of a puppy was that
difficult, but something that you should know about Gruff, that we soon learned is that he is not
potty trained and cannot hold down food. He constantly gave us back what we tried to feed him,
usually ending up in a mess.
Do you maybe think Gruff is sick with something? It cannot be normal for a dog to throw
up this much. Natalie said to me one day, after cleaning up one of Gruffs messes.

Hes a puppy, of course he cant hold this kind of stuff it. Hes still young Natalie, cut him
some slack okay?
One day, we met up at my house because Adam said he had to tell us something. I feel like
what Gruff has isnt just some sickness. He started out, as if the thought has been bothering him for
awhile. I think he has a parvovirus which is supposed to be like super deadly to dogs. Adam
explained, It attacks white blood cells, and get this. It can be transmitted by anything that has come
in contact with that dogs poop. He pointed at Gruff.
Hes just a small pup, why are you looking into this like its some big disease? So what if he
has a dietary problem? I asked.
Well, hasnt Natalie been feeling sick lately? We all turned to look at Natalie. Natalie
quickly denied, pushing up her glasses. Youve been feeling sick? I asked, unaware. She shook her
head, not meeting my eyes. Adam pressed on. Shes lying Dani, Natalie has been feeling sick for
the past few weeks. Its a coincidence, yes. But as you all know, I do not believe in coincidences.
Adam stop. Im fine. Natalie stated, glaring at him.
No youre not!
This is my own problem and I thought it was safe to tell you! Maybe next time, I should just
keep my thoughts to myself.
Natalie this isnt a big deal, Danielle is our friend too! Adam tried to reason with Natalie
but she shook her head.
But this is about me okay? And I just think that
Okay guys, this honestly isnt a big deal. I dont care if you didnt tell me, But I care if this
affects all of us and you. I said, Danielle shook her head and murmured under her breath.

Okay, youre right. I dont know why I got so heated, Im sorry. The conversation soon
quieted down when Adam started up again. But guys seriously, think about it. These people are
trying to obtain all these dogs, but why? We found Gruff injured so it had to be for some reason!
So people are trying to find Gruff individually? The announcement about turning dogs in
was for all dogs Adam, not just Gruff. I said pointedly.
I know Danielle. But--,
But why? What do they gain out of this? I asked out loud while checking Natalies
temperature and removing her glasses, examining her for anything out of the ordinary. Maybe
Natalie started to say when her eyes rolled back and she fell into my arms. Natalie! Adam get a cold
cloth or something! I yelled, struggling to hold her weight. Adam ran out of the room as I layed her
down on my couch. Adam ran back into the room with a towel and handed it to me. As soon as I put
a towel on her forehead, her eyes flashed open. She suddenly got up and ran to the nearest bathroom,
retching up her last meal. She came out, her knees wobbly. Woah. Natalie whispered in awe
touching around her eyes.
What? What happened? Are your eyes okay? I asked, worried.
I can see! Natalie exclaimed.
Of course you can see, you have eyes. Adam fired at her.
No, you dont understand. My glasses arent on and I can see everything in detail.
What do you mean?
I mean, I dont need my glasses because Im pretty sure Im seeing in like 20/20 vision right
now, I swear! Before the two of us could reply, the door opened and in came my mom. She dropped
her keys and looking up to see my friends here. Oh honey! I didnt know you were having friends
over. She exclaimed.

Thats because I didnt tell you. I replied. There was a pause. She sighed, her shoulders
slumping. Okay, I deserve that. I felt a nudge to my side, looking over I see Natalie mouthing how
she could help us. I shook my head, my mom and I didnt have the best relationship and I didnt
want to bring her into something she didnt need to be in. Ms. Hutemi, I know youre a scientist so
do you know anything about parvoviruses? Adam asked my mom. I groaned, shaking my head.
Why do you ask Adam? And please, call me Claire Ive told you so many times. She asked
Well-- It couldnt have happened at a worse time. He fainted. My mom screamed, reaching
for her phone. Natalie and I helped him onto the couch when he gasped. He woke up, my moms jaw
dropping. Following Natalies lead, he ran to the bathroom and threw up. If you dont tell me what
just happened-- My mom started.
Fine, fine. I sighed. I started to fill her in, Natalie and Adam chiming in every once in
awhile. We bring Gruff down and Adam starts talking again, If I can add on a bit more, right now
Im pretty sure I can hear better than any animal on earth. And if you dont believe Natalie about the
sight thing, you might be able to believe her now. I can hear somebody coming up the steps, and he
will ring the doorbell in 3 2. The doorbell rang.
I rushed to the door, opening it to see the shadow of a tall man. Without greeting me he
walked inside with a calm demeanor. Im here to help. he said. Attempting to cover up my shock,
I looked at him in question. I know you have the dog Danielle, dont try lying to me. My mouth
opened but no words came out. Im guessing youve been feeling under the weather? Maybe even
faint once or twice? He continued. My face paled.

Danielle? Who was at the door? My mom called from the other room. I didnt answer I
could hear her footsteps come closer as she stood next to me. Can I help you? She directed the
question towards Brighton.
Good evening maam. Im Brighton and I mean no harm, Im just here to help. Show me
the dog I can go from there.
Thank the lord somebody knows what we are going through because Im still confused!
She walked over to Brighton shaking his hand. Darling, could you take this man to the Gruff? She
asked me, guiding me towards the stairs. Towards Gruff.
Mom! We dont even know this man, how can you trust him?
If he says he can help, I trust him. This situation is crazy enough, it cant get any worse.
Before I could argue more, I was pushed up the stairs followed by Brighton. I could hear Gruff
growling through my door, and the sound just increased as we got closer. Brighton slowed down
once the door was right in front of me, a small smile on his face. I opened the door and was
immediately drawn to Gruffs bared teeth and the rumbling coming from his mouth. He was looking
directly at Brighton. Brighton inspected Gruff without touching him, typing a few things down in his
phone. He looked up and down a few times before putting away his phone. I will visit again soon
Danielle, but I need to look into a few things before I come back. He said after staring at Gruff for a
few more seconds.
Come back? I dont even understand why you came here in the first place!
Just trust me okay? I just wanted to check up on a few things with the dog. You dont need
to know exactly what, but I will be back to give you an analysis.
Analysis? Hes just not trained! Why does he need an analysis? I asked as Brighton started
to walk down the stairs, me following.

Its a lot more than not trained Danielle. He handed me a card. You can find me with
this. He said as he opened the door and walked out into the dark night.
Confused and a little dazed, I walked into the room where I thought my friends and mom
would be, only finding my mom.
Wheres Adam and Natalie? Did they leave?
I sent them home for the night, it was getting late and I feel like too much has happened.
Anger pooled, my face growing hot. Sent them home? Is that really for you to do mom? You arent
part of this situation. This is the first night youve been home in months!
Thats an overstatement. And I am your mother, everything you do involves me.
You cant just invite some random guy into our home. You cant just barge in here like you
are my mother because you may have given birth to me, but you definitely did not raise me. Ive
been pushing this off for too long, trying to advocate for you when you dont even know what its
like to be a parent. Im more than just an experiment mom, Im a human being. Dont think you can
just come in here and control my life the way you want to. I stormed up the stairs, angry.
Crash! The front door opened and I stopped on the steps. My mom started yelling from
downstairs and feet pounded up the stairs towards me. Gruff barked as people in black suits poured
in from the stairs. A mix of growls and yells filled up the corridor when I felt a hit to my head and
was pushed to the floor. Experiment 0 is in our sights Commander. a deep voice called. I heard
Gruff growl and then whimper. Then everything went quiet. Experiment 0 is accounted for.
Waking up the next morning, I almost thought last night was a dream. But the remaining
throbbing in my head reminded me of the events that took place. Looking around, I knew that the
people taken Gruff. I cautiously went downstairs, scared for what I would see. I went all the way

down, observing the tables that had been turned, the pillows thrown around, and my mom on the
floor knocked out. Panic flooded my head, was she alive?
Mom! Wake up! Please wake up, oh my god. I yelled at her, shaking her shoulders. Her
eyes slowly fluttered open.
Huh? What happened? she said in a daze, her eyes squinting at me.
Oh my god youre alive. Do you remember anything? Gruff was taken.
I remember we fought, and then the door slammed open? Thats it. Who would have taken
him? I shrugged, not sure myself. Where did Brighton ever go? My mom questioned. I told her
how he had left before the crowd of people came. Maybe you should check in with him, see what
this means. He definitely has something to do with this, Im sure Gruff is healthy and fine! I
nodded, going upstairs to find the card he gave me with his information. I needed to find him. My
phone beeped, Adam was calling me. Without greeting him, I asked about how him and Natalie got
sent away. Thats actually why I was calling, your mom said you were giving Gruff up? I thought
you wanted to keep him till he was healthy!
Thats what my mom said? Confusion kicked in. Why would my mom say something like
that? Yeah, Natalie and I were both confused.
Okay, well beside that weird event, we need to find Brighton. Gruff is missing Adam.
Whos that? And What? How did that happen? Adam asked. I proceeded to explain his
appearance and what happened the rest of the night, but I confused why my mother didnt explain
Brightons visit to us. We soon ended the call, Adam encouraging me to go find Brighton who would
hopefully lead to finding Gruff. Can you come with me? I dont want to go alone. Adam agreed,
saying he would be over in fifteen minutes.

Looking at the card he gave me, there wasnt anything I could misinterpret. It had his name,
number and address. Typing in the address onto my computer and printing out the directions, I
waited for Adam to arrive. Danielle! Adam is here for you! My mom called up to me. I ran down
the stairs, eager to get a move on. Without saying goodbye to my mom, I walked out the front door
and waited by Adams car. He came outside, unlocking the car. Once we both got settled I gave him
the directions I printed out. He took them, reading through and nodding once or twice. Starting the
car, we started to drive away to find the only person who had a clue about what Gruff has or will go
Adam announced our arrival to me, eventually stopping in front of a big building, that almost
looked like a science lab of some sort. It had an aura of richness and power, this had to be it. The car
door unlocked, and I looked around. There were a few cars in the parking lot but no name for what
the building was called. I crept closer, attempting to be silent as Adam walked next to me. We passed
a car when Adam put out his arm, blocking me from continuing on. I looked at him in confusion, as
he motioned to be quiet and guided me behind the car. Is that not Brighton? he pointed towards a
figure I didnt notice before. It was. I nodded and he looked over. Hes talking on the phone, I can
barely make what he is saying yknow with the heightened ears and all. I nodded, motioning him
to listen. He tilted his head closer in their direction, his eyes furrowing in concentration. He shook
his head, frowning and mumbling a few words under his breath. I tapped him, cocking my head as
he ushered me away towards his car. You arent going to like this.
Brighton mentioned having somebody on the inside, and very close to you. He opened
the car door, and I settled in. Nobody would betray me like that. Adam sighed, not looking at me
in the eye.
He said her name was Claire. My heart dropped. Claire? Thats my moms name.

She wouldnt do something like that to me. Its my own mom! A sudden pain rang through
my head, heat filling me and everything went blank. I woke up smelling a sour smell emitting from
Adams body. What happened? I asked looking around. I was still in his car, and he snapped his
head to look at me. You fainted! Dazed, I struggled to remember the past events. I gasped, Yes,
your mom is I held up my hand signaling for him to stop. My eyes burned, how could my mom
do something like this. Tears threatened to come from my eyes as I sniffled. The ride back home was
quiet, Adam dropping me off as I mumbled goodbye. I opened the door, staring at the ground. Hey
honey! Were you able to find Brighton? I looked up surprised to see my mom. I looked at her
smiling face, the face that had lied to me blatantly, without a second thought. Is it really that easy?
I asked, she blinked confused.
Is what easy? She asked slowly, the smile on her face still present.
Lying to my face? The smile on her face dropped as she sighed. I shook my head. I hope
you gained something from this experiment or project, whatever, because you just lost a daughter. I
stomped back to the door, my feet heavy. Danielle! Please wait. I didnt mean for you to get mixed
up in this mess. I turned around, hearing her words.
Then help me. Help me get Gruff back, thats all I want. I pleaded. She exhaled a long
breath, Of course. Taking me back into the room, she told me to call in Adam and Natalie. Once
we were all gathered together, she gave us a map of the place Adam and I were at earlier. Adam,
you were right. Gruff was infected with different strains of parvovirus that was able to spread to
humans. With this overpopulation, we were trying to find a way to discreetly get rid of people
without anybody noticing. But Experiment 0 got out, or Gruff as you call him. She described the
many traps that would get us caught and how tomorrow would be the only night the servers would

be down for mandatory checking. She warned us of the dangers we would come across, while we
tried to soak in everything she was telling us.
We were back at the building, but now there were no cars, and nobody around. Natalie
shivered, looking around since this was her first time here. With a key card my mom gave me, we
were able to make it through the front door easily. As we walked in, we stayed alert but there seemed
to be nobody around. On the side, we took the stairs up the the second floor. As we opened the door
taking us to the hallway, I stopped. I could smell a faint scent of sanitizer in the air, and Natalie
stopped us from moving altogether. Across the hall, there was a man. He made his way into the
elevator on the other side of the hallway as we struggled not to make a sound. The elevator door
closed, and we all exhaled together. Motioning forward, Adam took the lead to where we were
supposed to go. He stopped in front of a door with the number 0 on it. A waft of wet fur drifting up
to my nose. We entered the code my mother had given me, holding our breathe that it would work.
The door beeped, flashing green.
The door opened silently, and we walked in careful of any sensors or traps. There he is!
Gruff was in a steel wired cage, in the condition I found him in when he was in the dark alley. The
cage left him no room to move, I could smell something almost metallic, wafting from his cage. He
whimpered upon seeing us enter the room. Walking closer to him, I could see a clipboard describing
the things they injected into his bloodstream. We have to tell the world. I said.
No! We cant. Can you imagine the kinds of tests they would do on us? They would treat us
like Gruff! Put us in cages, we wouldnt be people anymore, we would be experiments. Natalie
reasoned, Adam agreeing. I looked at Gruff, he looked so miserable, his eyes dropping from the
amount of things hes been through. I couldnt make him go through something like this once
everybody knew the truth. Okay then, lets make a pact. Nobody knows what we go through.

Agreed. We all looked at each other, our hands meeting together in a pile. Agreed. we said

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