Election of Officers

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Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

January 18, 2010

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Dianna Wright, Jim Klein, Rose Klein, Kris Meek,
Michelle Brown and Andrew Brown.

Jim Klein proposed that the budget for 2010 keep the checking balance above $2,000 at all
times. Next year we could spend $1,800 based on what we brought in and spent last year.

Election of officers:
President: Rose Klein nominated Myrna Coleman. Andrew Brown seconded. No other
nominations. Myrna Coleman is President by acclamation.
Vice President: Kris Meek nominated Dianna Wright. Andrew Brown seconded. No other
nominations. Dianna Wright is Vice President by acclamation.
Secretary: Jim Klein nominated Rose Klein. Michelle Brown seconded. No other
nominations. Rose Klein is Secretary by acclamation.
Treasurer: Michelle Brown nominated Jim Klein. Dianna Wright seconded. No other
nominations. Jim Klein is Treasurer by acclamation.
Webmaster: Dianna Wright nominated Andrew Brown. Rose Klein seconded. No other
nominations. Andrew Brown is Webmaster by acclamation.
Directors: Kris Meek, Michelle Brown, Rod Hubbard and Tami Soper were nominated.
Kris Meek, Michelle Brown, Rod Hubbard and Tami Soper are Directors. One director
spot is vacant.

Dianna Wright made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as e-mailed and
printed. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

Treasurer Jim Klein reported that Longoria's Black Belt Academies owes us for the summer
and winter Ads ($100) and that Firststar Fiber/Recycle Link owes for the winter ad ($50).
Dianna Wright made a motion to accept the treasurer's report as printed. Seconded by Michelle
Brown. Approved. Dianna Wright made a motion to approve the proposed 2010 HNA budget
as presented at the meeting. Seconded by Andrew Brown. Approved.

Myrna Coleman will tentatively set the date of the Pool Party for July 31. The Relay for Life is
scheduled for July 16 & 17 and the Special Olympics is scheduled for July 23rd. Dianna will
schedule vendors to come to the next meeting to make presentations for the Pool Party.

Myrna Coleman appointed Kris Meek chairman of the Public Relations Committee and
Michelle Brown chairman of the Membership & Welcoming Committee. We discussed
sending membership renewal notices and newsletters to members by e-mail or actual mail.
Andrew suggested that dues-paying members be allowed to vote or to put in extensive garage
sale ads on the web site. Non-members could put in a brief garage sale ad.

Andrew Brown suggested that we put Rod Hubbard in charge of a committee to check into the
possibility of getting an additional large Highland's sign. Myrna said that she will call Steve
Frazier of the Tech Park to ask his input.

Michelle suggested that along with the Pool Party we could have a Best Ball tournament the
same day. They usually start at 1 pm and take about 3 hrs. Andrew will check into it.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm The next meeting, Monday, 2-22-10, at Fredstrom School.

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