P 6

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In this task i will be writing about the methods of continuing personal

development and training that is relevant to my career plan.

CPD refers to the process which involves tracking and documenting the
skills, knowledge and experience that an individual gains both formally
and informally.
Induction training is training given to new employees. The purpose of the
induction training is to help a new employee settle down quickly into the
job by becoming familiar with the people, the surroundings, the job and
the business environment. It is important to give a new employee a good
impressions on the first day of work. However, the induction programme
should not end there. It is also important to have a systematic induction
programme, spread out over several days to cover all the aspects in the
shortest effective time.
The advantages of induction training are that they are cost-effective and
to have the opportunity to learn whilst doing training alongside real
colleagues. The disadvantage of induction training are dependent on
ability of trainer and time available and bad habits may be passed on.
Performance appraisal is the technique which a manager observes and
make judgements on the works progress that they are making with the
result they would then see the present standards.
Performance appraisal is the evaluation of the performance of employees
and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and
development. The appraisals are done to provide feedback to employees
regarding their performance and related status. An appraisal is also an
annual review of an employee's overall contribution to the company by
the manager. This is done so that the manager can evaluate an
employee's skills, achievements and growth. Companies use performance
appraisals to give employees big-picture feedback on their work and to
justify pay increase and bonuses.
On-the-job training is training that takes place while employees are
actually working. It means that skills can be gained while trainees are
carrying out their jobs. This benefits both employees and the business.
Employees learn in the real work environment and gain experience
dealing with the tasks and challenges during that they will meet during a
normal working day.
Off-the-job training is the training where the workers/employees learn
their job roles away from the actual work floor. Off-the-job training

methods are conducted in separate from the job environment, study

material is supplied, there is full concentration on learning rather than
performing. Important methods include lectures and conference are the
traditional and direct method of instruction. Every training programme
starts with lecture and conference.
Another one would be case studies that are complex example which give
an insight into the context of a problem as well as illustrating the main
Common methods of off-the-job training are
Role playing
In-basket training
Case study
Management games
Management education is an academic discipline by which students are
taught to be business leader, managers and university professors in
business education. Management Education focuses on training future
business leaders. Through theory and knowledge of management
practice, students learn how to develop the leadership capabilities
necessary to run a team of workers.
Management training is training activity that focuses on improving an
individual's skills as a leader and manager. Management training includes
courses and workshops that prepare managers to face challenges. Some
companies provide their own training in the form of workshops.
Management training is the knowledge gained from training that improves
leadership, supervising and managing. Skills like handling interpersonal
relationships, communicating and handling stress are also gaines.
The degree that I am planing on doing once I leave from college does not
have a CIM qualification which is a professional marketing qualification.
This is professionally know to employers which is why i would do that
course to get into a marketing career.
To help myself learn other skills I will look for voluntary jobs to help me
learn new skills which will help me, also because I will get the feeling of
the day to day business environment.

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