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Block 1: Collaborative


What is a Wiki?
A wiki is a website that allows multiple
users to create, modify and organize web
page content in a collaborative manner

Wiki characteristics or features

Multiple Authors
Pages you can(Edit, Changed and Added)

Edited by a group or team

Knowledge Sharing
Links to other Wiki pages

Articles constantly change and continuously

updated(Continuously changing/growing)

(Success criteria)Make sure your wiki

is well written
is real accurate(specific )and clear
covers the topic generally and doesn't go off topic
has an objective opinion
makes appropriate use of media(photos or videos) .
Has all group members contributed
Has facts checked
links to source materials provided

Some hints
Search for definition ( define:any word you want to

Use Googles translator to translate into another

Wikis should be written in Your own words, suitable for
the intended audience (people will read it)
Feedback: you should provide positive, supportive
feedback, perhaps using the two stars and a wish
format in which you say two positive things and suggest
one area for improvement
Proofreading The importance of presenting web pages
with the minimum possible spelling or grammar mistakes,
especially as pages are to be viewed by others

Creating the Wiki

There are many free wiki hosting communities like:
Wikispaces, wikia and Pbworks.

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