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Battery discharges

FuUbattery ctrscharges (u.ntil laptop power shutdown.- 0%} sho u'ld be

can even damage
it. It 's recommended to perform partial ctrscharges to capacity levels o f
20"'30% and frequent charges, instead o f performing a fuJI
ctrscharging foJiowed by a fu.8 charging,

avoided~ because this stresses th~ battery a lot and


Laptop batteries c ontain a capacity gauge that a!lows us to know the

eMrgy stored. However. d ue to the
charging/ctiSCharging cycles, t his sensor tends to be inaccurafe overtime.

exact amount o f

Some laptops include in their BIOS.- took to recatibrate this battery gauge, which is not hing more than a fu.U discharge
followed by a fufl charg~.
So to calibrate the gauge. it sho u.Jd be performed, in every 30 ct.rscharge cycles, a full discharge non-stop .- followed by a
also.- no n-stop, fu.U charge.
An inaccurate gauge can lead t o the fact that the the battery capacity va lues are are wrong. The battery may report that it still
has 10% o f capacity w hen in fact it has a much lower value, and t his causes the computer to shutdown unexpectedly.
Discharge (or charge) cycles co nsist o f using aD
that battery charge {100%) but not necessarily aft at
o nce.
For exampje., you can use th~ lapto p for some
minutes in a day, using hatf its capacity e then fu lly charge it. If you ctd the same thing in the next day, it wouJd be co unted a
d'ISCharge cycle and no t t wo, so it may take several days until a fu.U discharge cyde is completed.

How to perform a calibration (full discharge)?

The most adequate method to do a fu UCISCharge (100% t o a minimum o f 3%} co nsists o f the following procedure:

1. Fully charge the battery to its maximum capadty ( 100%);

2. Let the battery rest fully charged for 2 hours or more in order to cool down from the charging process. You may
use the computer normally within this period;
3. Unplug the power cord and set the computer to hibernate automatically at 5% as described by the image
sequence below (dick images to enlarge) . If you cannot select 5%, then you should use the minimum value
allowed, but never below 5%;


... =::::._-.=::...-


4. leave the computer discharging, non-stop, until it hibernates itself. You may use the computer normally within this
5. When the computer shuts down completely, let it stay in the hibernation state for 5 hours or even more;
6. Plug the computer to the A/C power to perform a full charge non-stop until its maximum capadty { 100%) . You may
use the computer normally within this period.
Aft~r the calibration process.- the reported wear level is us ualty higher than before. is natura~ since it now reports the
true current capacity that the battery has to hold charge. Lithium Jon batteries have a nmit amount o f d'r scharge cydes
(generally 200 to 300 cycles) and they wiD retain kss capacity over time,

t1any people tend to think ~f calibrating g ives higher wear level. then it's a bad thing*. This is w rong, because tike said, the
calibration is meant to have your battery report the true capacity it can hcld,. and it's meant to a vOO surprises Uke, for
example.. being in the middle of a presentation and suddenty the computer shuts down at 30% o f charge.

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