Motivation of Rhodes Scholar

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an organizational behavior moment Team Exercise 227 The Motivation of a Rhodes Scholar Frances Mead, compensation director for Pama Corporation, was please because she had just hired an individual whom she consid- ‘eed co be highly qualified to fill he position of benefits adminis tor. Dan Coggin was an extremely bright flow: He had gradusted summa cum laude with a B.S. degree in finance from the University ‘of Chicago. He ad then traveled to England fora yer of eudy as Rhodes Scholut. After returning fiom England, he had worked fora Jnrge bank inthe investments area fora year. He had then accepred the positon of benefits administstor in the corporate personnel department ae Puma, headquartered in Sa Lake City, Utah. ‘Dan fee good about his neve job. He would be well paid and have a position of some status. Most importantly. the job was located in Utah. Dan had always enjoyed the outdoors, and he liked to backpack, camp, and do some mountain climbing. Sal Lake City was che perfect location for him. He arrived on the job happy and ready co tackle his new re sponsibilties, Dar new job, where he was sponsible for the developmicnt and ad- ministration of the pension plan, life and health insurance pack ages, employee stock purchase plan, and other employee benefit, programs. Within a month, Dan had learned all ofthe progra provisions and had things working smoothly. Frances was siis- fied with her selection for benefits administrator: In fet, she ex pected Dan to move up in the department ranks rapidly, Dan was enjoying himself, particularly his opportunities to get into the Financial background aided him greatly in his ‘mountains. His only concern was that he did not seem to have enough time to enjoy is outdoor activities. After sx months, he had his job mastered. He was quite calented, and che job did not present a strong challenge eo him, Frances recognized Dan’ talents and wanted him to evalu: ate Puma’ complete benefits package for the purpose of making needed changes. Frances believed that Puma’ benefits package was outdated and needed to be revised. With Dan’ abilities, Frances thought new programs could be designed without the help of costly ouside consultants ‘She held several discussions wih Dan, encouraging him to ‘evaluate the total benefits package. However, atthe end ofa year ‘on the job, Dan had accomplished lite in the way of evaluation He seemed to be constantly thinking of and discussing bis out door activities. Frances became concerned about his seeming lack ‘of commitment tothe job. In the ensuing months, Dan’ performance began to slack: off. He had had the current programs running smoothly shorty alice his arrival, but complaines From employees regarding ctrors and time delays in insurance claims and stock purchases began to increase. Also, he was making no progress inthe evaluation of che benefit package and thus no progtes in che design of new benefit programs. In addition, he began to callin sick occasionally. Inter estingly,he seemed to be sick on Friday or Monday, allowing for a three-day weekend. Ik was obvious that Dan had the ability to perform the job 1d even more challenging tasks. However, Frances was becom 1g concerned and thought that she would have co take some

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