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Rosette Zerella



Reflective journal 1
Entering HLPE1540, I assumed I had the foundational knowledge of being
able to define health as I had previously completed other health topics at
university. During my first class in HLPE1540, we were asked to draw health
as we see it. This activity prompted a deeper understanding of health and
understanding that there are many more variables to health. It was
interesting to observe that everyone had the same theories to explain
health. An underlining question that arose was, how different would
Indigenous students or students from another country perception of health
In chapter 2, Germov explores the theorizing of health and my thoughts were
confirmed that the indigenous perception on health must be different. This
was further supported by the statistics showing the life expectancy for
Australian females were 11 years higher than Indigenous women (Germov
2014, p.7). Germov further discusses despite the life expectancy figure of
Australians being subsequently high, they also signify major health
inequalities amongst different social groups within a country (Germov 2014,
p.6). Having analyzed this inequality in society, I wonder the reasons as to
why the inequalities are at such a level that can diminish eleven years off of
a life. More importantly, what can be done to lessen this gap in society? But
in order to achieve this society must realize the reasons why there is this gap
in the first place?
Formerly, I believed that the most important factor of health and the reason
why so many communities were unhealthy was due to an absence in their
education. Through class discussion, I found that this was not the case.
Interestingly, despite a major increase in health education there has not
been a decrease in health related illnesses such as obesity. In fact 10% more
adults are obese in Australia compared to 1995 (Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare 2010). Therefore, education cant be the answer can it? If

Rosette Zerella



people know whats deemed as right and wrong but still dont change, then
no form of education can change that. After completing several readings,
Germov made it evident to me that there are so many more factors to
health. Through what Germov discusses as the sociological template, I was
able to form the connection and gain a deeper understanding in external
factors (Germov 2014, p.8).
On my way home from University one day, I drove past a school and on the
billboard at the front it stated, People must be taught how to think, not what
to think. Having analyzed this statement, I now reform my thinking on
health education and the effect that it could have on society. We mustnt just
simply teach people right from wrong but let them be taught how to think so
that these decisions on what it seen as right or wrong can be made for
themselves. This understanding could be essential to me as a future teacher
as I cannot just simply be teaching students the syllabus but teaching them
how to use their brain in an efficient and effective manner.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2010). Overweight and obesity. Available:
Germov, J (2014). Second Opinion . 5th ed. Victoria: Oxford University Press.

Rosette Zerella



Journal Reflection 2

In chapter 5, Germov argues the association between social class and health
inequality. Through the exercises conducted during week fives workshop, I
was able to compare classes in modern society and reflect on how they differ
from the ways in which classes were organized in the past. When comparing
todays society to a feudal society, I initially did not question if there were
similarities between the two. Feudalism discourages a unified society and
therefore society was segregated and formed groups, just as Germov
analyzed todays society in three groups; upper, middle and lower class.
(Germov 2014, p 86). For me, the most useful learning arose from being able
to realize the connection between Germovs opinions and a feudal system as
they werent straight forward.
Another connection between the two societies are the factors that result in
health inequalities. According to Germov, unequal distribution of; power,
income, goods and services as well as working conditions and bad politics
can have a negative effect on health (Germov 2014, p64). Having analyzed
these factors it became obvious to me the similarities between the past and
the present, which I had never previously reflected on. Whilst the similarities
were not so black and white, I was able to see the connections between the
government and the Lords in feudal societies, then comparing the middle
class to knights and lower class to serfs (Bloch 2014, p34). Whilst Lords were
able to claim half of their produce in taxes, I found it interesting that in the
general schemes of things the rich got richer and the poor get poorer as the
rich have all the control.
As I did not yet fully understand the way in which the distribution of money
and power could be so unequal, I found the exercise done in work shop five
extremely relevant in explaining the issues and ideas of distribution among a

Rosette Zerella



society. I found it interesting to see how other class members reacted to the
same situations and how all reactions were different. Some students were
eager to work their way into the upper class whilst others didnt really mind
where they were. This relates hack to the real world as some people for
example are happy with what they have and the life they are born in whilst
others want to grow an build on where they currently are. As the activity
progressed I found it interesting and relevant to see how from starting as
equals, the division of power and money became unequal and the upper
class had all the control and most of the money. It was then intriguing to see
what the students did with the power, the well-known quote money is
power was relevant in this case as the students in the upper class set out to
make sure that no one was to take their place and move up the ranks
threatening their position as the powerful members of society. This activity
was important to me as a leaner as it reflected upon what happens in real
life. Additionally, I was able to pull connection from Germov discussion on the
unequal distribution of the worlds income with the richest 20% of the world
obtaining 75% of the worlds income supporting the outcomes of the
workshop activity. For me, it was hard to fathom how 2 billion people can
survive on less than $2 a day and how society lets this happen along with
the gap between the poor and rich continuously growing (Germov 2014,
Through class discussion and class activities, I began to stimulate thinking,
asking myself is there any way to make the gap between the rich and poor
decrease? The recognition that there are major health inequalities has been
long recognized confused me as there is still an incline in the gap between
health inequality. Germov discusses that despite the plans being put into
place, the extent of global health inequalities remains unacceptably high
(Germov 2014, p65). Another statement that Germov mentions that I found
outrageous was that world actually produces enough food to feed the total
population more than adequately, yet people still suffer from a lack of food

Rosette Zerella



(Germov 2014, p68). Having applied the knowledge gained from other issues
Germov discussed, I now consider maybe there is no logical solution.
Having analyses the readings, I then reflected back on a health topic I
previously have completed and thought about health when comparing it to
inequality. A quote that I believe supports and backs up Germovs arguments
on health inequality is as follows, No matter how far a country may advance
in medical science, if that science be available to only a select few, that
country cannot take pride in its medical progress." (Worley, 2008). This quote
could be essential to me as a practitioner as I could make it relevant to the
teaching profession. For example, no matter how well I as a teacher and able
to communicate and clarify information to students, if that information isnt
obtained and understood by every student then I cannot take pride in
thinking I have done my job to my full potential.


Bloch, M (2014). Feudal System . 2nd ed. Paris: Routledge. p34.

Germov, J (2014). Second Opinion . 5th ed. Victoria: Oxford University Press.
Worley, P. (2008). Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine..MEDICC
Review. 10 (8),

Rosette Zerella



Reflection 3
After analyzing what Germov discusses in chapter 11 Food, health and social
wellbeing and chapter 8 indigenous health, I was able to stop and reflect
on the readings. It then became clear to me the connections these two
readings had with the first reading we did for the semester in chapter
1,what is health education. For me, I found the most relevant and useful
aspects of learning over the course arose from being able to see the
connections between topics that generally dont seem as though they would
have anything in common as well as being able to look as far back as week
one and see connections between the readings. Even though on the surface
they didnt seem as though they connected or could relate to each other, I
was able to look deeper and find connections. This skill will be essential to be
as a future practitioner as I will need to not only scrape the surface of an
issue but be able to dig deeper and find more meaning in the issue.
The idea that both chapter 11 and chapter 8 seemed to have in common was
the idea of victim blaming. Germov provides a definition of victim blaming in
chapter one, the process whereby social inequalities is explained in terms of
individuals being solely responsible for what happens to them in relations to
the choices they make and their assumed psychological, cultural and or
biological inferiority (Germov 2014, p13). Through Germovs readings and
also in society in general, I have significantly developed a greater awareness
of situations where society has depicted or portrayed situations in a certain
way but in actual fact it might not be accurate representation. By reflecting
further on these issues I have been able to develop a deeper understanding
of the issue and not just stop at my initial thoughts and being satisfied with
them. Through HLTH1540 I have learnt that there is also more to learn and
grow as an individual.

Rosette Zerella



Following on from this idea of victim blaming, Germov discusses in chapter

one, we are brought up to believe that we control our own destiny,
especially our health (Germov 2014, p8). Challenging this statement is
something that felt automatic to me because as I had read in previous weeks
through Germovs readings, there are many external factors that can
influence ones health and life that they may not be able to control. I found
the activity done during the week 7 workshop beneficial to my learning as it
gave a real life example of how where you are born can influence the
opportunities and general lifestyle and furthermore how an individual might
not be in control of their own destiny. In groups we were put into different
country and this was chosen prior by the tutor, just like life we were not able
to choose the life we are born into this was already chosen for us. I found
the comparison between the countries very confronting. When comparing
countries like Mali, Kouakourou who spend a total of $30 a week on food and
their food is all basic, dry foods like rice and wheat; compared to a family
from North Carolina who spend $342 a week and have a large variety of food
including fresh fruit and vegetables, to me the idea of being in control of
their destiny seemed very distant (DeMilked 2013). The family from Mali
might only be able to access those dry foods due to the land they live on
being try and inhabitable of crops and therefore livestock. Therefore as
Germov discusses, the social structure and social institutions can influence
the control we have on our own destiny. These external influences are
reasons as to why, in some cases, we are not in control of our own destiny
(Germov 2014, p8).
Another chapter that links the same ideas is the indigenous health chapter.
Since my first reflection journal I have significantly improved my
understanding of indigenous health and this makes me feel as though I have
been able to really broaden my knowledge on the topic. In my first journal I
found that Australian womens life expectancy is 11 years more than an
indigenous woman and initially, as Germov discusses, I victim blamed

Rosette Zerella



(Germov 2014, p7). I assumed that the reason to this health difference was
the victims fault, and the reasons as to why indigenous females were dying
at a younger ages was because of the choices they made about their health.
Alternatively, this difference in life expectancy is due to several other factors.
Interestingly the prevalence of smoking is doubled in the indigenous
population compared to non-indigenous people (Germov 2014, p149) and of
course this is an underlying factor of health related diseases that lead to
early deaths. This information made me think, smoking is a choice therefore
the victim can be to blame for the health issues that come with smoking. But
through analyzing this information I wonder and question maybe the
individual isnt to blame, maybe the real question is why double the amount
of the indigenous population smoke?
There are many factors that could influence the reasons as to why more
indigenous Australians smoke compare to non-indigenous Australians. One
factor may be a lack of education in the effect smoking can have on the
body. If education is a significant factor, this affects me as a future
practitioner as it is something that can be prevented (Australian institute of
health and welfare, 2014).

I have always had an interest in indigenous health and

comparing the inequalities between indigenous and non-indigenous health

and from the information and statistics that Germov puts forward in chapter
8 I believe that more research needs to be conducted because I do not yet
understand why these inequalities in life span can still be so vast. For me, it
doesnt make how there is a tobacco related death every 28 minutes (on
average) in Australia and these deaths are caused from preventable diseases
(Australian Government, 2012).
A reoccurring theme that I have noticed as the semester has progressed is
looking back over my reflection pieces and realizing that my views on what I
have written has changed as a result of looking deeper into the issue and
growing as a learner. In my second journal I spoke about the activity
conducted in work shop five and how the reasoning behind the activity

Rosette Zerella



demonstrated the misdistribution and unequal distribution of wealth. Upon

reflection, once again, I can review that the idea of victim blaming can be
incorporated and the activity is a great example of how easy it is to disregard
the quote, we are brought up to believe that we control our own destiny,
especially our health (Germov 2014, p8). For me it was easy to think that a
poor person is poor because they have not worked hard enough to be
successful. Yet through the week 5 workshop activity and the further outside
readings I have gained such a deeper knowledge and understand that
coming from a lower SES may lead for further disadvantages such as; lowquality living environments, unemployment, discrimination and limited
access to health resources (Macquarie, 2015). The major learning experience
in this scenario for me was learning how easy it is to assume knowledge as
well as how further research can open your eyes to so much more than what
I originally thought the underlying issue was.
Finally, to conclude I have found that for me as a learner I am able to build
on my ideas and reflection when reading over the information again and
coming back to my ideas once I have done further research. As I stated, the
information about victim blaming was provided in the first reading for the
semester but I was not able to see connection until stopping and reflecting
back on my past experiences. This means that for future reference I will need
to keep going back over my work as I am always growing as a learning and
might have missed issues when initially writing an assignment. For me as a
future practitioner, this has given me an insight in understanding the
students that I am teaching as instead of victim blaming understanding that
there can be external factors involved in the issue.


Australian Government . (2012). Smoking- A leading cause of death.:

Rosette Zerella



Australian institute of health and welfare. (2014). Indigenous health.:
DeMilked. (2013). Hungry Planet: What People Eat Around the World.:

Germov, J (2014). Second Opinion . 5th ed. Victoria: Oxford University Press.
Macquarie University . (2015). SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS.

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