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The nation of Ethiopia has consistently been met with obstacles that halt their maternal
and neonatal health progress, and identifying those obstacles is vital to countering their effects.
In order to do so, a research study was performed, incorporating meta-analysis and conducting
interviews with professionals in the field. The findings suggested that poverty and cultural
practices tend to contribute the most to the instability of the nations womens health system, for
many other detriments stem from these two factors. In addition to defining the barriers, the
question what can be done? was addressed and the various approaches to combat the
regression of Ethiopias maternal and newborn health system were compiled. Some of these
tactics include increased prevalence of family planning, innovative infrastructure, and the
implementation of medical transportation. To communicate these ideas, a brochure was
composed and placed in doctors offices, broadcasting the research. Overall, the research sought
to secure health benefits for a significant portion of Ethiopias population and to reiterate the
notion that adequate care should be made accessible for everyone.

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