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ONE OF STEIN’S RAREST BOOKS STEIN, Gertrude. Descriptions of Literature. Cover illustration by Pavel Tchelitcheff, original folio leaf folded to make 8 pages, in original envelope. (Englewood, N. J.: George Platt Lynes & AdI Harbeck, 1926). $2500.00 First edition. No. 2 in Lynes & Harbeck’s As Stable Pamphlets. ‘One of 200 copies printed. Wilson A7. One of the rarest of all of Stein’s publications owing to the extreme fragility of the leaflet. An inscribed copy of this title in fine condition brought $1400.00 (exclusive of commissions) at the Goodwin Sale in March of 1977. *og0u pus “juepiodurr *so0njd 0} 20ue. se oztuFooos Aoxp uaa JwIY SouIN ay |Ie JO UORUAU v sa>EU YOyAA 3009 Y YO 305 pepo o9 ss my ao om aes Foe HPS WHA I009 Y *aansvouT AMOYS: “tiowp Jo ssoquinu ue soiuo] yous uF soumEUE otf syteUF IIA >00q Y “s9y8] 9ul09 safupyp soysUT you wee Yoryss yooq V “ure ue sv AqdesFoi0yd Jo Je!wWep parqnopun oq3 Aq uonUazE syoEsne 71 uado NOK Yay YpIys yooq Y aeons “uiou ALOTTO} PUB WOys ALOq]O} WOy ssoddo oy osomp yi Sunod arp uodn 31 ssaxdum 0} sofrvuTUE YoysA yooq Y Hy BrdsoY 10F wN|O. OU ayeUT osresd PUB INSDAU! Jo YNsIz 9tp USOG sey JwysA sur[dxa AjyesmqwU 300g Y sure] Burson! suosiad yey sMoYs 4.1038 9) As0I8 343 FULMOTIOS YOIYM YooG W 34 J0 940s spoou ATuo 7 wo3sno v poy FuIAvY JeYP Jos}! spurwos YOIyAA 4ooq VW YpIyA au0 ayy ydooxa aurs9p Aue qa quo Aue snquiT 09 waar oq j]pa8 siseydusa sour Yory UT oUO oMp st wade 07 9q wea oy asoxp Jo Ox] oP FuIGLOSop Ur orpEysIU OU SoyEUE GOIGAA Ooq Y Ajpyeuonsodo.d soy1048 “wore “podun pert fe ADL 6589 THE AS STABLE 1. Genesis or Peace by Paxton Howard, with drawing by Adiai Harbeck, 2. Descrirtions or LrreraTure by Gertrude Stein, with drawing by Pavel Tchelit chew. 3. 1830 René Ci ith drawis TW Phslan Gis oe A, Descerptions or LrreraTure: -two hundred numbered copies printed -one hundred and seven- ty for sale. -number | % | Copyright by the Ausher, 1926 PAMPHLETS George Platt Lynes Adlai Harbeck 125, Engle Street Englewood, New Jersey MAY bi 1926 ABERNETHY LIBRARY MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE “08 Avs puv Avs Koxp su ‘08 Avs 09 3899 Ayyenbo Ajsvau 81 7 $B WY) SMOYs YoIyM yooq W poaud saad st BuIVA19Aa AysvOU o19ya Yooq VW -o8 yon Aotp JIT punoy aavy Aoyp ozsyar s9W0] Fu) *MO][OJ JO SFeIULAPE oy) OUP 194 U90q t9A0 sey UDYy Apu s20U S9pH98 YOIyAd yJoOq VW vedas Ary puw soystas sry) pus apmamqe asm Jo uoRd}Z0s9p v s} 0404 JABd Ur a.1944 yo0g “posysap sf yas St poysmsunsip oq of, “us pur pagzun sv pourroyd st 31 Aqreuy 91 30 [Te Aprvou Aq yoryas uy yoo WV suosnas Sitf} 105 *uosvas oy) Ur aunsvofd st a19y1 UdYa yno puNoy oq 07 st 89g puw ax9u oMp ywYI SmOYS Y>!YA 300g -Y FUALVYILIT AO SNOLLdIYISIG 5 A book not nearly so much better than ever. Avbook and fourteen. The influence of this book is such that no one has had more than this opportunity. A book of dates and fears, A book more than ever a description of happiness and as you were. A book which makes the end come just as ‘soon as it is intended. A book which asks questions of every one. A book fairly certain of haying admirers when at once there are admirers of it. A book which shows that agreeableness can bea feature of it all. A book which makes a play of daughter and daughters. A book which has character and shows that ‘no one need deceive themselves as to the send- ing of gifts. one ‘Shorten jeweler and another. 3 why more of them feel as they do. for any of them, why when at once and at once. which attracts attention. why when said that, she answered it as if it were the same. tells why colonies have nearly as many uses as they are to have makes no difference between one on the other there is a tendency to shorten shorten what. soi plane telling which is the first book in which some one has been telling why on | 3 i 2 i : ; Hy HH i ddd it 3 i Pel ii Pig baiiiaii api) mas a Bie Wyk ae Te Hie adi Bena aida lineal fiend | eet ae Hu 3 81 93% 6 A book which has a description of the selec. tion and placing of chairs as an clement in ‘Viennese and American ‘A book which standardizes requests and ‘announcements, f A book which urges and reasonably so the attraction of some for others. A book in which there is no mention of ad- vantages. A book attaching importance to english and french names. A book which has to be carefully read in. order to be understood and so that the illusion of summer and summer and summer and sum: mer does not remain deceiving. So much so. A book narrowly placed on the shelf and often added. Added to that. A book of addresses invented for the sake of themselves, A book and a bookstore, A book for them. Will they be in it. GERTRUDE STEIN —

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