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Student Survey
Rank the statements below based on how you feel. There are no right or wrong answers. I would just like to
get an idea of what youre thinking about school.
5=Strongly Agree

4=Somewhat Agree

3=Dont Know

2=Somewhat disagree

It is important to me that I thoroughly understand my class work

It is important to me that I improve my skills this year.
It is important to me that I look smart compared to others in my class.
I can do even the hardest work in this class if I really try.
I am certain I can master the skills taught in class this year.

1=Strongly Disagree

Use the blank to finish each of the following statements

My favorite types of movies are:

My favorite sport to play is:
My favorite type of music to listen to is:
My favorite food is:
My favorite place to hang out is:
My favorite subject in school is:


Finish the statements as honestly as you can

1. I learn best when I

2. The best way for me to help myself become a better student would be

3. The best way for a teacher to help me would be

4. This year would be a huge success if I

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