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Original Short Story

By: McKendree Gaydos

A man sighed contentfully as he sat alone on the outside

veranda of a coffee shop. He sipped his cup of coffee and set it
down on the patio table he sat at with a small thump.
It was a chilly fall morning, and the wind was sweeping up the
dead leaves along the ground and in trees this way and that. One
fluttered down innocently and landed without a sound into the
mans half empty coffee cup. Oh, you He said to himself quietly,
plucking the leaf from his cup and placing it beside the mug. The
wind picked up again as he did this, and the leaf instantly flew away.
The man watched as it flew high up with the other leaves and got
swirled around with them.
He sighed again and brought his cup to his lips before hearing
the sound of the bell on the veranda doors opening and closing. He
turned his head to be met another man standing there, a cup of tea
in his hands. He swiveled his head from side-to-side as he searched
for a place to sit, but sat down at the nearest table and took a sip.
He set it down with little noise and looked out at the scenery in front
of him that the veranda provided.
The first man glanced around, not seeing anyone around,
except for the woman who was supposed to be behind the counter
of the coffee shop, but she was nowhere to be seen. He turned back
around to his own cup and looked into his coffee. He smiled to his
reflection in the coffee and quickly drank the rest of it with vigor.
He pushed back his chair and stood up. The first man walked to
the set of double doors that both he and the other man had entered.
As the first man passed the one with the tea, he stopped next to him
and smiled. Good morning, sir. He greeted warmly. The man sitting
jumped, obviously not having been paying attention, and lowly
grumbled a good morning.
The man followed his absentminded stare to the scenery of the
citys quiet streets. Beautifully calm, is it not? The first man asked.
The second nodded his head absentmindedly. The first man set his
sight upon the cup of tea the man had in front of him. What kind of

tea are you drinking? The man hesitated, but answered, Earl
Grey. The first man grunted.
Hm. Strange tea to be drinking in the morning. Doesnt having
that morning taste or feel to it, if you get my meaning. The
second man grunted in response, obviously not wanting to talk
anymore. The first man chuckled before noticing the sunrise above
the horizon that could be seen through the buildings. Oh, would you
look at that. He said. The other man looked where the man was
looking and emit his appreciation with another grunt.
As the second man was captured in the beauty of the sunrise,
the first man stopped looking and brought his attention to the mans
cup of tea. He smiled to himself as he quickly brought out a vile of
some unknown powder and dropped the contents into the cup, the
powder instantly dissolving into the tea.
As he put back the vile into his coat pocket, the man turned
back to his mug and took a sip, unaware what had just taken place.
He picked up his cup and took a sip of it before placing it back down.
The first man smiled again and said his one-sided goodbyes before
leaving the veranda and depositing his cup onto the counter along
with some money. He looked back to see the man was still looking at
the scenery and sipping his tea. The first man smiled and buried his
hands into his pockets as he left the shop and out into the big city.
See you latermy friend

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