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sugardale: Crotch Problems

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Petticoat Tutorial



Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Crotch Problems
The hardest part about making this pants pattern was the crotch. So I thought I'd share with you what I know I
should have done in the first place.
First, whether you are making your own pattern, using a commercial pattern, or knocking off a pair of your
pants, this is what the top of the patterns will look like:

About Me

Sugardale is a
nickname that my
Grandpa gave me.
He was Herbert
"Dale" Roland. I was named
after him; my middle name is
Dale. So I was his Sugardale.
Cute huh? When I was trying to
think of a name for my clothing,
Sugardale was just it. It has a
vintage sound to it, and all of
my designs are vintage
inspired, it's cute, and it's
probably the best nickname I've
ever had. Thanks Grandpa!
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Don't worry about all those seemingly meaningless lines, they helped me out when I was making a sample of
these pants and aren't relevant just yet.
I was quite confident in my pattern making skills, so I just used this exact pattern and sewed my first sample
pants. The problem I had with them was that the crotch was way too low. Almost 1 1/2". To fix a low sitting
crotch, you have to actually add fabric. I didn't have enough, because my seam allowance was only 1/2" . I
wanted these things to almost fit like jeans in the crotch, really snug. What I should have done before I cut out
my sample fabric was this:
Taped on some extra paper around the curve of both front and back crotch seams:

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Crotch Problems
Nice Feet. Very
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Then add 1" from the edge of the pattern to the curves to give me a lot of room to take the crotch up:

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Michael James Armstrong

01-Feb-16 6:27 PM

sugardale: Crotch Problems

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You don't have to go all the way up to the waistline seam, just high enough to have some extra fabric to work
with around the crotch.

Then use this pattern to cut out your sample pants. Since I didn't do this, I had to go back and add this extra
seam allowance to my pattern, then cut another pair of sample pants. Pants take up a lot of fabric, so I actually
just made shorts for my second sample (I didn't need to fit the legs again), hence those extra lines below the
crotch seam.
When I finally got the crotch where I wanted it to fit, it had required several trials to do so, but with all that extra
fabric to work with, it was easy. I would just stitch around the crotch, try them on, make adjustments, remark a
new stitch line in the seam allowances, resew on the new stitch line, and try them on again until I got them
where I wanted them. Then I just transferred the final stitch line on my pants back to my pattern pieces.
This is how the my first and last patterns compared. The old patterns are laid on top of the new ones:

You don't have to make a whole new pattern for that little adjustment, just use the one you taped up. I made a
new pattern because I had made several other adjustments in other places, and I didn't want to be pinning

01-Feb-16 6:27 PM

sugardale: Crotch Problems

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Posted by Sugardale at 7:32 PM

Labels: crotch adjustment, crotch seams, pants pattern, pattern making tips, sample pants, sewing pants, sewing tips

huntressofnostalgia said...
Love the title. Just had to read because of the
February 8, 2011 at 9:22 PM

Caitlin said...
Wow! This post is really helpful. I've steered clear of drafting pants because of the whole crotch issue. I've
been wanting to make shorts since last year and now I think I'll give it a go!
February 9, 2011 at 8:35 AM

casserole said...
Thank you for sharing this!! It was a total lightbulb moment for me!
I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip:
April 18, 2011 at 6:58 PM

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...
Excellent tip. Found you via Craft Gossip. One of the reasons I refrain from making pants is precisely this
April 19, 2011 at 3:45 AM

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...
Excellent tip. Found you via Craft Gossip. One of the reasons I refrain from making pants is precisely this
April 19, 2011 at 3:45 AM

Anonymous said...
So glad I found this. I could never figure out if I need more or less fabric to raise the crotch. Now I know! I
have never been more frustrated in my life than trying to make pants that fit. Thanks.
June 10, 2012 at 1:19 PM
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01-Feb-16 6:27 PM

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