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Finding Motivation in School

Students try to find ways to stay motivated during the school year
As the first quarter is coming to
a close, and the new school year in
full swing, students are getting back
to tests, homework, and less sleep.
Many students at every level of learning have struggled to Have a Goal Set goals both in short and
long term. For example, getting a high
stay motivated during the entirety of the long school year.
GPA for the year. The goal can also be
Teachers also try to understand what makes students tick
short term like studying extra for an upand how to keep them motivated as learning students.
coming test to get a good grade.
Making learning interesting for students is something
that I try to continuously work on, economics teacher Dale Remind Yourself Leave reminders to stay
on track of the goal est in place. Phone
Ott said.
reminders, sticky notes, wherever they
Whether it is not wanting to study for a test, or losing inwill be visible.
terest in the week before a break, students can end up being
Lighten Up Set a lighter, possibly easier
less than fully productive in their classes.
to achieve goal to accomplish as well as
Any student has probably not wanted to do some kind of
a larger goal.
work sometime in their time in school, senior Zack Kowalski said.
Even though this is true and students have lost focus at
How do you stay
one time or another, some students just seem to stay more
motivated than others.
Teachers and parents alike have tried to figure out the reasoning for this and what it takes to keep each student mov- I just make sure that I always
ing forward and motivated.
prepare for my classes.
I always find myself focusing on one or two subjects in- Junior Donnie Schuster
stead of all of them, junior Solomon Jacob said.
The interest level of high school students also stereotypically drops off during senior year. Senioritis has plagued
high schools for years upon years and has still never truly I try to make whatever I try to
do fun.
The school year may be full of challenges, but facing them
- Junior John Hughey
can be easier than some make it out to be.
By Christopher Richards

Motivational Tips

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