Aval Inglês Nono 1 Bimestre

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English Test

Name: ______________________________ Grade: _____ Date: ___/___/___

Teacher: Luciana Porto
1- Complete com o pronome reflexivo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco. (myself,
yourself, herself, himself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
a) She usually looks at.........................in the mirror.
b) We used to cut...............................at work.
c) It is programmed to close.......................at night.
d) They really enjoy talking about.....................around women.
e) I accidentally locked.....................in the bedroom.
f) John contradicted.....................during the interview.
g) You should take better care of.........................!
2-Qual a diferena entre 'Yourself' e 'Yourselves'?
3- Escolha o Wh-question que melhor complete a orao: _______do you live? I live in So Paulo.
a) What

b) Who

c) When

d) How

e) Where

4- Escolha o Wh-question que melhor complete a orao: _____ do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
On February 14th.
a) What

b) Who



e) Where

5- Escolha o Wh_question que melhor complete a orao:____is your fruit? The green or red apple?
a) What

b) Who

c) When

d) Why

e) Which

6- Preencha as frases com What, Where, Who, Whose ou How?

a)____________are you from?
Im from Mexico.
b)____________ is he?
He is my father.
c)____________ are you doing?
Im doing my homework.
d)____________ do you go to school?
I go to school by bus.
e) ____________ cat is this?
It is my sister's.
7- O que comemorado na Irlanda no dia 17 de Maro?
a) Halloween
b) Christmas
c) Saint Patrick's day

d) Valentine's Day

Have a nice Test! Hugs, Teacher Luciana.

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