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Fair Street IB World School Technology Plan

Thao Tran
ITEC 7410 Instructional Technology Leadership
Summer Semester 2015
Dr. Bacon

Fair Street IB World School Technology Plan
Vision Statement
The Fair Street IB World School vision of technology is to support our culture of
thinking critically, acting compassionately, working meaningfully, choosing wisely, and
living joyfully by providing access to technology that empower and educate students.
Our vision is to inspire, nurture, challenge, and prepare our students to maximize
technology to positively impact student achievement as we educate them to be successful
in a 21st century global society. All members of the school community will utilize
technology to streamline communications, enhance academic growth, and expand
curriculum beyond physical boundaries.
This plan is intended to guide technological development at Fair Street IB World
School for the next three years. It will support teaching and learning as directly
referenced in the Fair Street IB World School mission, the IB Learner Profile, and the
ISTE Standards. We will create technology-rich classroom environments by providing
staff, students and the school community training in all areas of technology. The vision is
also supported by current research-based best practices of instruction, which are reflected
by Creighton (2003) in which integrating effective technology will increase analyzing,
interpreting, predicting, and synthesizing skills that require students to make connections,
delve deeply into texts and contexts, and create new understanding (p. 50).

Data surveys suggest that professional development is where teachers feel they
need the most support to effectively incorporate technology into the classroom. Many
wanted continual support and supervision from the principal and leadership team in order
to feel confident enough to implement successful lessons. Survey also indicates that
teachers are looking forward to using technology to meet the needs of all learners.
Diversity Considerations
The school will use technology to improve achievement and opportunities for all
students. Boser (2013) found evidence that the use of technology in classrooms helps
provide students with more opportunities to work together on projects, resulting in
narrowing the gap of gender groups. The administrators, teachers, and parent
coordinators will work with students and parents in educating and assisting them on
implementing effective technology in and out of the classroom. With Title I funding,
assistance will be in the form of checking out translation devices, computers, and tablets.
Being a community school, the school will continue to be open before and after school
hours for students and families to use the computer lab and library. The schools Boys
and Girls program will continue to tutor and host technology workshops. The goal at the
end of the school year is to have 90% of students meeting and exceeding state standards
and tests.
Stakeholder Roles
Administrator Involvement
The administrative team will provide the necessary technology leadership,
resources, and professional development for the technology vision to be successfully

implemented. The principal will first need to understand how technology supports the
curriculum, then help teachers determine effective strategies for connecting technology
with the most recent research and developments. He will communicate and provide
appropriate staff development programs that allow teachers to enhance skills and remedy
Instructional Technology Specialist Involvement
The instructional technology specialist will provide support to the
classroom teachers and effectively implement the technology plan. The instructional
technology specialist will work with the principal in providing support for implementing
newly acquired skills and ideas. They will supervise and assist teachers with using
technology in the classroom to create more engaging lessons with project-based learning.
Teacher Involvement
Teachers will expose students to a variety of technology uses through both
direct instruction and a constructivist model. The constructivist model will allow
students to learn valuable problem-solving skills, which places the responsibility for their
own learning in their hands. They will use roles of engaged learning to act as a
facilitator, guide, and co-learner. Teachers will support instruction with the use of a
variety of technology tools including Chromebooks, SMART boards, presentation tools,
and a variety of other software. They are expected to attend regular professional
development with the school instructional technology specialist to learn new ways of
integrating technology in the classroom. Teachers are also encouraged to seek grants and
or projects to increase the availability of technology within their own classroom.

Parent Involvement
Teachers and parents will communicate consistently using technology
through the use of the school website, teachers website, Google Classroom, email,
Remind101, text messages, etc. Parents will have access to technology resources via the
parent coordinator to assist their child and learn strategies for providing needed support at
home. The parent coordinator will be the liaison for non-English speaking parents.
Parents will also be active members of the school improvement and technology
implementation process by attending regular events that focus on technology integration
in the classroom.
Student Involvement
Students will use technology to participate in engaging, higher-order thinking
lessons. Students will learn appropriate uses for technology and how technology can
improve their learning. They will use digital tools, such as Google Classroom, email,
blogs, or other approved forms of communication to communicate with others. Students
will use technology to support the IB learner profiles of being internationally minded and
responsible members of local, national, and global communities.

Boser, U. (2013). Are Schools Getting a Big Enough Bang for Their Education
Technology Buck?
Retrieved from
Creighton, T. (2003). The Principal as Technology Leader. Corwin Press: Thousand
Oaks, CA.
IB Continuum (2014). Programme Standards and Practices. Retrieved from

Appendix: Data from online survey

The following questions are rated from 1 4 (4 being the best).

Average Response

How proficient are you with technology?


The professional development I have

received on educational technology has
helped my classroom implementation.


I know how to access educational

technology resources I need for my


The principal has supported me when it

comes to integrating technology in my


I feel confident using educational

technology in my classroom to enhance
the curriculum.


Technology plays an important role in

meeting the goals of the school
improvement plan.


I know how to meet the needs of all


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