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Project Proposal

Part I
1. What specific areas within the field will be investigated, researched, and/or studied?
I will investigate the various effects of technology on the adolescent brain. I will be
studying how technology relates to processes including multitasking, sleep, and overload,
specifically among young adults. I plan to explore the different ways technology impacts teens in
River Hill and Howard County.
2. How will knowledge or ability in the field be acquired, developed and demonstrated through
the year?
I will acquire knowledge on the adolescent brain and its functions through secondary
sources such as books, articles, and journals. I will synthesize my research through a paper. I will
also design and distribute questionnaires to teens in Howard County public schools. The data will
be compiled, graphed, analyzed, and interpreted. I plan to publish these findings in a paper and
conduct an insightful presentation on the topic.
3. What will be the product and outcomes of the internship?
The product will be a synthesis paper, data collection, and final presentation on the topic.
4. What proven need will be addressed? What real problem will be solved? What question will
be researched?
My research will address the growing needs for societys awareness on how technology
shapes our lives. Through my findings, I hope that I can help teens make better decisions when
using technology.
5. What is the intended audience?
I plan to communicate my findings to young adults between the ages of 13 and 18, and
also parents of those teens. As a result of my work, I hope they can benefit through the added
knowledge on how phones and computers are affecting their growth and brain activity.
6. Will the audience be local, state or national?
The audience to my presentation and questionnaire will be mostly local, however my paper will
hopefully be introduced to a national audience.
7. How will the product and outcomes be communicated or performed for the selected audience?

My paper will be published in a journal to be communicated across teens in America. The paper
will summarize my results based on my findings from sources and data collection.
8. What resources (human, print, material , financial) will be required for the project?
For my research, I will be using a variety of research and information tools including the
Internet, electronic databases, school systems and other libraries. I will also use human resources
when conducting my questionnaire and interviews.
9. Describe any special considerations/concerns for completing the project.
To complete my project I will require postage and envelopes from the school. I will need to pay
for gas for my car.

Part II

Project Proposal Timeline

Short Term Dates:
[ ] begin to look for published survey/questionnaire
[ ] contact advisor for references to survey and vetted experiments
[ ] update research paper
[ ] define audience demographic and size for questionnaire
[ ] continue collecting data
Long Term Dates:
By the end of March I will have:
[ ] Found and field-tested a questionnaire, checked with advisor
[ ] Prepared all questionnaires to be sent out.
[ ] Completed editing on my paper.
[ ] Consulted advisor on paper structure for publication.
By the end of April I will have:
[ ] Created a visual display board on my topic.
[ ] Finished website.
[ ] Present final product to authentic audience: classrooms in Howard County.

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