Montpelier Community Association, Inc

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Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Deerfield Community Center
December 8, 2015
Trustees in Attendance: Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville, Brad Gimbert, Jack Keating, Richard Mason and Jean Sorrentino.
Trustees Absent with Cause: Paul Buehler, Lillian Fazio, Tim Jacobs.
Community Members Present: Mary Derrick and Mary Hughes.

President Bob Derrick called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.

Secretarys Report: Tricia Douville

The minutes of the November 2015 board meeting were reviewed. Trustee Keating made a motion to accept the
minutes. Trustee Sorrentino seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Lillian Fazio (absent)

Trustee Fazio prepared the monthly statements, which were distributed.
The assessment and budget for 2016 was discussed. Trustee Keating requested that the treasurer provide the board
with the total expenditures for 2015, when it able to be produced. With the expense of white coating of the pool
looming, Trustee Keating made a motion to increase the assessment to $315 for 2016. Trustee Douville seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Trustee Keating made a motion to accept the budget for 2016. Trustee Sorrentino seconded the motion and it passed

ACC Committee: Jack Keating, Chairperson

Trustee Keating reported on the December ACCC meeting.
New tenants stored a large trailer in a driveway after November 1. The property manager and homeowners were
notified and the trailer was removed.
The guidelines and approval form are under review. One small change was suggested to the approval form. Once the
committee has finished their review, they will be submitted to the Board.

Communications Committee: Sean Beaver, Chairperson (absent)
Mr. Beaver expects to have the rating system ready by the next meeting. The MCA attorney will be consulted
concerning the possibility of MCA incurring any liability for negative reviews that might get posted to our site.

Facilities Committee: Paul Buehler (absent) and Brad Gimbert, Co-Chairs
Trustee Gimbert installed a trashcan near the baseball backstop. He was asked to get another one for the basketball
court area.
The dumpster, that has limited use during the winter, might need to be emptied before March.
Trustee Gimbert will speak to D. Buehler to make sure that C. Heidel has been shown the route. He will be asked to
add emptying the new cans to his route as well.
Fence repair will be done for free when the company has some left-over fencing from other projects.

Pool Committee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson
Replacing the sand in the filters is past due (over five years). Lighthouse estimates the cost at $4,500 and it can be
done at any time. Trustee Keating made a motion for our pool management company, Lighthouse, to replace the
sand in the filters for approximately $4,500. Trustee Gimbert seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Social Committee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson
Caroling for Cans is being organized for December 18, 7 - 9 PM. At this point, five residents want carolers to visit their
The Holiday Lights judging will be December 20, 6 - 8 PM. Gift cards will be awarded to winners. Pictures will be
posted on the website and winners announced on the list serve and Nextdoor.

Security Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
Trustee Mason reported no crimes for this month, but solicitors are still a problem. The MCA board does not give
permission to companies to solicit in the neighborhood.

Trustee Mason received a scam Facebook message after a friends account was hacked. If you received emails or
messages with offers too good to be true, dont believe them.
Trustee Mason and the local police were impressed with the quality of Ring Video Doorbell, a device that enables one
to see someone at your door remotely through your phone or tablet.
Prince Georges County Police have reported a 50% reduction in crime. It you report an incident to 911 and you would
like to know what the police have done, tell the 911 operator that you would like feedback from the officers.

Traffic Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
According to the latest County plan Eastgate Lane will be totally repaved in 2016.
Trustee Mason called the school bus dispatcher to complain about school busses speeding in the neighborhood.
Trustee Keating felt that the busses have slowed down and thanked him.
There has been nothing new about the Montpelier Drive Traffic Calming Project update meeting.
WSSC is currently working on Montpelier Drive. Trustee Keating reported that the WSSC workers are very polite and
willing to accommodate residents impacted by their work.

Trustee Keating discussed the security camera project for the common grounds. He has one quote and Trustee
Gimbert was asked to try to get one if his company would be interested in this type of installation. Three quotes will be
Trustee Keating discussed the Eagle Scout Project to install engraved benches and a picnic table on the common
grounds. The cost of a bench has increased to $870 and he will donate another $200 and asked that the board
authorize the additional $170 needed to have an engrave bench installed. Trustee Douville made a motion to donate
$170 to the project to engrave a bench, which would commemorate the 50 anniversary of the Montpelier Community
in 2016. Trustee Sorrentino seconded the motion and it passed with Trustee Keating abstaining.

The contract with the administrative assistant should be submitted next month for review and approval.
The draft minutes of the annual meeting were distributed. Board members will review them and discuss any changes

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreation Center, preschool
room. The motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:17 pm. The motion passed unanimously.


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